What do you think about the whole Brendan Fraiser situation?

What do you think about the whole Brendan Fraiser situation?

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Who is he and why should I care?

>who is he
I don't want to exist any more

Airheads is my favorite movie of all time. It's a shame that he got old and his ex-wife took all his money.

12 yo spotted

he was a pretty good tarzan


He helped redpill me on women.



Today it was announced on Variety.com that Brendan will be joining Donald Sutherland and Hilary Swank in the upcoming show "Trust" in a lead role. This comes after Brendan's highly praised performance in "The Affair".

This makes me happy. He deserves a break.


Quick rundown on this guy?

kys, he deseves a good life in peace

I never cared for celebrities and I'm not up to date with news

Good for him. When his alimony payment obligation end at January 31, 2019 he will finally be free from his socipathic cunt ex-wife.

Then he Brendan is truly free to make his comeback

George George George of the jungle watch out for that biiitchhh woooAHHHHHH you got 900k a year child support

How dare she?
With our Brendan...
It just makes me sick

He deserves to be rich because he is a fond memory in my childhood, if all these other shit actors can get roles why can't he? He's still good.

You spelled his name wrong user.

It's Sup Forumsrendan.

??? I just asked for his story...

Someone post the recent interview he had where he is stammering like a fucking retard autist and looks like he is going to break down art any moment kek!

>Sup Forumsrendan
look I normally don't use to like any of your full of faggotry threads, but this is something that can change human kind
We, united, can bring him back to life.
Pray 4 him, pray 4 our Brendan

could we, in theory, destroy his ex-wife?

Did this really happen? This is going to break my heart l'm going to look for it

here you go
Its on my bookmarks task bar


Sup Forumsrendan's Life Matters

dude that's not going to help him anyway so what's the point?
if you want to help him, just do help him

George Of The Jungle is a fucking classic.
Nothing but love for Brendan.

please just don't be true

he deserves it man. that guy was my childhood hero.

l loved him in "the mummy".. what the fuck has happened to him, did a succubus really cause this? Why can't he land movie roles what the fuck..

I broke down in tears

So basically after he became older then 33 they never casted him anymore? okay

Hollywood is pure shit

l saw the new mummy movie and it was fucking shit, they threw in Tom Cruise as a fucking novelty, l didn't even watch the whole film. Brenden Frasier made that whole movie

Haha! You pathetic human male's think you can stop me from getting my well deserved alimony. I will drain my ex-husband dry. Both his bank account and his life force and there is nothing you can do about it.

Just so you know when the alimony ends i will have a judge to extend the alimony. If he makes more money i will have a judge to raise the alimony. If he goes broke i will have my lawyers to destroy him completely.

w a k e
m e
u p

You're fuckin gay and that's offensive to gay people

He does kind of look like PePe the frog, maybe that is why everybody cares

How do you feel about yourself? We all know that this isn't his wife, you are pathetic. You literally wrote that

Google is your friend


He is a very shitty actor that got by because women thought he was hot and kids thought he was funny. But once his looks went and he was an aging, fat, and balding with bad hair plugs guy; the roles dried up because his acting alone wasn't enough to get by. That and his wife cleaned him out on alimony and he has a shortage of work.

I think if he shaved his head entirely (those hair plug implants aren't working, they also fall out in a very patchy and artificial way requiring constant maintenance) and worked out (and maybe juiced a bit) until he was a beast, he could do more of a Rock or Vin Diesel type things.

But now, all he can do is be typecast as a depressed paunchy middle aged dad. I think he's getting his shit together somewhat, seems like he's down much closer to his original weight.... still just needs to give up and shave that shitty astroturf he calls a hairstyle.

I love Brendan, monkeybone was my shit when I was a kid

Fucking underage faggots

wheeze the juice


And I know who he is, what happened him?

Brendan Fraser is the living proof not to get married

uplifting news of the week, cheers bro

I'm 27, when the movie came out in 2001 I was 11


He needs Paulys D again or perhaps Paulys Shore

What's the situation with my boy Brendan?

Poor Brenny

Are you a fucking mummy? Have you been buried in a tomb for the past 30 years? ANSWER ME!

man fuck he looks weird ass ugly, but in the movies, he is one of the hottest guys.

Fuck it - perfect for a Frazier / Cheers reboot!


god, what a fucking scary picture.


As much as I treasure Frazier, I would actually support this. It's almost part of his name too, so it kind works out.

Now baby i hear the blues are calling...