Ask someone who may or be not be this mans assistant anything as he sleeps and makes me. I'm sorry pays me...

Ask someone who may or be not be this mans assistant anything as he sleeps and makes me. I'm sorry pays me.. Just whatever.. Ask me anything so I can just stay awake

You haven't you straggled him for the Iraq War yet?

Why does his paintings suck?

Did you vote for Jeb?

Of course not faggot! This is the Fucking former president of the United States! And we should never attack him!

Threads tonight are shit so I might as well take the bait, timestamp nigger.

How do you like living in Dallas?

Yea I could get in trouble for that shit.. Laura cares and attacks anyone with nails! George cares not cause he is a man

Not in Dallas I'm on a fuckin ranch. God they have money

He was just trying to learn ignore his heart. Focus on how much he loved our veterans

is he involved in politics in any way at this point

Did you do 9/11?

He keeps tabs.. And eventually says his 2 cents.. But surprisingly he doesn't support trump

Of course not faggot, I've been on the job only 2 months

is he glad a bigger bumbling buffoon is now in office? maybe people will forget his embarrassment of a presidency.

Jeb had a true heart.. I honestly think he was gonna redeem the bush name and make America better than we know because he was a peaceful man.. Sadly.. By the time I got to voting I didn't vote for him..

But yea. I would have

The NSA is closing in on your location OP.

Is the help and support file located in c:/windows?

Was his daughter in any sex tapes that I can look up easily?


Yes but quickly find your system 32 file and delete it!
STOP reading and do it now faggot

I'm not telling you that

I agree. I'm not going to argue with Sup Forums, but Jeb does also have a pretty strong record in Florida.

Well he had to do what was best for his brother and I can't blame him for that

No need just call him and ask if I'm doing my job

Well it's been fun faggots good night!

>But surprisingly he doesn't support trump
Surprisingly? lol. Trump attacked him constantly.

Your incorrect vocabulary tells me that you are a fucking idiot. Stop shitposting cuck

If Presidential term limits were lifted tomorrow and he decided to run again would you vote for him?

Why did he include North Korea in his dumb "axis of evil" speech? Surely that just set us on the road to nukesville we are currently approaching the end to.


Are his daughters sluts?

And everyone attack this trump tard. Because he is a paid contributer. Look it up.. Trump Saudi Arabia orb

One is, but I'm not taking about it What the hell is this guy going about? Lol call this guy a faggit.. And Fucking christ does both George and Laura snore!.. But at least they both snore n sync

Can you ask him to paint a portrait of me?


Uh no prabably not.. I can try but he is kinda a asshole

tell him I got dubble dubs for it

do you have personal access to him?

what i mean is, could you superglue his butthole shut while he sleeps for us?

What happened to bin laden? I can't find him anywhere

Cause you don't know where to look get your scuba scrubs on

I'm sitting here just drawing on iPad waiting. Does that tell you enough?

tells me you will take pics when you have accomplished your goal?

Not op but I doubt it. He's like Algernon from "flowers for Algernon"... except people hate him for mostly following what a bunch of new england elites told him to do...

But still no sympathy for bush you shouldn't be allowed to run for office with an invite below 100

*Iq not invite

His administration oversaw and facilitated 9/11.

I bet OP is a pedo like the rest of them.

C'mon man you gotta be so dumd to think that's true

fuck you and fuck white people

How does he feel about no longer being the worst Republican president?