You see! You fell for the cia pysop and now we got this piece of shit for a president

You see! You fell for the cia pysop and now we got this piece of shit for a president.

I didn't vote for him. Racist piece of garbage. And it wasn't even for that reason. He never knew what he was gonna do and didn't even pretend to know
>oh he is a outside just like me!
Yea go Fuck yourself retard

I didn't vote for him because I knew we would be right where we are now on the brink of nuclear war.
When he made that threat to noko
It was the first time I saw him cross his arms. Well we had a good run didn't we the rest of the world?

And then there is this fuck
I am not falling for this piece of shit again

But Hillary's emails?






You just did moron...






















whats with all the dogs shitting? I didnt know this was a ylyl?






The FBI is already raiding this guys house already...
this shit is fucking hilarious


















Told you I was hunting you











Some cuck trying to stop negative threads about his orange retard leader with dog shit pics....because words and facts evade him


















Wow this guy gets it. He caught on
Unlike the rest of you retards.. Tits for the good job user



That cant be true... Its too indicative to how I feel about that fucktard president who bought the country and is now going to crash it into a wall eddie griffin style

Its perfect










