Drops 2 fucking atomic bombs on major Gook cities

>Drops 2 fucking atomic bombs on major Gook cities
>Makes a liberal propaganda movie about the Armenian Genocide
>Keeps making movies about holohoax
Why are Americans so dumb? I mean, I would blame Jews but I feel like Americans are to blame here.

Atleast some Americunts will learn about the Armenian Genocide.

Will still probably not even know where T*rkey is on the map, though.


>Armenian Genocide.

I'm actually pretty surprised most american's don't know the Muslims basically tried to genocide all of the Christians of an entire country.

asians want to be white so bad

That's because most liberals will do anything to excuse muslims and the crimes they commit.

I'm suprised liberals haven't protested this movie yet since .

I blame Canadians

I'm German and I don't know what the Armenian genocide is. I honestly don't care, either.
Wouldn't be able to tell you anything detailed about American history either.

Shut the fuck up and watch the movies. This is Sup Forums not Sup Forums.

I think they wanna be American more than anything

Some shitskins killed some other shitskins, nothing of value was lost.

And yet I know extensively about the Armenian genocide, our history, and yours, and I'm an Amerifat. Why so ignorant, fritz?

these actors are weak reminder Colonia is 0% jewish

Muslims decided to clean house and murderfuck every non muslim in Turkey.

It was a big deal. Maybe not "muh six million" big, but pretty significant as far as genocides go.

the Turkish were atheist though

(forgot to add) weren't they, or would it be later there was a push back towards the overtly religious?

Yup. Praying to Allah 5 times a day is the sign of a good atheist.

Yes they were Nordic too

>no 3-pack $9.11 special

If you're gonna be tasteless, go all the way.

You do realize, in Turkey, they refer to the decree as a fatwa right?

lol @ atheist

you sound euphoric

>I have no religion, and at times I wish all religions at the bottom of the sea. He is a weak ruler who needs religion to uphold his government; it is as if he would catch his people in a trap. My people are going to learn the principles of democracy, the dictates of truth and the teachings of science. Superstition must go. Let them worship as they will; every man can follow his own conscience, provided it does not interfere with sane reason or bid him against the liberty of his fellow-men.

[taqiyya intesifies]

>trusting a movie with a pedro as the lead

>Keeps making movies about holohoax
>I would blame Jews but I feel like Americans are to blame here.

nice shill attempt


Oscar is a descendant of Sephardi Jews

August Zirner's a jew