If God is all-loving and omniscient, that means he knows the fate of every soul ever born...

If God is all-loving and omniscient, that means he knows the fate of every soul ever born. That means he allows souls who will be doomed to eternal damnation be born, rather than avert their birth or intervene. Which means he isn't all loving.

Check and mate, Christfags. I look forward to your "f-f-fedora" responses.

How can you not understand that people choose to be damned?

God doesnt love us because he gave us free will? Nigguh you talking nonsense


An all-loving God would not allow the birth of these damned souls, having foreknowledge of them.

He has a plan for all but He gave us free will. It's what people do that damns them

We need refugee immigration into Israel.

Arabs are Semite people, and so are Jewish people.

It is time we stop the hate.

Israeli immigration now! 90,000 Refugees every month!

Why? That doesnt make sense. I let people I love do whatever the fuck they like because I dont have any authority over them. They have free will. My mom has free will. I still love her tho.

>"Refugees welcome"
>according even to our foreign policy they're actually not
Good work Sadiq, you just doomed the Balkans to having even more economic immigrants "trapped" in their countries

>has a plan for us all
>part of that plan is to let souls rot forever because of the sins of their fathers


>believing in absolute free will

Christ you guys need to read some more.

Nice arguments. Enjoy spending eternity stuck here

Don't shame my country even more, you disgusting traitorous cunt. Fuck off.

Surely the simplest way for God to get everyone onside would be to show up and do some shit. I do not follow any religion. But if an all-powerful entity acting in the name of a religion were to show up and fuck some shit up to demonstrate The Power Of The One True Religion, I'd be onside. A 75ft flying Jesus should suffice in turning some heads. I assume this is within the realm of possibility for an all-powerful creator.

What makes you think god wants us all to worship him? I dont believe that.

Don't you know? Such displays of power are conveniently reserved only for people living in specific places thousands of years ago or people who happen to be living at the time when the Messiah returns. Everyone else just needs more faith

You could have put a trigger warning before posting that picture you dick


>God should abort people who won't love Him.

>That's what I would do if I were God.

I'm here for the bantz. I don't even bother attempting debate anymore. Chess, pigeon.

Jesus rose from the dead, and not all believed even when they saw Him after His crucifixion.

So no, the human heart is endlessly wicked and is not open for rational evidence that would turn people towards God. On the contrary, it is open for demonic apparitions, counterfeit signs and false wonders that will herald in the Antichrist.

Whatever you say, Ahmed.

On the other hand, we are just lumps of mass of particles that have no free will, nad our future and time itself was predetermined at the begining of big bang. You can't win either way.

>don't have the authority
>but have the authority to throw those people into hell and let burn forever
Christian logic 101 at it again!

Could God make a rock so big and heavy that not even He could lift it?


So in layman's terms, He's a bit like Invisible Boy in the film Mystery Men, who can only become invisible when nodody is looking.

SICK BURN BRO. I'll bet the girls are all chasing you.

Although you missed the opportunity for combo points with an Ahmed/Fedora mash-up. Hit me again, we'll call that first one a practice shot.

You're trying to judge the morality of an infinite, eternal, omniscient and omnipotent being with the frail and limited standards of morality that you illegitimately received from that being. Do you see the futility there?

God has infinite solutions to the omnipotence paradox, you're simply incapable of understanding them.
And what's the point of Jesus telling His disciples to spread the gospel if everyone already believes?



Your argument assumes people have certain fates. Remember that in most religions, humans have free will. If God exists and is omniscient and all-loving, He knows all possible outcomes for every soul on Earth. That is, He knows "given that this person makes this choice, their possible fates are this". But the individual makes the choices. That's why in most religions, God tries to steer people from sin, because making those choices leads to some sort of concept of hell. But the whole point of free will is that it's not certain until the choice is made. He knows all possible fates for everyone, but the individual choses their own fate based on the choices they make.

what if he intervenes and you still dont give a crap

People are offered the ultimate choice, to follow God and Jesus, or to ignore it and live their sinfull disgusting lives. I'm no stranger to sin and I'm most certainly not off the hook. But I'm saying that all people in life are presented with an opportunity to know God. I understand that you could think about why God would send people to hell at all, but people have to wake up and meet each other in heaven. If you choose to reject the word of God you will be rejected from the kingdom. Is it free will if God knows the exact rout you take in life? I'm not sure but as far as you know it is, when you are presented with an opportunity to know Him, you choose and nobody else chooses for you. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say, and I'm sure there will be haters but I'm ok, because I can rest easy knowing that there is a God that created me and loves me.

>>believing in absolute free will
proof it does not exist faggot

Stop thinking so hard. It's a mystery.
Because it doesn't make sense. If things only happen because God wills it there is no choice.