Feels thread the flashbacks wont stop coming back edition

Feels thread the flashbacks wont stop coming back edition

PTSD never goes away..

what's wrong user?


I forgot about her for so long today all the flashbacks and memorys with her are coming back, i've been sad depressive and suicidal

I know how you feel user, I'd like to say it gets better but I just don't know.

It hurts me so much

new pc

no images yet

Of course it gets better. Let me tell you something you already know. Happiness isn't a right, it's not something you get for free.
Happiness is won, conquered and taken. You have to make it happen.

Let me tell you something else you already know. Happiness is the journey, not the destination.
Every fucking day, man. Every day is nothing but a series of tests, a thousand small tests, and there are a hundred voices in your head all laughing, expecting you to fail, a hundred voices chanting in unison to just pick up your feet and let the current take you away.
It's too hard.
It's too much
You can't make it.

But there's one voice. No.. Not a voice.
A whisper, in the back of your mind, and it's begging you to put one foot down in front of the other.

Keep moving forward. Keep fighting. Keep going. Put your head down. Let the current push you, but it can never move you.
You are the master, you control your fate. You control your life.

You have to fight for it, man. You have to be willing to die for it, inch by inch. Yes, I know it sounds like hell, and many times it is. You never know what's around the next corner and more often than not it's going to be another fight.

THAT is the source of a man's pride. Not women, not friends, not money, all of those things are measuring sticks.
The True source of happiness is victory. Fighting those fights, taking a beating, getting knocked down again and again and rising up over and over to meet the challenge head on, and if you have to fight for days, or weeks or years, YOUR strength and YOUR pride come from victory.
There's no battle too big for you, you are not merely men, but the soul and spirit and heart of men.
You choose your fate.

Pain is a reality. It will happen. Learn to love it. Learn to use the pain as fuel.
Fear can steal your breath and leave you helpless or it can make you punch harder and run faster.


All of those things are the reality of this world. Pain? Fear? Loneliness? These things happen, but they're only debilitating if you let them drag you down.

The world isn't perfect, the world is far from it, and there's no easy place in it, it's a hard place, full of uncaring people who would sooner stab you in the back than help you.
That's just how it goes.

But you can let that conquer you, or you can embrace it.

Within each of you lies the untamed, unbreakable, heart of a champion.
Be your own hero. Fight for yourself. Look back at the end of the day with pride and rest, and look forward to the next day's battle.

Seize the day. It's up to you to make yourself happy. And you will be happy. You just have to fight for it.

I believe in you. I believe in all of you.

If you ever fall or feel like falling. When you are at your darkest moments, in your most desperate struggles against the strongest enemies to your happiness and you feel like you just can't make it.

Remember. I believe in you. And when your own will and your own determination and your own heart fears to beat. Remember, that my heart is beating for you.

Trust me. You've got this.

Thank you user, it means a lot.

you are not the only one bro :\
don't run away from this pain but live with it and accept it

This user knows how to cheer you up thanks man

Show me on the doll where the cow touched you

We've got this, bro.

Remember this. Your happiness is a ghost. It's something that you can only sense, and you can only touch it.
You MUST keep moving forward. You MUST keep getting better.
Not one step back, not a moment wasted.
There will be times when you must rest your heart and your soul, but you absolutely can't stay put.

Become the legend you were born to be, user.

I'm counting on you.

This is gonna be bad for a lot of people, but hell it worked for me: The world sucks, you aren't in a movie or book, go straight edge if you aren't already, learn how to love yourself because you'll always be in your company, and find out how to entertain yourself. Now for a little personal feels about things, past vs now: I used to fucking hate everyone and everything, always judging and looking for happiness in others. However, I had a very small amount of nihilist friends who got a bit of influence on me. Turns out nihilism works well for some people, in my case it helped me realize that the only things that's important was to live a life and be kind when I could. I found a way out, not in suicide or having so.e spiritual shit to drive me forward but being able to stare my own meaninglessness in the eye and recognizing the fact that it was pure beauty. I'm not restricted to anything, and I don't need anything but life. Life is expression yourself in an empty room, its meaningless but there is a beauty to it that makes you happy. You live, you die. The life you live is yours to live, and self reflection is the path to being comfortable and happy with naught but life.

I should have killed myself a year a go.
>nothings gotten better for me
actually things have gotten worse.
>tbh one day I just woke up in hell
and its been like that every day since
>I dont sleep anymore at night
>I have random bouts of sadness
>I feel worthless
>I hate myself
>Everything has come full circle in a cruel, ironic way
>I see nothing getting better
>It's just repeat ad nauseam
>I wanna die
>I im just done
>I've experienced enough sadness, trauma, and disappointment
That its turned me into someone I never wanted to be.
And I'm far past the point saving now.
>I just want it to end

I don't know who you are or what you're going through but I can tell you that suicide simply isn't the answer.

I completely understand that life is shit at times and that it can be so unfair but you can ALWAYS do things to make it that little bit better.

Join a gym and do some exercise. The endorphins and dopamine from after your workout will make you feel great!

Find a hobby, even if it's video games and make friends on there.

Get a job, even if it's a shitty minimum wage job andake some new friends there. Go out with them to workers parties and save up a little.

Take care of yourself, get on tinder, talk to a few girls, go on a few dates and things will slowly but surely get better!

I usually get those right before Autumn starts

Find something that you love/want to do. It's in creation that we find meaning.


I act funny and say I love you a lot, but I fear losing them just like I lost so many before. I can see them. The ones who want me to join them. The families who blame me. and I see the family's faces as I walk out with a casket made of wood. Only to show his son and daughter that dad won't be coming home. The son gets me the most. His face. So I drink and I cry.

I still have flashbacks to Vietnam.

I've planned and attempted many suicides and still haven't succeeded because I'm a pathetic loser. If things continue on like this I'll resort to killing some people to force the cops to kill me.

You will only see the faces of the ones you killed. They will make fun of you. Don't give them that chance. Fight on, Live. Die like a real man. or just do something so badass to die jumping off Mount Rushmore. No one will forget you.

Suicide is for losers and cowards unless you toss yourself in a pit of lava or acid.

Will it be badass if I set a gas station on fire?

Only if you some how make it blow up which is no way to do. But again It is better to live.

You tried so hard it made me suicidal when I was just depressed before. Good job asshole

This is now a nigger hate thread

sounds exactly like me. I'm sorry user. at this point I guess all there is is hope. maybe stop using drugs or alchohol everything and anything you use to make yourself feel better, for a minute hiking made me feel better.. but that got ruined too. lifes shitty but if you don't fight for things to get better then there isnt even a chance they will. I hope you find happiness user, if you end it you never will and every shitty thing you've gone through will have been for nothing.

No, you'll take other people's lives and go down in(local)history as some scumbag, it's only courageous if you throw yourself and only YOURSELF in lava or acid or light yourself on fire so you can become an hero.

That is a scary way to die. I'd rather avoid pain as much as possible.

Then don't kill yourself because doing so in a painless and calm way makes you a gigantic pussy, the best thing is to not kill yourself.


Living is already painful.

Tumblrfag go away

Then fight, Live, and look for people to make it better.

Gotta tough it out.

fuck me, social anxiety and obsessive thinking.


new computer so empty feels folder but bumping

>be me 23years young
>live with parents
>you can say I munch on them
>almost everyday I want to kill myself
>the end