RIp Lara

RIp Lara

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god bye little princes

ifap with this


Thinking about lara makes me cry .. I hope she is better now, she was much for this life of shit full of ignorant pelotuditos that are so naive that they do not suffer, that they believe that they live a life full of friends and that in those moments where the They need none, they need instagram facebook and other things to show themselves famous, they are the same as later when someone dies they become moralists .. I curse those people

a mi me hacian bullying en la primaria, en la secundaria tambien... nunca se me ocurrio matarme ni liquidar a los pelotudos que me jodian... me la banquè y despues cuando madurè logre entenderlo como que: El mundo no es un lugar lindo, ni cortés, ni ideal, ni tierno... El mundo duele, la realidad duele, vivir duele, crecer duele y madurar duele... Ante todo somos animales "civilizados", cuando nace una cebra, tiene 24 o 48hs maximo para aprender a pararse y seguir a la madre y la manada... si no logra aprender a pararse, seguramente sea alimento para los animales mas fuertes... En nuestra sociedad tenemos la suerte de que si no aprendiste a pararte cuando eras pibe, podes volver a intentarlo de grande. No creo que el bullying mate, pero creo en la suma de cuestiones deprimentes y la falta de contencion, no se puede culpar a la escuela... la contencion tiene que estar en la casa!. Los padres quieren hacerse los progresistas, dandole libertades a los pendejos, no controlandolos y creyendo que son sus amigos... Un hijo es una responsabilidad... y si no te odia cuando sos adolescente porque te cansaste de decirle que no a mil cosas... entonces algo estas haciendo mal.

Any noodz?

Not everyone has your way of assimilating the "bullying" some others support it not. They will have gone crazy to the skinny this, the idiots today are very cruel, rude and impolite.

I did bullying in elementary, high school also ... I never thought to kill me or liquidate the fuckers that fuck me ... I banque and then when mature I can understand it as that: The world is not a place Cute, or polite, neither ideal nor tender ... The world hurts, reality hurts, to live hurts, to grow hurts and mature hurts ... First of all we are "civilized" animals, when a zebra is born, it has 24 or 48hs maximum To learn to stand and follow the mother and the herd ... if you can not learn to stop, it is surely food for the strongest animals ... In our society we are fortunate that if you did not learn to stop you when you were a kid, You can try again. I do not think bullying mate, but I believe in the sum of depressing issues and lack of containment, you can not blame the school ... contention has to be in the house !. The parents want to become progressives, giving freedoms to the assholes, not controlling them and believing that they are their friends ... A son is a responsibility ... and if he does not hate you when you're a teenager because you tired of saying no to a thousand things ... then something is doing wrong.


What happening?

It is true, her death is sad, she decided, what hurts most is to know what will happen to get there, and to think that the right person at the right time, to accompany her, to be with her, to Could have made a change of opinion

Last name?

Argentinian girl killed herself on school,Posted on a argentinian chan-like board before doing an hero

jesus christ you faggots, kids are bullied and kill themselves all the time since forever. they kill themselves over stupid manufactured netflix shows written by 50 year old men.

this person will be forgotten by everyone who ever knew him in 5 years.


Damn, she's pretty.

Album cover / 10

You realize the picture on the right is the album cover of a blackmetal band right? Morons.

Right upper corner pic looks fake as fuck

literally who?


That's a Mayhem album cover you dicknose

Real as fuck.

bruh its i was bullied
si pones "I did Bullying" estas diciendo que tu hacias bullying

I'm surprised people blame a page, whatever ...
This girl suffered bullying and the tests are over, the worst thing and what gives me more is that the father washes his hands ...


Lara tribute

Hivemind faggots