Lonley fags get out under your rocks i'm bored depressive and suicidal lets talk

lonley fags get out under your rocks i'm bored depressive and suicidal lets talk

pro tip

stuff a lamp up you're asshole with a time stamp if you want a thread to gain traction.

what is your problem op?

Well, looks like we've got a bit in common. What's up, user?

Same tbh.

sup read down there

i was so happy with her, she left me without a reason or tell me anything and now i'm alone i cant stop thinking about her, she was my only friend and family, now i'm alone no family no Friends. only shitposting on /b

School starts next month


Plenty of fish in the sea my friend. No need to be depressed and even less suicidal. Don't let it weaken you!

How long did it last?

it hurts so much

4 years. best 4 years

Well if it could last that long then surely you could come across someone even better for you, don't let the past kick you down, always think about the future

Look, I know it hurts. It's good to let it hurt! It is the only way it will heal again.

You may feel it was the best thing you ever had but it is not. You will always come across something else. Not better not worse, just different and you can make the best out of it. With time you will know what happened and you'll get over it.

>talk to girl every day on Snapchat
>mutual best friends
>see her for the first time today
>hardly talks to me
I don't even know what to think

we all are i guess

good luck with school

it doesnt help that the shit in my head wont stop thinking about her and how she make me happy

i dont know if anyone else wants to be with a ugly useless shizo

i hope the shit on my head starts to forget her is hard to do it when she appears on dreams and is a recurrent thing in my mind

i hope it heals son it hurts so much

Come on man, if you have yourself you can do anything you want. Fuck what others think

I'm suffering more. Hope you feel better. 30 year old KHV not a dollar to my name. Havent had a friend for 22 years. I dont leave my house (its not really mine I still live with my parents.)

Youre probably younger than me and its not too late to turn things around. The worst feeling is the feeling of your life being over but you're somehow still alive, and will be alive for several decades to suffer a slow and painful death.

Stop obsessing about her, get out there, excercise, take an interesting class, read a lot. That will help you get through it. If you have nothing to ocuppy your mind with then it will be hard not to stop thinking about her.

Did you guys have a fight prior to this? Any plans for the future? School?

it was the exact opposite for me

I dont know if i have myself

25 fag here, hope everything gets better for you too

thank you user

Hope you find your way my friend! Good luck and keep yourself busy!