Romanian here. AMA

Romanian here. AMA.

why do you come to my country and beg on the streets?

What's it like having the same flag as the African country "Chad"?

Because most people here are too stupid or too lazy to work. Besides, most beggars are not Romanians, they are Gypsy scum.

how does it feel ruining ireland with your population

Alpha AF. Andora and Moldova have similar flags as well. But they are not Chadlands.

Pretty good. Our potatoes don't get diseases, so no hunger for us.

sal cf

Mă plictisesc profund :)) Prin ce colț al lumii exiști? :D

Who are Bulgars?

transilvania tu ?

pls gibe free!!!

Those dudes with sticks from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Also, unwanted Turks who occasionally squat.

Iași. Nu, nu fac sexuț cu rudele mele și nu dețin un topor. Sunt brăilean la origine, deci am cuțite.

Si ce face un roman pe Sup Forums ? prima data cand vad unul care posteaza

Almost trips. This is fake, Romanians have nothing to steal from the surrender monkeys.

Se plictisește :)) Așa timid ni-i neamul?


Poate baietii sunt mai timizi dar fetele toate cele pe care le-am cunoscut erau cam nebune :)

>inb4 all romanians are gipsies

GG. Psihopatele sunt unul dintre motivele pentru care stau pe aici :))

At least we don't get invaded by kebab.

Yeah, we've seen that in the UK. No, not gypsies, Romanian immigrants.

Romani pe b

Haha cred ca si tu ai suferit din cauza lor :))

salut frate de unde esti ?

There are 2 types of romanian immigrants: the ones who go in the "west" to provide better for their families. And second, the lazy fucktards.


N-am suferit, m-am bucurat de ele :))

They deny their street shitting vegana pic demanding origins. Shame.



Hai că suntem vreo doi :D

Salut :D Iași. Tu?

Sa num spuneti ca sunteti careva din Kilkenny

I prefer BDSM, incest and lesbian.

Random AF :)) Vezi irlandezul șucărit de mai sus :D


Don't give a shit, in general oameni isi prostii si nu le pasa ca tiganii si romani nus aceasi popor

romanians, the ones i have worked with are either strong willed and well informed, or kinda workshy/weaselly

Once and for all, gypsies are street shitters.

What country are you from and what domain do you work in?

Land of the extremes, this is. But hey, we have vampires and shit.

I am from Romania,working as a copywriter for a small advertising agency.

sal faggots oradean aici ce mai faceti

uk, i work in a hospital kitchen

Al doilea iesean... Suntem majoritari! he he

How cucked is Romanian language? How much of your vocabulary has Latin roots rather than Slavic?

btw i am

Nici români nu mă așteptam să găsesc, darămite ieșeni :))

Cool, are you legit british tough? I know romanian guy that worked in a hospital kitchen (not in UK) He left because the other guys were all assholes and kept making fun of him/ piling shitloads of work on him.

We have more Latin "based" words than slavic.
Slavic words mainly regard agriculture and shit.

There is quite a debate, but the Latin roots are somewhere around 55% in the total vocabulary. Slavic words are mostly archaic and church slang. Culturally speaking, though, we love mayonnaise and Adidas, so there is some slavness in us.

sa-mi bag pula in toti europenii astia care asociaza romanii cu mizeriile de tigani.

Salut din Moldova ba :))

Why the fuck do we have to give your country's people money in the street?

Do you really hate Moldova?

i am legit British yes, born in brighton

All the white population of Romania hate gypsies.
We can`t force them out of the country sadly..
Miss you Zelea Codreanu.. Horia Sima.. :c

I am OK with Moldova, although I am against the two states joining together. Too much Russian influence in Moldova for now.

Not people. Gypsies. Those are lowlife Indians who joined the Golden Horde back in the 1240s and remained in Eastern Europe. Some of them got even further, mostly to Spain and Ireland, during the Middle Ages. Now they are on the move again because they are social parasites.

yeah union with romania is pretty much impossible with all the russians there

Tot român, dacă nu scrii rusește :))

Vreun Zelea sau Sima fără ortodoxie se poate? :))


Cool, I work with a few Brits, they're all arrogant - without exception, but tend to be excellent workers and willing to cooperate to get shit done so I generally end up getting along very well with them.

glad we have some good workers representing us over there, even if they are arrogant

Cooperate. This is some shit we should learn from them.

I live in Ireland to make that clear.

MUIE BOR! Muie lu' Preafericitu Daniel!

cred ca suntem mai multi romani dar vorbim engleza in principal. prezent din suceava

How does this make you feel?
top = churches
bottom = hospitals

Aș zice muie Pomohaci dar s-ar putea să-i placă.
Meh, am mai făcut fire de-astea, dar nu s-a băgat nimeni. E prima oară când chiar e activitate pe un ro thread :))

Trips have spoken!
Like shite, actually. This is a nation almost as religious as fucking Iran.

not good mate
toate au un inceput

3 questions.
What are things like since you beheaded communism?
Has the orphan issue gotten better?
What is it like living among the vampires?

Peles Castle is beautiful, I want to go

sincer eu cred ca unii tigani sunt oameni ok care chiar muncesc. pacat ca cei care isi fac mai tare simtita prezenta sunt cei care fura/cersesc/ne fac de rusine

1. We are still experiencing quite a nasty transition. Capitalists are still frowned upon and handouts are still very popular, unfortunately.
2. A wee bit. The state does not mistreat them as it used to at Cighid, but resources are scarce and most of them end up begging on the streets.
3. It sucks :))

You should check out Bran and the Huniad Castle as well.

Mnah, Barbu Lăutaru era țigan și Liszt însuși a rămas impresionat de el. Da, sunt țigani OK, dar cultura în sine e toxică.

noi suntem genul ala de oamenii care chiar daca au genul ala de reputatie negativa, cand cineva chiar sta sa ne cunoasca o sa vada ca suntem oameni buni

am ramas singur aici?

actualmente sunt mai multi romani care posteaza, eu de exemplu numa in inglish pun.

Did your country produce anyone notable that isn't that one youtuber in recent years?