Scumbag drug dealer and his whore girlfriend with daddy issues. Roll trips and I give the cops his name

Scumbag drug dealer and his whore girlfriend with daddy issues. Roll trips and I give the cops his name.

Fuck em


Black guy committing crimes in Philly. I'm shocked.



Let's go


You don't have his name, you're just making your tenth "ROLL FOR" thread of the day.


lock that nigga up

Yeah I do! His name is .... Nice try!

You meant to say nigger.
Black people don't nig.

I don't see a crime there. I see a young, well-dressed upwardly mobile young man enjoying a night out with his attractive and well educated girlfriend.


fuck that nigger.

i did it fam


Double fuck em

winrar and wtf.
can we have his name as well?

yay we did it

bump for justice

Here, I'll do it again

op is kill

>Black guy committing crimes.
Does that even look like a black guy to you?

Name: Monty Clifton, nickname Monny, graffiti name crown
fb of girl /electriquelady

Rrrolling like a propane tank down a hill

call and report brave b soldier

Roll trips and you give the cops your name