Yoo Sup Forumsros i need your help

Yoo Sup Forumsros i need your help

A week ago these tiny insects started apearing in my room and its freaking me out because i kill them but they keep coming back

Do any of you know what these are?


they're completely harmless; just keep moisture down (aerate) to get rid of them.

Maybe sweep and clean all the food crumbs off the floor.

Just some silver fish. They won't bother you. Do as this user says and maybe try to keep the room more clean.

silverfish, they are huge cunts i recommend hiring someone to deal with them.

Silverfish eat cloth. Use cedar wood to ward them off.

Silverfish. Look up how to keep them out. Other than killing them of course.

That one is huge dude, I have super tiny ones

They are in the same family as cockroaches

Thanks a bunch everybody! Got me less worried now

Are they? they are al pretty much the same size

How do you mean do i buy ceder wood and place it on the ground?

Nasty mfs they look disgusting

I will now that i know what they are its amzing how you guys know this, i never seen these in my life

Fun guys, eating old wood and glue, have them in my bathroom.

Yea it seems i dont clean my room enough or not good enough

it's a fulgrown "silverfish"

They are really common dude. Love watching the way that they move

Cane they go up walls or are they bound to the ground?

They kinda creep me out knowing that i sleep with them in the same room to be honest

You got silverfish OP.
Invest in a dehumidifier and some roach spray.
>And clean your house your fucking slob

My house is clean, my room on the other hand less i guess i see that now althrou i vacuum and mob pretty often i'll be doing that more

I've seen some on my wall but they usually fall down pretty quick and when they fall on my sink they're unable to climb back up unlike, say, ants.


Silverfish tend to live in cold moist places. They love libraries and basements. I'd either put cedar wood chips around your room
>set up a parameter
They're harmless but annoying little shits. But when theres silverfish, there tends to be house centipedes too. And those mofos are UGLY as fuck. Harmless but scary looking too b

I use these and dehumidifiers against such pests.

I use these and dehumidifiers against such pests.

They eat books too