*does dabs*


Dr. Wong had a scat fetish.



Holy shit episode 2 and 3 sucked ass. So fucking boring.

its just weird that they go all out on muh emotions and muh relations, im fine with characters that have some dept but its not a romcom

you shitting me the fuckin rat slaying scene was awesome

It was a pretty stale one ep 3

I hope that you are being fucking facetious.

Episodes 2 and 3 have been fantastic. On par with the rest of the show. Rick and Morty always had a mix of feels/comedy. Look back to season 2 with Unity.

Seriously, she kept an album of her shit-eating patients.

Don't kid yourself. Unity ep was pure gold. This whole season is woman infected trash. IB4 WOMAN SO SMART SO FUNNY KEK

Get a life.

I didnt even know women were writing for the show now, so I would say they've made no impact on the show from my perspective, neither positive or negative.

Shits not funny? Who cares, look at that rickdiculous fight scene. Didn't you enjoy the scene where he Rick killed a pack of rats? It was sooooooooooo amazing that we should just forget that this shit is supposed to make us laugh.

The Unity episode was fucking hilarious, you god damn Jew.

I miss Unity. Bring her back.

no one gives a shit what you think sjw

Why? Why do these left wing fuckers have to ruin my entertainment every god damn time? Why can't they leave Rick and Morty alone? We can't they leave anything alone?

I mean if you don't want to like the show anymore because there are scary vaginas writing for it now and you haven't seen one since birth so I get it.

If you try talking to a woman sometime you might realize they aren't too scary, but I get that you probably still think cooties exist as they have clearly infected your beloved rick and morty and turned it into an estrogen engine of a show meant to emasculate males.

Wasn't "Rick and Morty" always /reedit/ anyway?

Not a hardcore one though. She just watched them shit.

It's entirely possible that the show just peaked in season 2 and has hit a brick wall. I don't really care who is writing it right now, but it dropped in quality.

Go to reddit faggot

It turned into shit because of "scary vaginas", I would have just called them women, but wow, you are really hateful toward women. I mean I agree they are useless coozes, but fuck, you are far more rude than I am.

It used to make me laugh, now it doesn't.

Because hiring a pack of Amy Schumers as writers had no effect on the show?

Right user? Talk about a prick. Zero respect for bitches cunts.

I agree, I feel that their fan base grew too quickly, and they were feeling a lot of pressure to keep things "inclusive" so they made some bad decisions. If the show had just stayed an adult swim show, and not a fucking movement it would have been fine.

>I'm so scared of women I don't like a show because I found out some women are on the writing team.

My god some of you faggots are pathetic. Typical neckbeard reaction.

U guys are fucking gay. Complain about cartoons more faggots, not like any of you could write some quality shit.

MGTOWs need to get a life

The sad fact guys is, the show cannot be "Endless adventures 4ever" without eventually running out of steam.

No man anywhere ever was, is or will ever be afraid of any feminist, or their diseased cunts. Men hiring women to write a comedy show when women's tiny brains have no fucking capacity for humor is pure feminist political bullshit. Because the "scary vaginas" push their fucking way into every fucking section of men's entertainment and fucking shit all over it.

It is pretty hilarious to see how insecure males really are about women. The mere presence of female writers sends them into a frenzy.

It only had 2 seasons before crashing and it just so happens when women take over writing the show? You are out of your damn mind.

Go gay already, and I say this as a bi guy.

Careful, your insecurity is showing.

It was out of steam before the female writers were hired. You can't do the same shit over and over and over again, and expect ratings to hold.

I don't watch the show to be wow'ed by some fucking fight scene. I'm not some little kid who wants to impress his older brother by showing him how cool and bloody the show is.

That shit actually made me cringe and kind of just hold my breath until it was over. It's nothing more than a waste of space in the episode.
>Rick throwing out the recycling = funny
>gay rat fight scene = not funny

I watched it. Im not on the hype train. See, I tend to think for myself (a rare trait) and after hearing how great the show was, I watched all of season 1 and thought....yeah. Animated show. Many before it, nothing innovative.

So of course the internet loves this show insanely, because enough youtubers do literal analysis on the show, and it is so meta people are more caught up with whats happening behind the curtain and trying so fucking hard to be armchair psychoanalysts for every little thing on the show.

Thats why I dont like this show. I got so many telling me why I should, back when I could just flip on some episodic show, id immerse and enjoy the product and that would be it. Now I got all these opinions and ideals and horseshit questions asked to me about plots and points.

I just like shows for shows. I dont care about all this shit. The internet ruined it for me.

Truthfully, "Rick and Morty" was always overrated.

The show was great at coming up with supporting characters, but I never felt engaged enough. The show doesn't spend enough time fleshing them out for me.


It's really god damn maddening how hard and persistently the agenda assholes defend this feminist shit.
So just go fuck yourself
If I was insecure I wouldn't freely speak my mind. You call me insecure when I'm the one telling you the women ruined the show? You are ass backward and in this guy's case we all know why.

My point is, if you hate women so much, why are you even straight?

>Rick and Morty always
>Look back to season 2

If you were secure, you wouldn't be pissed off.

Pathetic whiner.

So this season's second episode about Summer the road warrior feminist princess wasn't a big change?

No, when women are insecure they get pissed off, usually at other women with bigger tits. When men feel insecure they cuck.

Ep 1 was good, ep 2 was okay, ep 3 was shit.

I hate feminists, both male and female feminist. I hate them for putting biologically different beings in positions they can't fill. And god help us all when aliens with no hands invade earth and are assigned jobs that require hands. WOMEN ARE NOT FUNNY AND FUCK YOU AND YOUR AGENDAS FOR RUINING MY FUCKING ENTERTAINMENT!

Lighten up, Francis.

You're right. Society sucks. There is no point in arguing about this shit, it's not going to make this season any better.

Watched it last night. Nothing wrong with it whatsoever. You are all a bunch of cry baby assholes who don't know they are shouting their complaints into an empty paper bag. It's not like Dan or Justin waste their fucking time on Sup Forums or if they give a fuck about your retarded anti women complaints. You just sound so stupid when there have been literally tons of very successful women in comedy and you think anyone is listening when you yell, "women aren't funny!". It's you who are getting laughed at while they spend your money. Idiots .

Plenty of men seem to become bitter bitches when it comes to women.

A woman made me cry, so all women are bad. WAA waa waa. grow the fuck up

Where is the actual evidence Rick was REMOTELY affected by the psychiatrist's advice?

Rick likes and enjoys being a ruthless smartass. While she is technically correct, Rick revels in the power his mind gives him.

No, really? I can't imagine why.

Dr. Wong is Tammy.

because he would realize men don't want to touch his tiny cock either..then where would he be?

We have porn. Use it.

Reproduce by donating cum to sperm-banks.

Disregard women.

>women take over writing the show?

you do know its a team of men and women, right?

then stop watching, we won't miss you.

No, but she's probably seen her defecate.

how funny used to work:
>framing, telling & punchline
how millennials ruined comedy:
>build-up, punchline & awkward (lol i'm so random)

Rick: hey morty, you wanna go suck some penises?
Morty: sure rick, let me just get my faggot suit on and we'll suck those penises
>every rick and morty episode

do you understand how reproduction works?

I think not from your statement.

Do you have anything to say, or are you going to keep calling names and making desperate cliche remarks to pigeon hole someone with an opinion that you don't like.

No because season ONE was the best season

Making 50/50 genetic offspring.

World's biggest duh. It doesn't always involve bodily fluid exchange.

nope, I think I summed it up. but hey, thanks for asking anyway.

Did you actually go all the way back and see who's opinion you're defending? Or is the asshat you?

TFW you're a veteran porn writer/porn addict, yet you have a much more positive attitude towards women than a lot of men.

It really does though.

If you're ensuring additional offspring are made, it counts as reproduction.

If humans had the ability to fission, it would count as reproduction.

>If humans had the ability to fission, it would count as reproduction.

Yeah, but they don't.

Ugh. No, it actually made it worse. The mad max episode sucked. Its the only R&M episode to suck so far (havent seen the latest one) and its the only episode to be written by a female. Coincidence? Maybe her sex has nothing to do with it, but they should have stuck with the old writers.

The amount of exposition in the mad max episode with how morty has to "deal with muh parents divorce" made it seem like the episode was written by a high school girl.

someone leaked the asain female writers nudes already lmao

My point is, reproduction is incredibly diverse.

What was wrong with it?
It was funny.
What are you referring to I have no idea.

Nah, the first episode was on par with the rest of the show. S3 E2 sucked. Havent seen E3.

This guy gets it.

What the fuck happened? S3 E1 was awesome. Then all of a sudden E2 comes around and its not funny at all, and it sounds like the guy voicing rick and morty just stopped trying.

>thinks for them self
>allows other people influence what they watch or don't watch
> 2+2=not 4