Is this the pinnacle of the filmmaking?

Is this the pinnacle of the filmmaking?

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It's numale-kino


Its like Scorpion King or Crank in the sense that it's a really good video game film, but isn't actually about a video game.

It's a good movie, that's for sure.


Yes, the pinnacle of modern filmmaking.


im going to find my own ramona flowers one day bros

It's the ultimate waifukino


But when you're 50 and she's 18 the magic's just not there

this is the movie that got me into playing guitar 6 years ago

I remember when Sup Forums couldn't stop shitting on this when it came out. now the children who grew up with this trash are old enough to post here. kill yourselves your taste is embarassing

>a really good video game film
It's a comic book though user.
It has the comic book feel to it too, fast paced, video game references etc.

they did make a vidya of it after the film too.



real guitar or meme guitar?

I don't really know what "meme guitar" is. I play electric guitar and i've got into alot of different genres. Recently starting a band with a friend

yeah, that's meme guitar.

Then what isn't meme guitar?

>An epic of epic epicness

lurk moar newfag

Not a new fag and am a frequent browser of mu but still don't know what "meme" guitar is. Literally everything is a meme now a days. your whole life is a fucking meme

Based Wright proving you can do both deep and fun movies

I found this sick photo online, are you a shredder? i love guitar, it's the best instrument, i don't listen to entry level shit i'm more of an yngwie memestein type of guy, SRV is a guitar god, buckethead is king he's so much better than slash john mayer is a faggot, jimmi hendrix isn't even that good, american idiot was a good album

no. I hate shredding and that shit. I think to play "good" you don't have to be a le meme master shredder. I guess thats what you mean by meme guitar then.

you are everything wrong with this site

Yea kid i bet you listen to metallica. I listen to tame impala, 21 pilots and various underground shoe gaze/dreampop/black gaze bands. Honestly what do you listen to? the real men listen to music that takes true talent

this post made me physically cringe in embarrassment but I also lol'd

Holy shit just go back to facebook or reddit or wherever the fuck you came from you cancerous bait responding moron.

im not a mu fag but I always prefered bass guitars and riffs

check this guy out:

Nothing, he's teasing you, keep playing your guitar and get better at it.

What the fuck is this post


Lol wat r u 13?

Are you fucking joking?

Personally I rather enjoyed this film

It's a kind of magic.

playing fast doesnt make you good, playing appropiately makes you good

>yngwie memestein

quality shitpost right here

Keeping good tempo, having a good rhythm, having good non-verbal communication with band mates, understanding scales and keys is what makes you good. I think anyway.

A pretty good movie, but hasn't aged well.