Sup Forums was wrong all this time

>Sup Forums was wrong all this time

Now >we know

fucking anglos

That's not how you pronounce a German z though

can't trust this information

It's how you pronounce a Turkish Z tho


The FUCKING EU wants to try tell us how to speak now, and they wonder why we voted out!

>Ö is "er"

wut, no it's not

It's literally impossible for an anglo to pronounce "ö", because it that tone doesn't exist in the English language.


i hate anglos so god damn much. wonder how would they pronounce BÖREK

It's Ay-zil ("ay" as in day)

>inb4 Ayyyzil

ws in 'straya for 2010 WC, and the commentators kept pronouncing Özil as Osssl

It's just a variation of the English "oo"

Yeah it's like the o in world or the i in girl.

Ü on the other hand cann't be found anywhere

james is still james
Fuck colombians with their terrible use of Spanish.

Wtf that's not how you pronounce Özil.

It's like the frenh u in 'du'



fucking anglo

I think his parents were being ironic on that one


>please pronounce our language correctly big strong anglos

no thx

i literally read how to pronuce the player's memes

that's not how you pronounce them in english though

>James Rodríguez = Ha Mess
Damn, Spanish is a weird language. I would never expected Rodríguez to be pronounced as "Mess"

mess it oaze ill

jayms rod reeg ezz

raw bert le won douse key

fuck it's hard to type out a pronunciation

The Jhons and Jeisons of Colombia would beg to differ

>not speaking a phonetic language
Anglos are literally savages


>at the best language in history
wew lads

English actually is quite a nice language 2bh

It's quite easy to learn and it doesn't have any meme letters, so I really don't mind it being the world language of our time

Doesn't change the fact that the language does have some weaknesses tho
