Rate my youtube subscriptions

rate my youtube subscriptions



you gotta be 12
only a brat would come here to brag about hi youtube subscriptions
god i cant wait for summer to end

im not bragging, post yours rate mine ill rate yours

>Jon CJG

12/10 because you are probably no older than 12

I like edups, but thats it

not old then 12? this dude is subbed to ethan and philly d....you must be 50

Unsubscribe from Jim and Internet Historian. They did nothing to deserve being on the sublist of such a piece of human trash.

Who the fuck is Jim?
>Internet Historian did nothing wrong

Vsauce and thoughty2 good job. Otherwise terrible. Thunderboltsproject, periodic videos, computerphile, numberphile, big think, sixty symbols, vice, seeker, vox, scishow space, brien foerster, bright insight, warleaks, minutephysics, real engineering, matojelic. enjoy tards

Jim is Mister Metokur. Also, wtf did Internet Historian do wrong? His videos as Q

how about you kill yourself right now

are you some sort of dumbass

what wrong with vox


Jesus Christ, I forgot Sup Forums is where the fucking idiots go. I guess it's a containment board for a reason.

if you need Sup Forums to rate your youtube subscriptions then you either have no self worth, are looking to get insulted which goes back to that whole no self worth thing, or you are just a filthy summer fag. You dont belong here now leave while you still have your pride

back in my country we have a saying
>im leaving while i still have a chunk of my dignity
>now if youll excuse me im gonna crawl to the door

i hate summer fags but as long as the are not being to toxic and have grammar they can be here but you my good sir are both toxic and illiterate. you need to just leave find a chain and a tree. Hook the chain under your ribs tie the chain to the top of the tree and jump faggot.

10 out of 10 best saying ive heard all day