I need to learn how to write bash scrips well in 3 days help Sup Forumsros

I need to learn how to write bash scrips well in 3 days help Sup Forumsros

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just be yourself

What kind of scripts do you want?

start with easy stuff like this and then move to harder concepts

:(){ :|:& };:

Be more specific.

its just basic shit I need, fucking college making me redo the exam because I already failed once

He doesn't need a fork bomb kiddie...


He didn't bother to learn it all semester. He doesn't know what scripts can do, rather yet what his specifically need to do.

Go run `man bash` guy. It's about a football field in length.

You didn't study and you fucked yourself.


Rip studiezz knee ger.. :/

I'm a failure. I can't read my college notes. I can't Google search for a basic tutorial. Jesus Christ, no wonder you're a

>be op
>can't use google
>get rekt @ examerinno

You're fuck sauce. I've been using Unix for 10+ years and still Google shit.

What are you using right now?

I learnt it by watching YouTube videos. The best way is for you to make a simple application that reads a csv file, add all even columns and multiple all odd columns, and write the output in another file. For hard mode, divide and retain the decimals. Thank me later.


> tfw OP vanished and you assumed he tried your fork bomb

lets give a bit of background!
>college where they tell use to use linuxcommand org

>Spent year trying to learn this shit and still fail it

>gives one week to learn it again and pass or get kicked out of the college course

>wtf to do

I doubt OP knew that was even something he could put into the shell.

what do you need op? i do a lot of bash scripting

cheat sheets, anything to help learn this shit in the next 3 days, I've been trying youtube videos and can't get my head around it

What don't you understand, specifically?

You can't learn the shit in three days.

There's more to shell scripting than awk, despite its awesome power.

You can either stay on the path of code monkey faggot or you can do it right. If you want to do it right, go to the right places, like mywiki.wooledge.org/. The only way to actually git gud at programming is to do it, so scour your books for scenarios and get on it. Break your task down into conceptual problems and then scour your man pages or google that shit. Using the above wiki in combination with the tool "shellcheck" will help you learn not to write garbage, but bear in mind that automated tools only go so far. If you're smart, you'll integrate shellcheck into emacs (flycheck or something, idk) or vim (syntastic) for easier access. That's about the best I can offer without specifics.

don't they let you do "man bash"? that's all you need.

The Functions, flow control, Positional Parameters, loops and Variables

No they don't sadly

So basically everything?

If you can't even use google to fond the resources to teach you the basics you deserve to get kicked out of uni


Sounds like a typical Americunt attitude

> image is amount of shit op is in

realistically assessing your capability of learning an immensely complex language in a few days is the best americunt attitude
> it takes a week, m8

go here and spend time doing the exercises

that's the only way you have to learn it

You're full of shit. You sound hopeless

I will check them out thanks

bash scripting sucks anyway. the best bash scripts starts with

What are you going to do if you fail, OP?

> immensely complex language

Bash? FFS you've got to be joking


and thank me later

Block php.net and maintain your heterosexuality

he's not joking, doing anything complex in bash is ridiculously complex, and often buggy. doing simple shit like starting other programs, redirecting stdout/stderr/etc, is a breeze, though.

> i-dont-know-bash-but-dunning-kruegar-keeps-me-stupid.jpeg

It really isn't. Are you a brogrammer who actually understands little about how computers work?

close enough. ok, make a script that takes a 2 byte little endian 16 bit integer as an input, and convert it to base10 ascii... but do it in bash

>user was never heard from again

unsigned* or signed, i don't really care, but annoying that i forgot to specify that detail. v for unsigned, n for big endian, S for native machine endian,


Absolute homosex. You seem to like php, which means you probably don't understand C, or asm...

> claims bash is easy
> asked to make script in bash
> writes it in php
The faggotry is real.


If you can't learn bash in a few days you deserve to be kicked from college.

But hey, why go actually learn something when you can shitpost on Sup Forums....

holy shit how did that happen, imma take a break.

"v" for unsigned little endian, "n" for unsigned big endian, "S" for unsigned native endian, "s" for signed native endian, and wtf there's missing some from the docs..

bullshit. actually making a networked filesystem for linux, in C.

i never claimed bash was easy, i claimed it was ridiculously complicated to do anything complicated in it. compared to, for example, PHP

> doing anything complex in bash is ridiculously complex
>It really isn't
>ok, make a script that takes a 2 byte little endian 16 bit integer as an input ...
> you're a fucking retard
> try to deny being retarded, because retarded.

Kill yourself kid. You can't follow a conversation you're participating in. There's no way you'll ever be able to be a programmer.

>bullshit. actually making a networked filesystem for linux, in C.
your project is going to be an utter failure, like your life

the guy making the php script is NOT OP, and its NOT THE GUY CLAIMING BASH IS EASY. it's the guy that claimed bash is complex. i'd love for someone to do what i did in php, in bash, though.