Why does this keep happening? Doubles decides

Why does this keep happening? Doubles decides.

This happens only to faggots. True christian heterosexuals never experience this. Maybe change your evil ways.

dubs has decided.

So... the one on the right?

Just compare both columns ya dumb fuck, left column has 5 flags while right column has 4 flags, therefore its statistically more probable to be the right one

i say click on the left

what's your opinion on the monty hall problem?

Switch door

click left

You'd do great in Vegas

You know, I have a degree in mathematics, but I will never believe the agreed upon answer to the Monty Hall.

right one is mine don't click it faggot

This has to be a troll, monty hall problem isnt really a problem, its obvious that you should switch the door

Nope. I legitimately don't buy it. It's 50/50.

>everything i disagree with must always be a troll

I know you faggots are trolling but you can easily test it with cards and see that its true. It is mathematically proven

Ain't that a nice waste

I'm not trolling. It makes no sense. First, you have three doors to choose from. Then you have two. One is a car and one in a goat. 50/50.

Rite one

ok, if you did not switch, and if no doors were revealed before you made your choice, what would be your odds of the car?

Fucking doubles again. Let me make sure I understand you, there were 3 doors, I chose one, was given the opportunity to switch to one of the other two, but didn't. Then it's 1/3.

"maths" "believe"

you're doing it wrong

A) it's either math, or mathematics, not "maths." you sound like a faggot.
B) I don't follow the logic, therefore I don't believe the answer. To believe means to accept something as true, or feel sure of the truth of. I don't.

I would explain it to you but you can easily find undeniable proof on google. Watch a youtube vid even if you are too lazy

At least say left or right if you're going to get doubles, douchebag.

Okay, so you have three doors. Behind one is a car, and behind the other two are goats.
You get to choose one of three doors. That's 1/3.
Then, one door is removed, by showing you that it was a goat. Two doors remain.
You now choose between the two doors. Behind one is a goat, and behind the other is a car. How is that not 1/2?

correct, which means you have 2/3rd chance of having picked the wrong door. when monty reveals which of the unchosen doors doesn't have a car, you know know where the 2/3rd chance of the car now resides.

i'd love to have someone who doesn't switch do the monty hall question with me for money, i'd even give them 6:5 payout odds, and i'd come out ahead.


how does your 1/3rd chance of picking the right door suddenly jump to 50% when you know which of the other 2 doors now contains the 2/3rd chance of the car?

and click on the left minefield

>you now know where the 2/3rd chance of the car now resides.
What? No, you know that one door has a car behind it, and the other doesn't.



what if I flip a coin once shown a goat, and switch only on tails?

dude you startled me.

The first choice has nothing to do with the second choice. If you had someone else come in after you made the first choice and they were just shown the two doors, why would they not have a 50% chance?

before switching, and before revealing, there was a 1/3rd chance you picked the car, and 2/3rd chance you picked a goat. also, there's a 2/3rd chance the car is in one of the non-chosen doors, and 100% chance the non-chosen doors contain at least 1 goat.
when monty picks one of the goats, there's still a 67% chance that you didn't pick the car, because his revealing one of the other doors tells you no new info about the door you did choose.
monty is not randomly picking between the other 2 doors, he knows which door to not reveal if one of them has a car. there's never been an episode where monty opens one of the non-chosen doors, and ruins the game by oops revealing the car.

click on the left minefield

then half the time you have a 1/3rd chance of getting the car, and the other half the time you have a 2/3rd chance of getting the car, for a net of 50%

Winrar, should have picked right like i said

This proves nothing.

Fucking finally, now deliver OP

i hate minefield too because of so often ending up with a 50% choice to lose. it would be like playing sudoku where there's a high chance of no-solution

This is wrong.

t.math god

>monty is not randomly picking between the other 2 doors, he knows which door to not reveal if one of them has a car. there's never been an episode where monty opens one of the non-chosen doors, and ruins the game by oops revealing the car.
IF there are two goats, then he is picking randomly. Also, which door hides what is also chosen at random. YOU are randomly picking between two doors. When you reduce the choice to two doors, you don't keep the 67%. YOU'RE DOWN TO TWO DOORS.

Rumor has it, Monty would do this "favor" for contestants that he liked.

Is the second choice between 3 doors? No it's not, now shut your fucking mouth.

If you flip a coin and it lands heads you don't bet that it will land tails next time because it was heads last time

monty is not picking randomly. if you picked the car, the 2 nonchosen doors have 2 goats, so doesn't matter which he chooses. if you picked a goat, he knows which other door to reveal the other goat. if monty randomly picked a door, then 1/3rd of the time he ruins the game by revealing the car, and that never happened.

Haha enjoy being so stupid Jesus christ

What does that have to do with this?

click right bomb is on the left

but if you flipped 3 coins, and are not told the result of any of the 3 coin flips, but monty tells you that one of the 3 coins was heads. you have a 1/3rd chance of having picked the heads.
if monty tells you that coin #3 was tails, that still doesn't change the fact that your first choice was 1/3rd chance of being heads

>so doesn't matter which he chooses.
Which means he picks randomly between them 2/3's of the time.


No, the chance stays the same.

Right one

im the dumbass, yet you are all here talking about a stupid fucking door puzzle. Get off your delusional high chair you bunch of autistic loons.

Nope doubles

if there were 100 doors, with 99 goats and 1 car.
if i pick a door, i have 1% chance of having picked the car. if monty then opens 98 of the other 99 doors to reveal 98 goats, that still doesn't change the fact that i have 1% chance of winning by not switching, and i have a 99% chance of winning by switching to all the non-revealed doors i had not chosen at first


Imagine that it was 100 dorrs, one with a car, the rest with a goat, when you picked first, you had 1/99 chances of wining, but then he reveals 98 doors with goats, the one that he didn't opened is mots surely the right one

It doesn't change the fact that the one you didn't choose had a 1/3 chance of being heads either. The second choice is always between two doors (or coins).

You are all fucking autistic, get over the door shit you ya fucking retards. Its unimportant faggots.

1/3rd of the time you chose the car, so switching loses. 2/3rd of the time you chose the goat, so switching wins the car

What is the final thing you have to do in that situation?

lets talk about doors for 10 years on Sup Forums like a bunch of unproductive autistic faggots

the ONES you didn't choose had a 2/3rd chance of where the car is located, so when he reveals a door with a goat, you know know where that 2/3rd chance is located

This. Fucking this.

Switching doesn't always win the car. Only 50% of the time.

Just because there's 3 choices doesn't mean 1/3rd of the time to win you fuck

the final thing in the 100 door situation is to choose whether to stay with the 1-of-100 doors you initially chose, or switch to the last remaining of the 99 non-chosen doors

True, you win 50% of the time.

switching loses the car 1/3rd of the time, but changes wrong-choice to good-choice 2/rd of the time

One of those has a car. One of those has a goat. That is the only choice that means anything.

3 scenarios:

1=car 2=goat 3=goat
1=goat 2=car 3=goat
1=goat 2=goat 3=car

in all 3 choices, monty picks a goat to reveal

1=car 2=goat (he randomly chooses 2 or 3 to reveal)
1=goat 2=car (reveals the door having the only non-chosen goat)
1=goat 3=car (reveals the door having the only non-chosen goat)

1/3rd of the time, you switch from car to goat
2/3rd of the time, you switch from goat to car

You have a 1 in 3 chance to win you don't win 1 out of 3 times, you could lose 700 times in a row if you take away a door you're STILL choosing 1 out of 3 doors

>You have a 1 in 3 chance to win you don't win 1 out of 3 times

>if you take away a door you're STILL choosing 1 out of 3 doors

4 scenarios. There are two goats.

from the beginning, there was always a 100% chance that one of the non-chosen doors had a goat, so when he reveals a goat, this tells you nothing to change your initial choice from being 33% chance of the car.
however, there was a 2/3rd chance that there was exactly 1 non-chosen goat, so in that 2/3rd of the time, the fact that he's removing a goat tells you something about the doors you didn't choose. it's telling you that 2/3rd of the time he's revealing the only non-chosen goat, so 2/3rd of the time the only non-chosen door has the car

you mean 2 cars + 2 goats = 4 doors?

Both are 3

Coin flips aren't random, genius. Depending on the side face-up, and the strength of the person's flip, one can make an educated guess.

Your an idiot.

this guy's a genius

Nope. The second choice is always between a goat and a car. The first part bears no significance. Besides, I wanted a speedboat anyway.

You're flipping a coin wrong. ALways flip from the side straight into a wall.

>Your an idiot

yes, the 2nd choice is always between a goat and a car, but 1/3rd of the time the 2nd choice causes you to switch from a car to a goat, and 2/3rd of the time the 2nd choice causes you to switch from goat to car

>newfag says what?

It's okay, no need to damage control.

You're forgetting that Monty chooses between which goats to reveal on that 1/3 of the time. That decreases the chance of goat by 16.7 percent.

> (You)
Weak ass bait/10

Oops. wrong reply

the 1/3rd of the time that there's 2 non-chosen goats, monty does choose which non-chosen goat to reveal. but since there's 2 goats for him to choose from during that 1/3rd of the time, it doesn't matter which one he chooses or doesn't choose. so your chances change by 0%.
but in the other 2/3rd of the time when there's exactly 1 non-chosen goat, monty chooses the non-chosen goat, leaving you with the car.

he is right, its proven that
most coins have one side which they are more about 1% more prone to fall on

There are four cases. He removes goat a leaving goat b. He removes goat b leaving goat a or he removes goat a leaving a car, or he removes goat be leaving a car. 50% of the time, he leaves a car.

Shit coins maybe. Not one's that are properly marked.

there are 4 cases, however there's non-chosen goat #a and non-chosen goat #b only happening 1/3rd of the time.
so your first 2 cases each happen 1/6th of the time, and your last 2 cases each happen 1/3rd of the time
