Send in seal team 6 to take out kim

send in seal team 6 to take out kim

No reason. SK has been training units to do exactly that for years. All they really need is the green light from big daddy. Only thing that has stopped them from trying so far is the fallout should things go badly (which is where the US would have to step in and defend its ally)

There are documentaries about the SK spec ops units. Pretty interesting shit they do

defending the country is his job being a fuck wit on twitter selling out to corporations and destroying the environment are not.

>>big daddy
is this how you call Trump, your big daddy, you fucking fag?

The US would be big daddy to SK. Ill just hope you arent a native English speaker, and your reading comprehension doesnt actually suck that bad.

SEAL Team 6? Those pussies only kill women and children. And themselves. MAGA!

North Korea is Best Korea

Sand niggers dont count as humans but nice try

This is now a Dear Leader thread









do i detect a worried little baby? are you crying because you're afraid? you shouldn't fuck with nk. it does what it wants, when it wants, how it wants.


my big daddy can beat up your big daddy

Why do some of wear the leather belt and straps and others don't?

Well, NK's missle can still only reach as far has the west coast, so libtard festering place like California and Oregon are the only ones in danger right now. California doesn't want to be part of the US anymore so why don't we just wait for lil'Kim to take care of that? We can retaliate by taking them off the fucking globe of course, but Clinton (Bill) made the deal that started all this and Obama did squat, so let'em feel the radioactive burning consequences of their fucked up, uneducated actions!

Hmmmm I'll guess it has something to do with military uniforms ...... but I might be wrong

didn't they kill seal team 6 after the osama bs?!

Running dog Americans will pay!

I know, faggot. That's not the question I asked. I asked why some do and others don't. It looks bad.

Recent estimates show they could hit as far as Chicago.


Why don't you fly over and ask them?

>complains that california doesn't want to be part of US
>probably from south or texas
don't bitch about texas being part of the south. texas is the size of the rest of the south combined, and would've split on them if they'd won their "war of the north kicking our shit in" anyway


Well have you ever heard of insignia ?