Does Sup Forums read or are all yall just a buncha idiots posting memes all day?

Does Sup Forums read or are all yall just a buncha idiots posting memes all day?

1. Your cunt
2. Your favorite book from another cunt
3. That cunt

I'll start

1. America
2. Crime and Punishment
3. Russia

The Hunger Games desu

1. Bananama
2. El coronel no tiene quien le escriba
3. Colombia

Wind-Up Bird Chronicle


please kill yourself for posting that image

War and Peace.

This is the only Russian classic I would recommend to someone who is not a pro reader of books.

1. Switzerland
2, Dragonball
3, Japan

Mein Kampf by this gentleman named Adolf Hitler is a must read! Time Magazine calls him the Man of the Year 1933

1. Flag
2. Lord of the Rings
3. Britain, though he was born here



>The Brothers Karamazov
>Brave New World

Now that the e/lit/e of Sup Forums is here.

It's so fucking "American" it hurts. You take a classic work of literature and all your corn-fed brain can conjure up is what it could be if only it were a Hollywood movie, complete with the names and pictures of the faces of celebrities who would "best represent" the roles.

It's so fucking pleb, it's so fucking retardedly American! Jesus fuck is this how you brainwashed idiots think on a routine basis?

Books are for idiots who want to feel smart. It's the shittiest and most predictable medium next to TV.

I only read raw information, and use that to make up my own stories.

swedes making up their own stories
like for example:
>immigration has been a success
must be in your genes

1. Texas
2. Very hard to say which I liked the most, but Lord of the Flies by William Golding remains one of my top favs
3.) UK, home of the best writers even if they are a bunch of leftist cucks.

>reading the TV of books
>reading for the plot
you're only doing this to yourself

See? So very predictable and unfunny. I bet you read a lot.

Why are you so rude

Who needs books? Ignorance is bliss.

Why are you so American?

I don't know how to read.

I thought it was funny...

It was funny, just most swedes and germans lack a sense of humor.

>reading books makes you smart

nice meme

Americans love things that are predictable and take no effort, so I'm not all that surprised. You've been forcefed the same tropes in media since you you were born. Anyone with an IQ of 80 or higher would look at that Finn's post and frown.

i'm reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra
really makes you think

1. Mexico
2. The bible
3. Mt Olympus?


1. Flag
2. Lazarillo de Tormes
3. Asspanistan

It's about a poor bloke who's an orphan or either a Moor or a guy who died fighting the Moors (deliberately left ambiguous) who has to do loads of crazy shit to survive and put food in his mouth including getting buttsacksd until he finally moved up enough to get a wife and a job, but still ends up getting cucked by his boss.

Sounds depressing.

It's both depressing and hilarious; thus was born the literary genre of picaresque

>It's both depressing and hilarious
Sounds like Journey to the End of the Night. I'll try it then, thanks.

it was funny and intelligent


I remember this from my literature classes back in highschool.

1. Flag. 2. Too many to mention but I'll take with me to an isolated island a couple of Umberto Eco novels. Shitalyan

Based Bananamana still cares about instilling good humanistic education to their youth. That's uplifting.

You should also try La vida es un sueño by Calderón de la Barca. It's also pretty hilarious.

I actually read that for school.
>Based Bananamana still cares about instilling good humanistic education to their youth.
Well, I would not celebrate. I was lucky enough to get proper education in a private school.

La vida es sueño,
y los sueños,
sueños son.

Bastante causa ha tenido
vuestra justicia y rigor;
pues el delito mayor
del hombre es haber nacido

Well I'm glad at least you had the fortune of good education personally

That's basic public school reading, you guys should push for it to be a standard and not a cherry picked private school reading. They read la vida es sueño and then they take the kids to the theater to watch the play.

Someone already stole mine
Crime and punishment

I know that La vida es sueño is basic stuff. Our public education is a joke tbqh.

>they take the kids to the theater to watch the play.
I watch the play after the read.
In the internent. :(

Push it. El que no llora no mama, y el que no afana es un gil
Your fault. I might be mistaken but theater students see it as 101. Look for theater schools in your town and 10/10 you'll get to see it live.

Jewnited Kingdom
Mein Kampf

Good lads/bad goys

1. America
2. The Count Of Monte Cristo
3. France

Fucking love that book. Took me weeks to finish it.

Cun t
The unbearable lightness of being

books are for fags

1. Pakistan
2. Heart of darkness (spec ops and apocalypse now anyone?)
3. Poland/Britain

>The Count Of Monte Cristo
OMG I saw the telenovela of it