Are Millennials basically the Niggers or our time?And don't get triggered you snowflakes

Are Millennials basically the Niggers or our time?And don't get triggered you snowflakes

>Lazy, life off their parent's money and credit card debts.
>Self centric and narcissistic always blaming others when they fail,never themselves
>Make lot of mistakes but never apology and keep blaming ''The Man'' for their own bullshit
>Dumber and more emotional
>Rise of Feminazis, SJW's and BLM are part of Milllennial insanity.

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Generation Z has to fix mistakes created by fucking Millennilas

Good luck with that.

Gen Z created all the problems, failures who can't hold executive jobs and provide generational wealth. Don't worry though millennials got your crusty ass covered.

I heard an interesting argument about this actually. That this is the first generation that is worse off than its parents, that is unable to obtain high paying work, and as a result, is unable to create its own equity. Essentially, that the baby boomers cratered the economy, and then complainabout the following generations for their failure to make something of themselves.

No. All generations are essentially the same. older generations have always shit talked the younger ones. nothing has changed. millennials are being used as a scapegoat by people who dont want to admit their own faults.

This. Fuck those crusty old bastards

i agree with this shit alot
we millennials just care for sex, materialism, and ourselves
i highly hope being a boomer, they own every fucking bussiness nowadays forged by themselves

i dont know man but as far as i know past generations already got cars, family, house, a well paid job all by their started 20's, we suck so hard, the mayority my hs mates are in the same boat as i do, too far from having all that all by themselves. Right, it was other time but as generation they did really well for the economy and it's future, we are not doing much in general except creating mutiple genders and fighting for our right to feel accepted, we pathetic

The Millennials are going to be decimated in the upcoming WWIII. So they'll find their usefulness as cannon fodder.

The Millennials meme is interesting, considering a majority of millennials probably browse Sup Forums, along with other generations.

There's plenty of dipshits, but the reality is millennials were born to an economy that basically was crashing and everyone got fucked over.

A lot of people don't know this, and this issue should probably covered, but the truth is that SJW and PC brainwashing has been going on for more than thirty years.

So it's not just millennials faults that all this bullshit has happened, because its been decades in the making.

I kinda like this idea. Like instead of draft cards being lotto'd, just pool Facebook/IG/Twitter/Youtube/etc.. users into a lotto and pick grunts based on social media activity.

>Hey youtube, its (insert generic narcisist social media personality) again.
>It turns out I just got drafted
>Even though I dont "agree" with the conflict I'll soon be fighting in
>Im gonna try to upload as much as I can, maybe go live if I have time
>So smash that like button and subscribe soon cause a few MPs just showed up to haul me off to boot camp

If only...

None of these "generations will matter when the bombs fall. You might as well fuck and kill people while you can before we all get vaporized.

Burn social media to the ground.
All of it.
It is malignancy upon humanity.

this generation will be even worst, ya'll will look acting 15 when 30

Arguably the rise of immigration and outsourcing killed the job market in the first place

I am a millenial and no. Baby boomers are. They want to cut taxes and get social security, which is driving the debt ceiling. They want fucking everything an they bitch at us for wanting healthcare


Sometimes you gotta devolve to evolve ya know. And by that I mean, eventually we, as a species, realize just how bad we've gotten and either find a way to fix it, or perish. Either way, it's only natural for these periods of "writers block" so to speak, to happen to progress.

>Gen Z created all the problems
Gen Z are the ones younger than you, dipshit
Typical dumbass millennial.

Or technology. Do you see a blockbuster anywhere? Probably use redbox or Netflix. When's the last time you went into a bank? Probably use bill pay and credit card to pay. When's the last time you shopped in person? Probably buy from

Immigration has hurt certain industries, but helped others. Illegals help with low skilled low pay farm work, restaurants and housework. Now LEGAL immigrants have hurt the tech industry by allowing them to replace workers with low pay high skilled workers from China using H1b visas.

Outsourcing allows American companies to be competitive.


The Boomers we're a really terrible generation in terms of everything but art. So what does that make us if we're not even good at art? What the hell is this generation good at??

>baby boomers shit all over everything, then point the finger at millennials

They literally raped the economy, and are just now upset about it, and complain that baby boomers are lazy.

I was born in 79 and got to watch this shitfest unfold from the start.

I'm 23 male who started college at 15 because smart kid at school and havent yet finished cause fail 3 years because drugs and gay sex, I live with my parents, earn 0 money, and i love myself

>Become parents
>Raise kids
>Complain when your parenting skills turn out a generation of dipshits

Technology bitch.

Maybe, but the faggot generation z's are just as bad, run their mouths to people three times their size because they've never been in an actual street fight. A lot of premature deaths once you faggots move away to college.

You being a loser has nothing to do with being a millenial. You would be a loser regardless of what year you were born.

And a faggot(mental illness)

Or you could just kill yourself instead of whining on a board full of autists, including you, about how all X do Y, instead of it being symptomatic of your retarded, senile, confirmation-bias-infected, disease addled brain.

Huh? Millennials didn't create any of the "technology" and only a few understand it beyond using it. IT happened because of boomers and Gen X that came along afterwards and maximized it.

Millennials have zero accomplishments. Their vaunted multitasking abilities are bullshit, it just means they do more things poorly.

What? Millenials are the most tech savvy and educated generation to date. 16 year olds are doing things with technolgy that gen xers couldn't do after 15 years of experience in their field kek. Gen x is just butt hurt that they have a 24 year old boss.

Millennials haven't created any technology, only altered existing technology

that ass tho

niggers are the niggers of this generation. are you dumb? don't answer that because I already know

user you just got a new level of stupidity

Nigger culture has invaded and destroyed American culture.

And older generations didn't have to go to college to get a decent job. Nowadays, you need a college education to get one that isn't physical labor or the army.

What idiocy are you blabbering about? Right-wing middle class citizens are the niggers of our time.

stfu that's not a thing. USING technology isn't a skill or anything to be proud of, faggot.

Millennials and some of the latter Gen X'ers make me think of those 'average people' in Fahrenheit 451.

Are babyboomers the worst generation

>destroy the Earth and all its resources
>leave every nation in intense debt
>remove most freedoms
>ignore what the newer generations want and try to control them via authoritarianism
>constantly attack and insult millenials despite being worse

>SJWs are part of millenials
Did you fail US history or skip the chapters involving civil rights, which had more sections in my high school text book than anything else save for the revolutionary war. Even WW1 and 2 only got a single chapter. Civil rights took up like 3.

>old fags believe this

Don't forget spreading tons of STD's and having tons of kids that many of them didn't care for cause' "free love mannnn"

all except
yup, we the laziest butts full of excuses in timelines
and yes, but they didn't have such helps we do today which makes it alot easier

The newest Generation, Z or whatever, legit scares me.

Let me guess, your dream job is "Youtuber"?

i sincerely think they'll be drug addicts generation

No, but I'm sure yours is "farm worker".

Atleast there's pride in that job.

Gen Z peeps are between 0-8 as of now, dear faggot.

stfu nigger

Millennials didn't create any technology dipshit


Every generation bitches about the one after because they are projecting their own failures.

"My generatipn had it so hard but we gave you everything and you blew it. Boo fucking hooo! Ehere did wr go wrong, Karen?!?"

Every generation is an entitled group of cunts.

Don't worry soon the singularity will arrive and generation Ω will interface with the machines making everyone else obsolete


>never apology

Id be damned to never apology

Boomers are the niggers

Holy fuck, i would never be drafted.

Nope they're between 12-22, it's mid 90's to mid 20's

Fuck niggers!

No that Gen Y and that actual demograph is between '80s to early '00s

a typical computer user 30 years ago was probably better with tech than the typical computer/phone user today. on average, we're worse with tech. it's just cheaper, faster, and easier to use.

oh yeah, working our way to this, glad i'm armed

The president reminds me of that faggot Obama

Millenials are simply what their baby boomer parents taught them to be.

mad trips is right


of course, a computer user 30 years ago was more likely to be educated, but you get what i'm saying. people aren't better at tech. more people use it, but that's it.

older tech (and not even just computers) required some degree of technical understanding. now you just have to mash the icons on your phone or take it to get repaired if it breaks.

You are literally retarded; no more typing for you, Timmy.

So fucking wrong in every way.

The answer is no. Do you have some sort of follow up question?

I'm 40, graduated high school in 94. Technically a millennial.

and I just got out of college and moved in to the spare room at my mothers house. lol not even joking. There's obviously more to the story, but I just like saying that much and seeing the looks of horror cross over peoples faces.

Downloading apps onto your phone is literally your greatest achievement in life.

I think millennial is technically people born close to 2000. I'm 1990, people consider me millennial.
I live with my parents, but to take care of them. They are sick and unable to work. I'd be an asshole to leave them. Somewhat self centered, but willing to sacrifice living on my own to help my family. I sometimes blame others for my mistakes, but most often I take credit for my mistakes. I think the ones who often blame others are more aware than anyone that they are truly to blame. I don't blame "the man" for shit, I've made my way on my own... but I do think things could be done a lot better and smarter. Our economic centers are far apart and don't have direct ties, full of redundant systems. Why do we need a shipyard in one state and 2 miles across in the other state there is another shipyard. they are the same fucking region. waste of money and bad policy. i don't fucking know everything or claim to know i can fix everything (far from it) but we've all had moments where we ask "why is this done this way? this is so shit, and could be done more efficiently." As for dumber and emotional, personally dumber is debatable. I recognize when I don't know anything about a subject and shut up until I at least have a grasp in most cases. Admitedly, I'm pretty emotional.But I do have common sense,more than a lot of these retards. Feminazis, fuckem. SJW and BLM are fucking cults and disgust me. Rabid right wingers aren't much better. You all cling like fuck to systems that alienate half the population because they are too extremes. I do have to say, my generation is rampant in SJW indoctrination. Had a "friend" who is pro BLM, blames cis white males for everything. Was talking to her about game of thrones. say "what did you think about when dragon lady freed all the slaves." her response "I don't agree with it because she is a white foreign invader who is imposing her way of life. slavery is their culture." never spoke to her again.

As a millennial I do feel like our generation is lazier than the past ones, but I think we'll turn out ok. Hopefully.