Hey scrubs. Is my GF hot?

Hey scrubs. Is my GF hot?

She looks photoshopped

why so forehead?

looks weird as shit

I'm not wearing scrubs

post a better pic

i don't know, is she?

niggas got a fivehead jesus

I think you just got Mozart to paint over a balloon


Wtf is up with her eyebrows

bruh whats wrong with those eyes?

Pretty sure she was born with fetal alcohol syndrome ..... either way...Those teeth

Is she balding

I like her hat and glasses but you're ugly as fuck, bro. Forehead much?


If foreheads were foresight, she'd be clairvoyant

Her forehead could be a movie screen at a drive in theater

what is wrong with her face ?


>user, post a better picture

>posts a pic with her Klingon sized forehead cropped out.

Well played


Kill it with fire!

Oh look, there it is, it's the dark side of the moon.

good for you buddy

despite what everyone said I think you pulled a chick way above your grade

Put it in here

why does her hairline start at the top of her head

those eyebrows are a fucking mistake

if ever a head needed a hat that's it

You know how most people have foreheads? Your girl has a sixhead. She'd look better with all her hair shaved off than she does now. Now, I'm not saying she'd be attractive then, she'd still have the problems of her eyes being too far apart and being retarded enough to think a duck face is cute or witty. But really, she's not horrible. Her face is like a 3 outta 10. Not so bad that you can't shove a bag over it.

looks like mountainfolk. not a lot of diversity up there, so you could imagine what happens...

Not with those eyebrows


I'm laughing now, thanks user

Fucking hell, you can say that shit again