Can I learn Java in a week?

Can I learn Java in a week?

No. That will take some time. It like any other language. You can learn some basic phrases, but familiarity with the vocabulary + syntax and being able to use it to express what you want to will take a lot of practice.

In 3 maybe

apply yourself you faggot

Why would you? Is java still a thing? I thought it was obsolete 15 years ago

java = jobs language
only reason to learn it

underrated post

Need to learn it for a class

What about just basic shit like for, while and do while. The things I need to do is simple like exchanging currency from € to $

Lot of java jobs.

if you know how to program already a week should be plenty

That is the Java applet technology, not the language or the VM.

What do you mean by "program". I don't know shit I'm just reading instructions off of my teachers website.

Do you know any other OO (ish) languages?

realistically, anyone remotely competent could learn what you describe in a couple of days in any language friendlier than assembly.

Yer fucked.

(And/Or fucking with us.

$0 watches is it true?

You can, but if u dont know OOP it wont rly matter

I don't know shit about programming I only know a few Linux commands basic shit like and a tiny bit of SQL just enough to give me a passing grade.
Nothing difficult

Nigga start now, what are you doing?

instead of asking autists with no skills on a forum, start coding yourself faggot. Ive been coding for 6 years

inb4 c/c++ baby

I don't evan know where to start. It's alot of shit to do in a week. Right now I'm just trying to get some positive feedback and hope for the best

With how you're slacking I doubt you'll do it, but maybe?

If you make a lesson plan and stick to it you can learn a lot in a week. I don't do Java, but I know other languages and the lesson plan is usually the same everywhere.

Day 1: Variables, math, operators
Day 2: Conditionals, complicated conditionals, operators in conditionals
Day 3: Functions, how to write a function, scoping


Clarify: Do you have one week to produce a program that does this, or do you, one week from now have to sit down and write this code in a test situation?

Is any GUI required? Where are the exchange rates supposed to come from?

>Can I learn Java in a week?

Sure as long as you are already an expert in C++ and C#, then learning Java in one week is very doable.

You forgot:
Day 0: Basic language installation/config/IDE setup and commands.

(AKA: "Hello World" day).


I have 15 possible assignments that he will give me next thursday. 10 are part of the "easier" bunch and then 5 "harder" ones. I will get 2 assignments from both bunches that I have to complete within 120 min to get a passing grade. I don't have to use GUIs just make the exchange rate up

You're fucked.

Ok. Assuming you have a functioning brain then that is not just possible, but downright simple (especially if that example is actually representative of the difficulty.

Go to UDEMY (google it if needed) and take any of their free intro to java courses.Projects at that level of difficulty will be covered about 45 minutes in.

Be aware though, any course/class that calls that a test in Java is not really worth taking. It's comparable to learning the alphabet as part of history of English Lit.

Thanks for the help. But the difficulty does ramp up and the fact that my teacher words everything like a mongoloid doesn't help.

Oh yeah and thanks to everybody else evan if you just said you're fucked. I took it more seriously cuz of that.

that is piss easy, you'll do it in two days.