How do I know if I got a virus and/or got hacked from the deep web?

How do I know if I got a virus and/or got hacked from the deep web?

Is this bait?


are you asking this because of the huge mega link posted in a thread today?

What mega-link?

What makes you suspicious? What OS?

Idk, some Linux distro
maybe a mac
perhaps Windows

Doesn't make a difference

Most newfags don't know that before coming onto Sup Forums you have to download the proper software otherwise all these Anonymous faggets will hack you most new fags don't know that before coming on to 4:10 you have to download the proper software otherwise all these anonymous faggots will hack you. You're not new to this site are you?

I'm running don'thackmebro.exe

You didn't answer a single question

neither did you

Yeah, I said proper software. That will do nothing. You're definably been hacked

What about 420allday.cpp?

Usually you have a giant pop up that says YOU ARE BEING HACKED

didn't see that when my credit card info got leaked


Have you tried deleting system32 file?

axe ure local polis

Tell me your IP address I'll see what I can do

but I'm using a Mac

Open the task manager (or equivalent) and look at the CPU usage. If one of them is hogging the CPU, and it's title is just a string of random characters then you have a virus.


Finally, some-one with useful information
Thank you

i work for a bank and i have access to just about every account in the world. do you mind telling me your credit card info?
>include first and last name, expiry date, credit card number, and security code

i can help you avoid anyone stealing this info. I swear i won't show the info to anyone else

you're a dumbass if you haven't done that already

Actually I'm a amateur hacker
I just wanted to see what Sup Forums had to say on this

>amateur hacker
script kiddie?

Nah, I know C++
just don't got a lot of time to learn everything

Best anti virus/malware/spyware/adware programs?

Best security linux distros/firewalls/etc?

Super shit bait in this thread.

Wireshark you connection if you're serious.

>knowing c++ makes you a super hacker


If only there was some type of software that could tell you if you had a virus... Damn.

Viruses can migrate into any process. And it does not load CPU that much.

kali linux