Let the games begin

Let the games begin.



bye summer


Depends on flow rate


clearly F

There's a stop between C and D, so no, not G


What I love about picture problems is the lack of information required to properly answer them. Does the water drop signify simply that water is running? Does it mean that water is running, but only at a drip? Really the real answer is: Not enough information.

yeah its F since the tube to D is blocked off

If you dump the water out the faucet really quickly, A fills up before it can dump into B


How much pressure is on the water? Im guessing A

my dad works at the harvard water engineering department of water and he says L

a drip means it's a drip....


assuming the pipes from C to D and from L to H are actually closed and it's not a typo, its this

if its a typo and the pipes above are open, its G

G obviously

Your dad is a fucking tard

In different cultures it might not?

notice that the object coming out of the faucet won't fit in that small tube exiting from A, so A fills up first

In different cultures everyone would say you're an autistic retard?


yep, I see why he got it wrong


Are you upset that I discovered the true way to answer, and you just wanted to have a pissing contest with like minded neanderthals?

Who ever said it even was water coming out of the faucet? This lubricant could be too thick clogging up dem tubes...

G it is

A, because I'm gonna throw that tap on all the fucking way, so it'll fill up and overflow before it can run out of the hole at the bottom.

If flow rate is greater than or equal to pour rate f.
If flow rate is less than pour rate a.


>Press F to fill up first

>Ya sneaky cunt, blocking between C and D. That's not a fucking logic puzzle, that's "Lol you didn't see a tiny line so you're retarded."

>water engineering department of water