I'm looking for a good show with a variety of paranormal creatures and shit. I've seen preacher...

I'm looking for a good show with a variety of paranormal creatures and shit. I've seen preacher, the X files and buffs the vampire slayer.

Is supernatural any good? It always looked like something aimed at 16 year old girls, but I've been hearing it's actually ok,

Should I watch it?

Fringe is better than supernatural.

Supernatural's first five seasons are great. Beyond that they weren't sure what to do with it.

Fringe is pretty awesome.

The last season was pretty good, tbqh

Because the creator mean for it to end in 5

I loved where they went with the Observers plot line.

This, but I would say the team picks it up around seasons 8 and 9. Not sure about after that, as I haven't seen it.
The original show runner left after season 5, so the team had to pick up the pieces of an already well concluded story with a pointless cliffhanger and make their own stories with the characters.

I was so disappointed when Michael didn't fight satan. I was expecting some epic battle that roasted the world, but nooooo he just gets lucky.

If you have the I.Q of a doorknob and/or a vagina, then yes you should watch it

1-5 great
6-7 utter trash
8-11 ok

I remember liking 8 quite a bit. For me the show works better when I marathon it rather than watching week to week. I'm waiting to marathon 11 on Netflix.

Michael was never going to fight.
The entire point of S1 - 5 is "humanity fuck yeah".

Humans put a stop to the apocalypse because free will.

There are a lot of episodes that don't matter at all to the overall plot in the early seasons. If you have the time go right ahead and watch it, if not i would search a list of only he necessary episodes that further the plot along, makes it a more concise story early on.

I forget what happens in season 6-7 is that leviathan storyline? First season is so-so to me give it til the angels come in and it becomes less episodic

It's already been said, but the first five seasons are great. I found this show about a year ago, made it somewhere into season 8 or 9, and gave up. I'm currently on another attempt, and loved the first five seasons all over again, but I am struggling to get through season 8 at the moment. I've heard that the show picks back up eventually, so I'm forcing myself to get through it.

>its another season where the the first episode and the last two are watchable

Leviathans come out of Purgatory, shit happens.
Dead kills Eve(mother of monsters) and Leviathans take out a few Alphas.

Dean ends up killing head Leviathan and gets sucked into Purgatory with them. It was a terrible season/story arc.

Season 6 began with the Alpha plotlines, which was a bad ass idea, then they squandered it by jumping into Eve, squandering that too.

The ending to the first season is so hilarious I kind of wish the show got cancelled there and it never even got a season 2.

I watched the first season when it came out and for years I didn't know there were more seasons.

>Turns out Jeffrey Dean Morgan is their father
>Dies within 3 episodes

It's probably the least girly homossexual show on CW

While maybe not exactly paranormal, but you could give Reaper a try. Fairly underrated series I think, that was canceled after two seasons sadly.

But it's more of a comedy with the occasional serious moment, and most "paranormal" stuff is just things relating to hell like demons and what have you.

in its entirety so far it's the best show that's ever been on television and tells the greatest story ever told desu

I saw the first episode of supernatural air way back in the fall of 2005 on the WB.

Fuck I feel old

you mean the show where they said no chick flick moments but all they do is cry

they cry for things women will never understand

they cry when one of them lie to save the world or when one of they refuse to let one die to save the world even though they're happier without each other

It's a great show, but if you specifically looking for fantastic creatures you might be disappointed. It suffers a bit from ubdget restrictions in that respect, monsters tend to be angry-looking people. Even one time when there was a dragon. He was a regular man.

uh it's pretty sad a lot? their friends keep dying all the time