Why is Africa so undeveloped and poverty stricken?

Why is Africa so undeveloped and poverty stricken?

I'm looking for a real answer. So please no racist bullshit.

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bad farming continent, and ever since the slave trade, the african slave kingdoms spent money on guns to conquer more tribes rather than actually advance in any type of way

slave trade collapse = tons of uneducated nigs with guns

Corruption, Greed, Poor leadership, Long standing fueds...

Also Niggers

Lazy niggers too broke to go to school
No education
Stupid broke niggers on farms who don't know how to farm

their countries are completely artificial with no history.
like in europe you have say france, and it's full of french people right? so for the most part they work together. but if you look at something like congo, you have ethnic groups that have no relation to each other whatsoever and have being feuding for centuries

true...also, corruption.

i have a friend who was valedictorian of my high school. went to MIT, has worked for exxon/mobil for years, spending most of the year in Angola.....and exxon makes billions off of that oil, and doesn't give angola that much in taxes. not only that but the employees (all white) dont pay taxes to angola because they stay on 28 day work visas, then leave the country for a three day weekend every month (to go to neighboring countries resorts), just to not pay taxes.

so there's one african country with oil, getting fucked.

Don't forget colonialism. Pretty much the entire continent was occupied by a handful of European nations until early 20th century. We fucked them good.

sad to see how it looks today considering the great civilization that lived there like ancient egyptians
islam ruined the north that's for sure

Mostly colonialism and the messy way it was decolonized. Several hundred years of violent exploitation, inter-ethnic conflicts encouraged by colonial powers, national boundaries that have more to do with the colonial powers' organization than actual natural nation-state boundaries, and a lot of power-vacuums left by withdrawing colonial powers that created a perfect opportunity for dictators, warlords, and otherwise corrupt regimes to take power.

I'm sure there's plenty more, but these are massive and provably-true stumbling blocks that you can see all over the world in the wake of colonialism.

because the people that are in power are just greedy nigger cunts.

Explains it all, and the solution:


-Slave trade
-Developed countries taking valuable resources (gold, oil, diamonds)
-Poor agricultural land
-Colonising then just upping and leaving (see Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran for modern examples of that)
-Religious wars between Muslims, Christians and tribalism
-People trying to live in the desert instead of solely along the coast (like Australia)
-Plus everything everyone else has said and more. It's really a huge shit show over there.

for a large portion, blame the belgians.

(seriously, the belgian colonies from 1900-1930ish killed more people than hitler.)

and the UK, france, germany and belgium together fucked africa over pretty well, when it had already been badly hit by the slave trade in the 17-18th C.

Effectively, we shattered its economies, wrecked it farms, committed genocide of the best people there, asset-stripped everything of worth, and segregated the locals from getting education, then pulled out leaving massive power vacuums, with nothing like enough educated people left behind to run the countries, so their farms and infrastructure collapsed, and the whole place went to shit, with factions and warlords and all that shit springing up.

We fucked them for 300 years, and ruined it.

and yes, they ruined it themselves further, by having those warlords running rampant, or by having idiot thugs like Mugabe take over and kick the white farmers out - and in doing so turned a breadbasket into a famine zone. We arent responsible for that stupidity. but we did prime it all to go off.


China will take over Africa don't worry

Slavery was how many African nations got wealthy. But they got greedy and started kidnapping and enslaving white Europeans. Several million white Europeans were enslaved in North Africa between 1300-1850. So Europe made slavery illegal so that they could force Africa to stop enslaving white people. Africa told them to fuck off. So Europe went to war with them, and to free the white slaves (First Barbary war). Africa was soon at it again, so boom, the 2nd Barbary war had to happen, only this time, Europe stayed put in Africa to keep slavery from happening again. France took control of the Algerian coast (start of French Foreign Legion) and this started colonialism.


Jews financed the Dutch who traded the slave trade triangle>slaves>sugar>rum. Jews owned most of the slave ships. Africans captured other Africans, then sold them to the traders who showed up in the Gulf of Benin. This is how so many rich African kings and princes got so rich.

>"We wuz kangz" is a reaffirmation of blacks willing to sell other blacks

Second conquering of Africa.

Yes, and the downfall of china

Man you just dont know how to stop being a retard for a brief second to answer OP like he asked

There was a documentary recently where a Chinese Engineer was managing a project in Africa, and basically was putting down the African Engineer and the workers on the project. This is what I am talking about. They will quickly realize what a sink hole that whole continent is, there is no quick way to fix it, except this:


Shitty conditions.


Just because you don't like the truth doesn't mean it's a bad answer.

What do you mean no racist bs? If you believe in science and evolution then racism is the name of the game. Niggers are ipods stop comparing them to iphones. Niggers are fast big and stupid, asians and whites are genius and more attractive overall, plus we can swim. Beaners are somewhere in the middle there... grow up

Can't easily farm. No animals capable of being domesticated. Too difficult to grow wheat. Few rivers for irrigation (except the Nile). Dutch disease from natural resources. Multiple disease epidemics.

And its full of niggers.

Colonization and oppression from the West. That's the simple answer. For centuries the West has used Africa to take their natural resources and when that dried up they left. Now it's used for strategic use.

OK so here is the reason why.

Because it is full of subhuman animals commonly referred to as "niggers."

Simple proof, look at South Africa before they ended apartheid (white's ruling the country.) South Africa was a prosperous civilized country that was relatively peaceful, and who's technology was so developed, they actually successfully had a nuclear weapons program. Yes, that's right, they actually built nukes. Prior to handing over their modern, wealthy, and relatively peaceful country, to the blacks, as a result of the jews raising hell for years, stirring up world opinion against the white rule, the white government was still so enlightened and peaceful, that they became the only country on the planet to have ever built nuclear weapons, and then gotten rid of them completely. Of course they dismantled their program and weapons, because they knew of the horrors that would be inflicted upon the world, if niggers got their hands on nukes.

So there you go OP, an honest accurate truthful answer. A modern, developed, prosperous and peaceful country is very doable in Africa, with its immense wealth of natural resources. Just not with blacks in charge.

It's been getting fucked for its resources for a long ass time. Basically colonialism ...

>Colonization and oppression from the West

Oh yeah, thats why every neighboring country in Africa hates the next and has been in conflict or wars with each other.

>not admitting that they also took 99% of the infrastructure with them when they left.

During colonial eras, most African countries were organised by their colonial powers into very rigid economic output, usually mass production of one or two crops, to solely benefit the colonial power. This meant for example, in Ethiopia, coffee beans became the sole source of income for the country, meaning failure of the crop meant failure of the economy. Further more, these colonial powers only invested in the development of the primary sector, i.e. agriculture, which is of slow profit yield, as opposed to manufacturing (secondary sector).
So, as a result of colonialism, Ethiopia's main economic activity occurs within the primary sector, producing coffee beans.
However, they say that it would cost 79c to purchase a cup of coffee worth of coffee beans, yet in the West, the average cup of coffee is roughly $3. And this is where modern day suppression of African economic development occurs.
All of the value of the coffee bean is developed through the manufacturing of the crop. Roasting, grinding, converting into drinkable coffee - allowing suppliers to raise profit for the now ready to use product.
So, in sum, the modern day lack of African economic development is mainly, but not solely, due to the major dependency on Agricultural economic activity, but the West's interference of lack of proper "fair trade" suppresses the countries from furthering their economies and developing more advanced secondary (manufacturing) sectors and tertiary (service) sectors.

Because nigger you stupid faggot.

Umm how the fuck did they take 99% of the buildings, the highways, the roads, the sewer and water system, and so on and so on, with them?

Found the nigger.


Please go into some detail about these mystical resources. Numbnuts, the only resources which matter are HUMAN RESOURCES. Extraction of resources is really far down the totem pole for developing wealth. The way to create wealth is to turn raw materials into something of higher value. Japan and Hong Kong have virtually no resources, and look at them. Muh resources is propaganda used by 90 IQ self styled intellectuals to befuddle and deceive 80 IQ self styled intellectuals.

>Europeans arrive in Africa (Africa was doing fine, aside from tribal conflicts and weather related disasters)
>Europeans begin to literally tear africa apart, see king leopolds involvement in the congo, worlds largest genocide
>European Disease
>European hostility
>European conquerors
>eventually land already utilized by tribes becomes split into countries and tribes merge with other opposing tribes now expected to function as a nation
>War, hostility, fight for power
Add that to the slave trade, child labor, and current destabilization (see precious mineral demand) by other nations and you can begin to see why Africa is currently fucked.
And before people begin spewing out racism, look at the accomplishments a stable africa produced: pyramids, (some of the most sophisticated, if not the most, structures from the ancient world), complex languages, religions, and farming methods, and amazing art that has come out of various tribes

And Africa never moved on from these oppressors to grow those cash crops that made Africa such an economic superpower prior to the west helping them?

Face it, the west tried to help. Every time they did, a civil war or conflict would break out and what investment was there was destroyed.

We could move every industrial factory and device from Europe and America to Africa and come back in ten years and every bit of it would be destroyed or ruined. Basically, Africa is a black hole. Other than their people being occasionally useful for sports and that only, Africa is a wasteland.

Chinamen will make Africa more than a ressources continent today or a slave market yesterday. IF Africa had 10% the efficiency of China or even... Greece, this would be a better place for all its people.

fuck you nigger

What they didn't take, the niggers destroyed.

Pyramids were not built by the niggers. DNA testing on mummies has conclusively proved, no nigger DNA in the royalty in Egypt whatsoever.

Stupid ass we wuz kangzer.

Africa is like Spain. A lot of people without relation. Spain has 5 languages. Spain is not a country or a nation. Is only an invention.

Freedom for Catalonia. Fuck Spain. Independence now.


The niggers destroyed everything there, would be a much more accurate statement.


If you want to go precolonial, yes, a lack of large animals that could be domesticated relative to Eurasia is a thing. There's an interesting theory about geography as well. Africa's land mass is on a north-south axis, Eurasia east-west. When wheat was domesticated about 10,000 years ago in what is now Iraq, the technology spread quickly east and west in Asia. Similar latitudes meant similar climates and growing seasons, meaning agriculture spread out to more people. Folks stopped being nomadic, established cities, trade. Basically spread civilization. A domesticated crop in Africa wouldn't reach as far north-south, would reach less people, and therefore societies would be more isolated, less complex, and less civilized.

Also, Africa is chock full of niggers.


Dude, I posted this twice already....

Low IQ. No, im serious. It's really that simple.

If you take out the race factor all you have left are excuses, "the whites took everything n shiet" "wu wuz kangz".

Why do you think the answer has nothing to do with race? Can you back that up?

when the Afrikaans ran the place, they only recorded the white murders

European colonists destroyed their countries by building them roads, bridges, power plants, wells, aqueducts, telephone lines, schools and hospitals.

>handful of white people in boats arrive
>take over entire country

lol, niggers