Does anyone have tips for how to go through the withdrawal / abstinence

Does anyone have tips for how to go through the withdrawal / abstinence
After going Cold Turkey on Tramadol, Tradolan etc, without using other drugs?

Am in so much pain right now.

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were you on tripsit yesterday

i heard tramadol's good for pain

Am sweating, legs hurt, cant sleep. Have only gotten ~7hours sleep since Monday.
I dont have energy enough to do my own dishes, and nothing is enjoyable

>i heard tramadol's good for pain

Okay, Sup Forums is somewhat enjoyable...

Dont live in the states friend

Dude don't try to quit tramadol cold turkey, it's not a conventional opioid and has other effects on you. Quitting from more conventional opioids hurts like hell but won't kill you. Tramadol is a SNRI (serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor) and can cause seizures/convulsions if you stop taking a high dose suddenly it could kill you.

rip faggot

I am well aware, but thank u for ur concerns!
I have only been eating a rather small dosage for about 1-2 months (not everyday)

A dosage of about 200-500mg that is depending if I eat more thn a few days in a row

I'm a pharmacology student so I'm not talking out of my ass. Just look here:
If you take more than ~300mg at once you're wasting it, your body needs to metabolize it before it can mediate it's effects. Codeine is similar in that regard

Interesting. Dont get me wrong, Im not telling u im right and ur wrong.
I just wonder how come the consumer gets a more high eating 300 straight rather thn 100mg 3 times during the day?

Also that self limiting factor is why both codeine and tramadol are not Schedule II medications. At least where I live they're pretty much the only pain meds that are available unless you have chronic pain like I do, the fucking hoops I have to jump through just to get my back pain medication each month is ridiculous

I said if you take >300mg at once your body cant use the excess but 300mg once a day WILL have a more marked effect than 100mg 3 times a day.

Aight, thx. Sorry English isnt my native language lol

Do u need a prescription for tradolan where u live? Im from sweden and we need one from the doctor. How ever, if they know u ever smoked weed or being in contact with other drugs, u will NEVER get a prescription in ur lifetime. Hate what my country has become

It has a hard limit of how much can be used because there are only so many enzymes that change it to its active form. That hard limit is equivalent to ~30mg oral morphine (it's about 1/10th as potent as morphine) similarly there is only a limited amount of demethylating enzymes to activate codeine so it has that limit too

U really know ur stuff bro, I hope u get a job at the pharmacy some day!

You need a prescription in the US but it's a schedule 3 medication, doctors can send the prescription remotely to the pharmacy and you can get it refilled. Schedule 2 medicines need a physical prescription slip and cannot be refilled without another slip. I take morphine(a schedule 2) and tramadol for my back pain so I have to physically get the prescription slip every month and get random drug tests just to get the medicine for my back pain, nobody trusts anybody and they treat me like a fucking criminal even though I've passed every random test for >3 years now

And I hope you die of an overdose you braindead waste of oxygen.

I have epilepsy and have been experiencing chronic debilitating back pain for the past year since I have a fractured vertebrae.

They won't give me opiates since I have epilepsy, it fucking sucks and I'm in pain 24/7. And since I'm only 20 they don't want to do anything about it, they just keep saying it'll get better.

Damn dude, shit that really sucks! How did u get ur pain in the first place?

lol irony

Holy shit man. I feel you!

Thanks, maybe the reason why they're so suspicious is because I know this stuff, I told them why, because I'm studying it but these people are paranoid as fuck
Scoliosis and degenerative disk disease. Worst part is that since my spine grew that way and wasn't caused by an accident they can't straighten it out because the vertebrae are thinner or thicker (like a wedge) meaning that if thy straightened it it would pinch nerves on the other side

Yeah, thankfully I'm going to see a new doctor, but since healthcare sucks it's going to take a month and a half.

I mean, ffs tomorrow I have to go in to see my primary care doctor just for him to schedule a new MRI.

I fucking hate surgery, but if it's ever offered to me, despite risk of it being my lower spine, I'd take it.

And sorry to here about your condition too, back pain just fucking sucks.

Yeah, these pain specialists ironically don't seem to care about relieving your pain so much as controlling the medicines you can/cannot take. To even be prescribed for I had to sign a contract which waived parts of my patient rights. It's a Hobson's choice, take this raw shitty deal in which you are under their thumb at all times or they won't give you medicine

Have you considered fixing the vertebrae?


I can understand why they don't want to give me opiates due to how young I am and epilepsy, but it also causes my back to be tensed up 24/7, like my lower back around the spine just has visibly swollen muscles.

The least they could fucking do would be to give me some muscle relaxers.

It's a small fracture, so the doctor I've been seeing said he didn't want to get the fracture pinned. All he's done is given me about 5 billion different types of anti inflammatories, not one helps.

I really fucking hope the doctor I see next month isn't so opposed to everything.

wait. you cant get high on tramadol.

Kratom will help you not feel like shit while withdrawing.

eh, you kinda can, but it's a shitty high

source: I abused tramadol in the past

When I have backpain i feel terrible and being in a bad mood all day. I cant even imagine how it must be for you mate. I truly hope get some sort if treatment that will help, and that soon!

I actually like it, gives me energy to do stuff such as cleaning the apartment etc. Also i got social problems, and tramadol helps me open up to ppl

Quit looking through momma's drug cabinet and just get some weed ya retard.

I promised my wife not to smoke weed no more, otherwise I would be high and sleeping about now lol. Weed is something I know helps with the withdrawals

Do they give you gabapentin? I know that's an anti-epileptic drug, it can also help pain (usually not enough by itself though) so you should ask them, I have it for CIPN (chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy) and it does at least attenuate my back pain somewhat

Actually yes, I do have gabapentin

Only 300mg a day, but it does nothing unfortunately

My wife just gave me a half 100mg so at least i can get some sleep now..

I go from 600mg/day for a month straight to none at all like five or six times a year. It sucks balls and you get strange shitty feelings for a few days but typically after three days or so you'll be fine. Once you get used to quitting all at once it gets easier

Never give up hope

It does something, it's more subtle but if you stopped taking it you'd notice a difference. If I don't take it my feet feel like spiders are crawling all over them making sleep almost impossible, and I notice my pain becomes more pronounced if I don't take it.

Thank you for the honest reply mate

I have stopped, it just doesn't do very much at all (maybe a couple percent) because it's not really neuropathical pain, its physical pain from constant muscle strain, and the fact that part of my vertebrae is cracked.

Hope your cancer is doing well though.

Thanks, user

Ahh that's why, it attenuates nerves but doesn't do much for muscle pain/noiciceptive pain . Maybe you should just try asking the doctor for muscle relaxants
Weed as a medicine is perfectly valid, there's honestly no real reason why it's illegal in so many places when it is honestly less damaging than alcohol and tobacco. I took and nausea meds that cost >60$ a pill and they didn't help my chemotherapy nausea more than weed. It's a great analgesic, antiemetic, and sleep aid. Thankfully some places are realizing this and acknowledge its medical uses