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I applied for an IT job and I have no idea how to IT.
It says it's an entree level IT

Am I fucked if I get an interview?



First off, THICK!

Second, not sure.

Why? Is IT really that hard? I mean I have basic knowledge on how to use a computer and the features of a computer
Hell yeah

You will fail. Just control your autism levels so they don't call the cops.

What does being an IT consist of?

troubleshooting computers.
that's it.


So then why are you guys saying I will be fucked lol?

Is it an office setting? Learn a fuck ton about outlook. Suits can't use that shit to save their lives

don't listen to them they're dumb.

It's for a company called AppleOne here in my town. Not sure if it's an office setting but I'd assume it is.

>a talent agency
what the fuck does a talent agency need IT for?

Don't know mang. I am just looking for work and they had a job posting. I thought "meh, I have basic computer knowledge. I'll apply"

don't apply for job interviews like that because the thing about the people interviewing you is that they look at at you like you're the dumbest person alive until you prove that you're not.

what did the job posting say, what's the position title?

depending on what the job actually entails, you may or may not have a chance.

entry level jobs are easy and most anyone can do them. Just make sure you say you can do anything they ask in the interview, even if youi have no idea..

If you're smart enough to learn the job either before starting or very quickly when you start, you should be fine.


okay so I can speak from experience.

I lied on my resume 7 years ago saying I had worked in IT before, friend at company gave me a referral. I had some interest in IT, had built my own desktop, done some virus clean up for family and friends etc but nothing fancy . I landed a Lvl 1 helpdesk job onsite at a company and was getting paid 40k a year.
I knew JACK SHIT. So I just googled everything, paid attention and got lucky. I still ended up getting fired after a little over a year BUT i learned a fuck ton.

I didn't graduate high school and have never set foot on a college campus except as a system admin for loyola which I did after the above job.

Over the last 7 years I have BS'd my way into better and better jobs and currently I have 2 jobs that both pay 80k. I am currently doing both from home. I live in one of the nicest neighborhoods in San Jose.

Here is what I've learned in the past 6/7 years of actually working in IT

1. Nobody knows shit. like NOBODY. I've had supervisors, managers, senior engineers all of them admit to not knowing shit and thats part of it. It isn't about KNOWING the answers its about FINDING them. Its all in google pouring through technet articles and forums until you find somebody that figured out how to fix the issue you're up against. There are repetitive things, you'll learn those in L1 and once you do that stuff 100 times you know it but until then you just google the process and act like you knew it already.

2. Keep notes on everything you learn. This will save you a shit load of time.

3. make sure you save a backup before you do anything, then you can revert to that if you seriously mess up and if there's a safe backup you can relax and learn new things without the worry of really ruining stuff.

4. You're going to break something- You're going to take down an important system, device, whatever and people will be hounding you to fix it. you're going to panic for days but you'll get there.

So if you get the interview just tell them what I said here.

You have experience and interest. You're eager to learn and grow.
You know a lot but you know that there's a lot you dont know. You will find the answers.
You know the process, you take precautions you make backups and you're organized.
In tech supervisors know you can learn the tech you can't teach the personal stuff above.

Yea, troubleshooting computers, networks, repair setting up networks, occasionally writing simple code to fix issues, or do something with the network.

Pretty sure you won't even get an interview if you don't have any qualification in the field.

source: 2nd year into bachelor of information technology (IT)

just reboot all the things!

Fucking children these days. You have nothing to worry about since you won't get an interview.

Entitled little shit

Then prove that you arent, you fucking retard.

This is the worst advice ever.

Fucked? No. What are they going to do, arrest you because you don't know anything?

You just most likely won't get a job.

Moreso, you won't get an interview because a bazillion qualified people also applied.

because your confidence is clearly questionable