This is how the white race comes to an end. And it's beautiful

This is how the white race comes to an end. And it's beautiful.

Other urls found in this thread:

dude that was so fucked but not gunna lie it kinda got me hard. I think I've viewed too much internet porn.

I actually really want to know who are the people behind these threads.
Some "troll masters" or very, very, very autistic niggers, actually thinking people are falling for these obvious baits, maybe?

Either way, you are a huge unfunny retard OP, kys.




London subway map >>
HAHAHA fucking britbongs


Don't let the Jew troll phase you. Trannies make up less than 1% of the population.


Who is this blonde?

Sauce please

Where's the first half? I want to watch the dick get cut off too.

why is there a die on his stomach?


You can see the cock and balls at as a "trailer" and there is a longer version you can pay to see.

need source of that.

Islam did the right thing with their slaves.
Castrated all males.
Killed all children born to slave women.
No future dindus.
No demand for reparations.
Maybe Islam is the answer.

Lame. Just upload that shit here

I'm not the OP and I have no incentive to do your searching for you. I told you where it comes from. Go get it yourself.

I would also like to see this. For reasons.

Why is this my fetish?

Where can I have this done to me?

The person who runs the site supposedly did the guy in the video if I remember. The site is dedicated to making videos of guys getting done. And they pay you for the video or something. Pretty sure the owner is in the UK. And the last one he did resulted in an urgent trip to the ER because something "leaked" despite being banded.

how does they pee?

Sounds like a legit operation

Are you castrated?

If you just hack your dick off you pee by sitting on the toilet and leaning forward (or do it in the shower or whatever). If you had it done by a surgeon they'd re-route your urethra to behind your balls and you'd pee sitting down like a girl does.

Nope. Just a fetish. I think I wouldn't mind being castrated - my balls are sorta useless anyway. I'm sterile and get all my T from injections. But I do like the GF to squeeze my balls during sex - it's her "go to" move if I have trouble getting off.

How did your balls become sterile and unproductive?

This seems to be a really weird fetish.

What was that white cable-like thing he tried to cut off at the end?

I had low T and went on a pretty high (prescribed) dose of injected T. Been on injected T for about 9 years now. Ball shriveled up and shut down (normal). Had sperm count done recently. Zero. So I don't use condoms anymore and girlfriend doesn't use birth control, yet no babies. So saved me from having to get a vasectomy and I get bareback pussy. Double win.

Anyway, balls are just sorta useless now. I kinda like the look of an empty bag in pics. Might be cool. But girlfriend would probably miss squeezing them.

That was a parasite

bu operasyon şöyle olurmuş: çocuklar kollarından ve bacaklarından bağlanarak bir masaya yatırıldıktan sonra cinsel organları sicimle boğularak sıkıştırılırmış. sonra papaz eline bir ustura alarak bağırta, bağırta çocukların cinsel organlarını kesermiş. bu iş yapılırken bayıltıcı hiçbir ilaç kullanılmadığı için de çocuklar ölümden beter acılar çekerlermiş. zambako bu tür hadımlık operasyonunun çok sakıncalı olduğunu anlatır. eğer kesilen sperm kordonları karında akıntı yapar ya da bir iç kanaması olursa çocuk masa üzerinde can verirmiş. bunu önlemek için de, "cerrah-papaz"lar kestikleri kordonları ve damarları bağladıktan sonra yaranın üzerine eritilmiş çam sakızı döker ve yarayı ateşte kızdırılmış bir demirle dağlarlarmış.

The condom ruins it


Remaining connected strand of the scrotum. As I recall the guy was in quite a bit of pain as the local anesthetic they used wasn't completely effective. Being done by a cutter that doesn't know 100% what they are doing is probably a really shitty ride.

You know of any way to find a cutter?

Just diy, faggot

&make sure you stream it

This text describes how Ottomans castrated slave-children: the boy was laid on the table with his arms and legs tied. His genitals were constricted with strings and the "surgeon" cut them off using a razor, without any kind of anesthesia. The kids usually died on the table if the sperm ducts caused too much bleeding, so the surgeon would tie them together, pour melted resin on the wound and finally cauterised it with iron.

start with fetlife and go down the rabbithole from there


He's cute.

Any links to any groups?
It's tricky to actually find people near you on fetlife

Contact the dude that runs that site. There are a lot of bullshitters on the web, and probably also folks that are just psychos who want to hack you up.

but that wasn't the point of my reply faggot

I'm gonna need some sauce on this. I want to hear the sound.

that pic is more for you than the guy you quoted

thats a nice tattoo

an actual female with a dick shooped on

you're probably not interested anymore

the kid paid this old man to do this. he is "trans"