Sup Forums, what are your feelings on abortion?

Sup Forums, what are your feelings on abortion?
Pregnant femanon here.

I'm not pro-choice, I'm pro-abortions

the murder of babies is cool with me

The argument that it's womens rights and we should wholeheartedly support it is bullshit. You're ending a life.

Despite that I give an unhappy pass on rape and incest

If you want to waste the next 18-40 years of year life, DON'T get an abortion.

kill all babies

unless its a product of rape the fetus should live, if you don't want it someone else will gladly adopt it

Kids are a lot of fun if you're ready to have one. If abortion is on the table you're probably not ready to have one.

That said, better to give it up for adoption.

Up until 13 weeks, it is no more of a life than the jizz in a gymsock

Better than dropping the infant in a dumpster, and far better than raising a kid when you're not prepared to. Anyway a fetus is a parasite, only the host should have the final say in whether or not to abort. Still I personally believe the father's stance should at least be considered, depending on the circumstance.

>go through the worst pain of your life, just to give away the little cunt.
Yeah, makes sense.

This, kill the shits

milkbags or gtfo

it doesn't matter we will all die eventually

Abortion is not cool

you are not cool

epidurals exist for a reason fuck head

All the men in my family are pro-choice and all of the women in my family are pro-life.
Women are fucking idiots.

Humans must die.

There's nothing worse than an unwanted baby

Life is ended in order to give us steak. Whats the big deal about ending the life of a being that has no memories, personality, sense of self, etc? A fetus is hardly any more valuable of a life than the ejaculate you shoot into the toilet every now and then.

>someone else will gladly adopt it
Yeah, because there aren't thousands of kids living in orphanages and rotating through foster homes. We are over populated enough. Why would you want to exacerbate the problem?

Against it. I understand why it happens, but I think it's a difficult answer to a difficult situation.

I only support abortions for niggers.

If there isn't a heartbeat, It isn't alive.

If it isn't alive, it isn't murder.

That's why Hillary can't be killed.

She was never alive in the first place.

A cows life is ended for steak. Not a humans. Especially not an innocent humans that could have been avoided with some personal responsibility (contraception or abstinence, no one made you have sex).

I don't like it, but I think its necessary.

Because the only shitty part is the labor. Not the nine months leading up to it or the who knows how much time spent recovering.

I can get behind this

You ignored the bulk of my point.

All the kids are doing it, why shouldn't you?


The only people who are pro life are people who haven't suffered enough to where they realize it'd be better if they weren't born at all

underrated post

This is dumb, you forgot to finish thinking. No person has a right to be inside another person...if the child, by modern medicine or some other means, can be saved/transferred...great...if not...that is not the woman's issue...

Abortion is just adoption by the state, and the state can't keep everything alive.

there is plenty of birth control out there, if you're stupid enough to get pregnant "on accident" this day in age, it is entirely you're fault

Not true. I was suicidal at one point and am still pro-life.

Whether or not it could have been avoided is irrelevant. The topic is how to deal with the current situation moving forward.

You're comparing human life to a cow meant for food and to semen. Even if it doesn't yet have memories it's still human.

Pro choice. Plenty of upright apes wandering around already. The less the better.

So a 'human' that isn't even developed enough to sense anything surrounding it is somehow more valuable than a creature that knows what it is to live and can actually feel pain, purely because of species?

If everyone who claimed surrendering a child for adoption was the 'right choice' went out and adopted an unwanted nigger baby right now, it would be.

I was adopted at birth instead of being aborted, so I'm pro life. Knowing I could have been never been born just like that is a crazy thought to me

Right? I don't get why the life of a fetus is more valuable than an actually fully-cognizant animal.

yeah, it's better for a child to grow up in a broken home with parents that don't really love them

I've had two different girls get two different abortions.

Its a good thing too. They would have come out retarded just like me. Plus, I am a jew and would hate to have to spend the money on stupid baby shit.

Killing babies is easy. The legal ramifications are not pleasant. Best leave it to the professionals.

yes, because as humans, it's instinctual to value our species more. Every animal should do that.

My mother was on birth control when she got pregnant with me. No birth control is 100% effective.

My mother was raped instead of being not raped, so I'm pro rape. Knowing I could have been never been born just like that is a crazy thought to me

What if you hadn't been one of the lucky few?

Does a life of being shunted around foster parents and group homes seem appetizing to you?

birth control doesnt work if you are a fat bitch

It's better than killing the fucking thing. You got pregnant. Take some responsibility for your actions.

oh.. it must be nice to be a privileged self centered asshole

My mom told me I would've been aborted if I was going to have downs. I support that idea.

Give birth to the kid and put the kid in adoption if you still can't handle it. You shouldn't commit murder just to make up for your stupidity.

I don't give a flying fuck about anyone else's kids. I only care about mine.

Your tribalist mentality produces results, sure.

Unfortunately, that result just so happens to be Africa.

Careful of those edges faggot

Again, we have more people on this planet than is sustainable. We aren't going to die out as a species because some irresponsible teenagers get abortions. No running out of natural resources due to over population is something that actually COULD wipe us out.

the less humans the better

Wow, what a zing. Glad to know you have no actual argument.

Are you attempting to imply abortion is cool? Because nobody in their right mind things that. Whether you're pro-life or pro-choice, nobody is advocating for more abortions.

since when is being privileged bad inherently?
What does this faggot need to be guilty just for surviving getting coat-hangared?

If you can't decide whether or not to have a kid, or if you can't use birth control properly, chances are you are going to make a shit parent.

Some people just aren't meant to have kids. Why should we force them? One more mouth to feed means one more person the government has to take care of.

Abortion is where the fiscal and moral conservatives diverge.

You're ending the life of something which is less capable of reacting and thinking than the average lifestock animal.

Let them die. Under most circumstances, the life they'd have lived had they not been aborted would've been shit anyways. Why else would you abort a kid?

Over never living? Yeah. It does.

If the pregnancy conditions are simply the condom breaking (extremely rare), I would surrender the baby for adoption. Especially if the reason I can't have them is because of more mundane conditions like not being able to financially afford a child.

Although, if someone was impregnated via rape, or if they couldn't afford to have the baby because of AIDS, or because of any condition that would make having the baby dangerous or even lethal (for the mother, the baby or both), I wouldn't take any risks and do an abortion.

Like I said, though, try to avoid it if possible. There is still the potential for life in there. So make sure to think long and hard about any decision you make for it.

was listening to a guest on joe rogan's podcast once, some kind of doctor that was discussing stem cell treatment for sports injuries.

apparently umbellical cords and stuff like that are not the only way to get stem cells, each of us also have cells that can turn into other cells in our body, like you can take abdominal fat, treat it, and inject it into your knee to help growth of cartilage or something.

On the topic of embryonic cells, he mentioned that when a fertilized egg is in the really early stages of division, you could just take it and divide it up. e.g. you take a clump of 16 cells and turn it into 2 clumps of 8. They will continue to split and not care that 50% of the material is gone, and potentially grow into 2 people.

This is nothing new because twins exist, but what really blew my mind is something I never heard addressed in the abortion debate: you could potentially make like 64 humans out of a single fertilized egg. And they don't necessarily have to be identical twins because gene expression could be different.

That really puts things into perspective, especially when we consider that during fertility treatment we also just create a bunch of embryos and have them lying around and throw them at the wall and see what sticks and which one gets rejected by the womb. Whats the difference?

I suppose that while equating abortion to killing a person is the effective emotional argument, the real argument is whether or not you consider 'would this fertilized egg have become a human if you did nothing' a valid argument versus the fact that at the stage of being a clump of cells, it's obviously not murder.

What I'm saying is we should value human life over animal life. As humans, that's natural.

And make a child that will probably have a shitty life as a result? Why should the baby suffer for your mistakes? More often than not, abortion is much kinder to the baby in the long run.

Birth control doesnt work if you are overweight.
Your mom is a fat bitch, deal with it.

If you're not ready to take care of a kid, you won't be bringing him into a world that will care for him adequately without you. Just get an abortion if you can't take care of this kid, you can always make more.

It's none of my business. Even if I'm the one who got her pregnant, it's totally her decision. I have millions of sperm so it'd be no biggie for me to chuck some up someone who actually wanted a baby.

If you haven't adopted at least one kid, you have no right to throw out this opinion.

"Yeah, you should have to go through with the pregnancy and labor. Then send the kid to an orphanage, and he can live in that group home and be a burden on the state while he hopes and prays someone adopts him."

Actually, people tend to adopt babies rather quickly compared to other age ranges.

But you're forgetting how hard it is for kids to be adopted. Most of the time, kids that are put up for adoption don't find a stable home, but bounce around from one household to the next.
Being qualified to be an adoptive parents requires you to be a perfect human being with pockets lined with gold.

OP here, just wanted to say thanks for all the opinions, I have alot to think about.

I find it funny that a white baby is at least 40 thousand dollars, but black babies can be had a dime a dozen.

I agree with this sentiment. The whole "it's my body, my choice" thing is ridiculous. You know where that choice begins? When you decide to fucking open your goddamn legs without contraceptives you fucking slut. "Hey, you know what would be awesome, if we engage in the act to propagate our species, and then hate on that act conception because my fucking vagina told me to be a slut."

Goddamnit, you can have sex, but take the steps to keep from getting pregnant in the first place, once those zygotes hit eachother, its life. Period. If we deny that then we can deny life at any stage, age or whatnot. Hell, might as well make the case that if you don't contribute to society in a meaningful way(Which is determined by the government, good luck!) Then your just a pile of flesh that would be better used as fodder for pigs.

On the whole, yes. But this is a 'what if' human that is little more than a hunk of replicating stem cells versus a living breathing creature than knows life already.

i see your point but
how are we going to get strippers then?

pro-life all the way!

The problem with this idea is that almost nobody knows what a fetus is. You're thinking of an embryo. A fetus is very far along in development. A fetus has a heartbeat, and retreats from stimuli. It's practically a fully formed baby.

Observe the pro-life idiot in his natural habitat. When faced with information that conflicts with his argument, he simply lashes out, like a wild animal.

save the planet, purge the human infestation.

I don't really understand the religious argument for it.

Why are they trying so hard to prevent these unborn babies from going to heaven? Are they jealous that the fetuses aren't being condemned to a life of human suffering on this earth beforehand?

I mean get one if you're gonna get one, but as far as I see it a human is the most beautiful, complex, and infinitely powerful thing in the universe. If you don't wanna raise one then okay, neither would I, that's why adoption exists, but don't kill the kid because you don't wanna go through pregnancy and childbirth then you're wasting a life that could live 100 years in order to avoid 9 months of work. It's it as extinguishing a star because it's gonna be a bit hot outside.

That being said, I do understand that birth and pregnancy SUCK and I'd avoid it too. I also get that our (the United States') adoption system is shot to hell so there's no guarantees that your potential kid would live a happy life, but that's a better chance at happiness than if they were dead before they had a chance to live life.

I don't mean to preach, just consider it.

You've never worked with these kids.
Fortunately for you, I have.

There's a reason these kids are far more likely than even single-parent children to commit crimes and remain a burden to society long after they're a ward of the state.

Imagine going through life like that. Imagine how angry you would feel, knowing that one person's stupid sky-daddy reasoning led to their suffering. How envious you'd be of those who had families. Those who knew they'd be sleeping in the same house for the forseeable future. Going to the same school. Making lasting friends.

It's far worse than Army Brat syndrome.
Abort the fucker before they wind up robbing your mom in 10 years.

Again, you're thinking of an embryo. Fetuses are relatively cognizant of the world around them.

Wtf I'm not pro anything, I was just calling your mom fat.
Calm down we don't need to get into an argument just because you have issues with your mom's inability to stay below a hundred and eighty pounds

>I'd rather get beat up than have no one touch me at all to begin with

>can't believe we live in a time where the object is to kill your offspring
>Passing on your genetic material and wisdom is the only real mammalian destiny
>Your ancestors fought literal tooth and nail for thousands of years to create this lineage
>The meaning of life is to spread the life and give it your wisdom I n hopes that it does the same
>None of you feel the sense of pride that your genetics could be a part of a greater human society that explored and mapped the stars and galaxies
>A these fucking faggots who are so worried about the here and now that they cannot grasp such a concept as evolution

We become the dominate species in this blue rock because we refused to quit or give up, and you faggots are going to be the ones who destroy our precious, rare, and impossibly perfect home.

I'm 28 and just had my first little girl, it's such an magical and amazing feeling. It's makes me depressed that the world takes on such anti-life views.

The fact that you resist your ultimate destiny is why I feel us little apes are doomed to suffocate in this planet together.

nope drunk and int the wrong thread

Well get to work then. Best way to kill all humans is to fucking kill all humans. God you damn pussies with your whole "Humans are a disgrace and should die out" are such fucking pansies. Just do it! Fucking do it if you're happy about the subject!

Adoption, just as the guy before me said. If you can't provide them a good life, there are plenty of people who would.

Because they're Catholics who believe babies go to Limbo.

Personally, I don't see an issue. Babies are probably fucking great at limbo.

It's not my issue. I will never be pregnant nor have to face that choice, so I really don't care about it. That said, abortion is a multi-billion dollar a year industry that exploits women's feelings in a society that condemns them for being single mothers and makes you feel like you are less than shit if you don't have all the best material goods and money in the bank. This world is truly asking for a purge, but the moment you pull out a weapon and start killing the pieces of shit that really deserve to die you become the "villain". So it's up to you, but suicide by cop after a cathartic blood bath is probably not a choice you want to make. It all depends on who you want to abort- Your unborn baby or the society that wants you to kill your baby so they can make more money. You have a third option to just abort yourself and your child at the same time. Think it over and have a nice day!

we live in different times now
take your new age hippie bullshit somewhere else

Fuck you, I have a complete right to hold that opinion. If you don't want to run the risk of having a kid don't have sex. It's that simple. This is why I'm not nice about any cases outside of incest/rape/mothers life in danger. When you have sex you *should* be aware that you are running the risk of having a kid. Killing a fetus because you're irresponsible is disgusting.



that's an animatronic doll right?

>suffer through nine months of parasitic invasion
>get fat
>destroy your abdomen
>destroy your vagina
>stretch marks or wrinkled skin on your stomach for the rest of your life
>piss when you cough for the rest of your life
>chance of potentially fatal complications
>all to give it away at the end


>take a pill
>shit out tiny non-sentient fetus
>crisis averted

tough choice.

i bet living with the "what if" of knowing you have living progeny is also fucking insane compared to the easily forgetful abortion and moving on with your life to have your own actual children when you're ready, so from a psychological standpoint abortion still wins.