I'm stuck in fucking rehab, got really wasted life was shit and just wanted a place to dry out

I'm stuck in fucking rehab, got really wasted life was shit and just wanted a place to dry out.

They have kept me in this shithole way longer than I should have been. Was told it was standard to keep people this long, disability was declined because "there is no rationale keeping you from working in the doctors notes" but they will not discharge me.

They say that if I AMA that I will have to pay for the stay in treatment.

How the fuck do I get away from this shitty cult?

Parents sort of coerced me here even though I didn't do anything this time.

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In state is the rehab?

I'm in the same state I live in

stick it out. don't be a pussy. the time will pass no matter what.

No way to gtfo now?
I need to get back to work or I will lose my job.

that's the addiction talking.

Left coast or right coast? USA?

East coast

Fuck you, it's me talking, no one likes to be treated like a child has nothing to do with addiction.

You're not in rehab for no reason. You probably have a problem. Shut your mouth and open your ears.

Your life is far more important than any job. Or anything else for that matter.

North or south?

I dunno...some parents put their kids in rehab for masturbation or smoking weed. Get real

>no one likes to be treated like a child has nothing to do with addiction.

you have the brain of a greedy, hungry child who will convince yourself of anything to get the candy. stick it out for a few months.

I was in AA for a while. Rememeber, only drunks go to AA. Want to not be a drunk? Get out and deal with your problems, grow up, mature, move on. I can't fucking imagine a life in that shit. Holy fuck. But, it was what I needed at the time.... but a lifer... no fucking way.

What kind of fucking rehab has internet? Just chill out for a bit and smoke a shitton of cigs. Meet a couple chicks (rehab chicks are easy) and get your dick wet.

I did 30 day programs twice, didn't have internet and only limited payphone time and it wasn't that bad. You seem to be at some kinda resort.

So what are you in a rehab for?

Fuck off nigger
I make 120 grand a year, you're probably just some brainwashed faggot from AA

They don't know I have my phone cunt

if you want out just punch the staff.

OR masturbate in public.

>I make 120 grand a year,

If this were true, you'd be in the special AA for police officers, lawyers, and high-up government workers

i live about 15 minutes from where AA was founded and practiced. in akron ohio

>how the fuck do i get away from this shitty cult
easy, if you're forced to go then get your paper signed and make them think ur doing something. or you could continue drinking and become more miserable and keep fucking your life up

This thread is now an AA Thread

Drank a shit load, wanted to stop, went to parents place because I don't drink at their place, drank, they took my keys, phone, laptop, told me to get treatment.


Just pissed them off because they don't like I drink because I have a dui and have a drinking problem.

Wanted to go to a non-12 step place, was told it was, it wasn't, now they are refusing to release me, asked work for medical leave so they need a letter saying I can return to work.


Honestly would rather die than be in a place like that.
I would just leave and get a new life. If your parents got you into that then they dont deserve to be in your life.
Would suck if you had a degree and would have to lose but get a new identity and get a ged.
But I just fucking hate people telling me what to do and would rather die then bend over and take it.


Bill Wilson was a serial philanderer and a cunt who smoked himself to death.

Also did a shitload of LSD


I can just stop talking to my parents dude, I just want to get discharged so I don't get footed with a 30K bill that fucks up my credit


Who this hottie?


In Florida


special AA? what the actual fuck


Eh, we don't know how old he is man.
Maybe his parents just care about him.

One of my parents wanted to send me to rehab, so I went. Wasn't ready for it.

In a month I'll be checking myself into another rehab on my own terms. Have to sort some legal stuff out first.

Rehab isn't very successful if you didn't check yourself into it.

Has to be your decision, not the ones around you.

Anyways, good luck with everything OP, I hope you don't lose your job. Structure is one of the only things that seems to keep me sober. Maybe try explaining this to your parents and your rehab.

No what I am saying is move to a different state and get a new identity. You lose the debt and can make friends who don't care about your addiction.

Just paly rthe game for the 'rents. Unless you WANT to quit and need help, it will do no good. Your folks want it for you, so let em pay. It will make them feel better. This is elementary level shit you're going thru. Look for a new fucking job after if you have to. Suck it up, buttercup.

oh u fucking cunt
stop spamming ads

I am paying, they aren't, if I AMA they try to bill for for all the days I have been here which I have to fight and is a pain in the ass.

Can't you just start sabotaging other peoples progress?

in azfbn

fuck off take that shit to al>>>ck

I'm closer to 30 than I am to 20

They took my shit and told me to go to rehab, drove me to work, told me to ask for medical leave, or they were going to baker act me and put me into a mental ward and then I would definitely lose my job.

once I sobered up realized I could have done something but was too drunk at the time to drive away.

Why would your parents be able to sue you if you didn't do something wrong?

You're not telling us the full story.

Just stop being a little bitch, cooperate with your treatment center, work out a good aftercare plan, and you'll be out before you know it.

You're not out yet because you've been an uncooperative shitheel, dragging his feet on the floor every which way.

You probably do this in all aspects of your life.

I've been to some real hell-hole treatments - the fact that you're even on the internet right now leads me to believe you're probably in at least a half-decent place.

It could be so much worse. And it WILL get worse if you don't work on this now.

And in case you think I'm some brainwashed AA cult person, I've never liked AA, just like you. I don't do it, but I do see the benefits of sobriety and treatment.

And this advice I give to you is the same advice I wish I could go back in time and give myself when I was bitching just like you are when I was in treatment the first three times. If I had listened, I might've realized that things progressively get worse if you don't seize the moment and end it.

fuck al

Was thinking about asking for discharge and if they don't just talk about the orange papers every group and tell everyone AA is a cult, tell everyone rehab is as successful as spontaneous remission, etc. until they discharge me.

Alcohol Abuse Disorder is not a progressive illness, my drinking did not get worse until I was trying to be sucked back in by AAs trying to 12 step me all the time.

That'll further reinforce that you have made no progress and are a major relapse waiting to happen.

Good behavior is the only way you're getting out of this one, you little bitch.

Yep. You gotta actually play the game and fake it till you make it. Or in this case, fake it till they let you out of there.

They are trying to say that I'm going to work while still being inpatient, does that even make sense?

Could I argue that there is no reason to keep me inpatient if I am working all day?

Could I say I would like to seek alternate treatment or something?

It IS progressive, you jackass. Even from a scientific standpoint it is certainly progressive - it literally causes the brain to rewire itself.

I used to say the exact same shit as you... God, I feel like I'm talking to me five years ago.

Look, do your time, play by the rules, get out, then you do whatever the fuck you want. Go to AA, or don't. That's your business. Nobody says you have the believe it.

There's tons of alternative ways to get sober, and I get your frustration. But for fucks sake, realize where you are, and make it easier on yourself. You're just doing things the hard way, you moron. Once again, this is advice I wish I could give my past self.

Look at the Marchman act dude, it's fucking horseshit

Sure. Get outpatient one on one Substance counseling if that works for you.

Suggest that. Basically just have a plan when you go to them. Try to see it from their perspective - they see this guy who they're worried about, who clearly wants to leave, and doesn't seem to have any idea of what to do when he gets tempted out there.

They want to see you have supports in place, so put some in place. That might mean biting the bullet and saying you're going to meetings to appease them. Or it could mean counseling, or stuff like that.

This is not the end of the world, bro. Just be smart about this shit.

hurrrr durrrrr i drink too much now i'm in rehab for being a dipshit hurrrrr durrrrrr

Everything causes your brain to rewrite itself.

Are you talking about that stupid ducking rat study?

People aren't rats cunt

Most people who recover from alcohol abuse recover without any professional treatment and without AA.

People in AA have worse relapse rates and almost quadruple the death rate when compared with people who stop on their own.

Clearly you were unable to function, or make rational decisions, and therefore had to be evaluated and stabilized.

They put a lot of checks in place for this very sort of thing to make sure a person isn't being pressganged into treatment unnecessarily.

Obviously you were found to be out of control, and something had to be done. Take this as an opportunity to figure it out and get healthy.

God op, I hope you're at teen challenge. Please tell me you are.

They threatened to do this, I didn't want them to because I would lose my fucking job if I was taken against my will, I chose to do it because it gave me more control then allowing them to action it

Hey. Hey! Asshole! Shut the fuck up and listen for a sec before spouting off.

I'm not a fan of AA either, but there's a lot of science out there that flies in the face of your stupid claims.

There's two schools of thought to these disorders: AA, which was developed in the thirties and has no scientific evidence behind it. And then there's the neurology and illness of alcoholism - the latter having the modern scientific framework that supports it. You're against AA, and the science disproves AA, So I'd think you'd be smart enough to not be a jackass and at least get behind the science.

Otherwise you're just being a contrarian peasant who can't think properly. Go take some thiamine and come back when your Korsikoff's syndrome clears up, cretin.

>he doesn't know about the special AA for professionals

Why would they do this if they didn't feel it was a legitimate problem that needed addressing?

Also, why would you go along with it, if you had truly done nothing wrong, were acting completely normal, and knew you could fight it?

What study?

Is it the rat study?

Tell me the fucking study

I'm not in teen challenge, even if you faggots guessed the rehab I was in I wouldn't tell you I was in there because you would probably call them and try to get me in trouble

+1 to this. Fuark.

Have you tried naltroxone?

I'm not talking about Rat Park. I'm talking about any kind of brain or neurology workup they've done on addiction in the last sixty years. When AA was developed they didn't have brain scans is what I'm saying. Now we do and we can actually see the effects that addiction has on our brains.

Here's one, for instance: pdfs.semanticscholar.org/aa05/68e1ccfb117811df07dd3d9d06358eea30fe.pdf

I don't have a vitamin problem cunt, I don't have wet brain.

Add paranoia and suspected homosexual deviancy to the list of OP's symptoms, Clyde.

lmao. I knew that would be the only thing you'd take from that post.

You're hopeless, bruh.

You're going to be there forever till you change your attitude, or at least pretend to.

You need to be a medical liability to get discharged. Start faking seizures or constantly say you need to go to the emergency room for whatever reason. They have to oblige you. And they'll get tired of it.

sucked any cocks since you've been there, OP?

Yep. I live in Akron and you always know someone has been through the program.
"where are you from?"
"Akron, Ohio."
"like bill Wilson!"

Fuck rehabs they are a fucking scam.
Just ama and don't pay the fucking faggots a dime fuck them.

Hey guys OP here, I have sucked about 3 cocks since I've been here

oh fuck I love dicks!

That's not me.

Here's an idea, you whiny little entitled bitch; go suck a box of cocks, then lick a bag of balls, Mr. Garrison. Nobody can help you, you stupid fucking degenerate.

If you checked yourself in you can check yourself out, if they wont let you leave cuz your nuts youd be nuts enough for disability. Im going to call bullshit.