Why do Women think it's fine to breastfeed in public?

Why do Women think it's fine to breastfeed in public?

yeah I don't get it. They get to jizz out their nipples in public all they want and the most that happens is they get some glares from people who don't want to see that

meanwhile when I whip my dick out at the playground to release some pressure, I go to prison

it's not right

They're just feeding their babies. If you can eat food in public, then the babies should be able to too. Just in that case the eating requires a little nudity.

it is not necessary for them to do it in public though. They can pump it before going out, or go in private. The only ones who do it in public are feminists trying to make a point and want to provoke an argument when they get called out on it. They're not doing it because they HAVE to.


Also, it's not like breastfeeding in public is done like in the picture. There is barely any nudity, just slip a nipple out. Plus, there are clothes being made for women with little zippers by the nipples for easier access (and thus less nudity).

It's not about women running around letting their tits flop about, it's litterally about being able to feed their kid without being shamed for it.

It's not necessary, but it's not necessary for anyone to eat in public, but we do so anyways, because it's out right, just as it's their right.

Women should at least be allowed to go topless where men are allowed to.

What, are you afraid of seeing a tit? Get back into your hugbox, faggot.

You fucking yanks, man. You guys get all bent out of shape over what is natural.
You're so fucking strange and warped.

>Why do Women think it's fine to breastfeed in public?
Why do you think it's NOT fine? It's just a dumb learned aversion you have.

Smh, y'all dorks spend all day looking at porn where dicks go in a hole where poop comes out, but god help you if you see a baby nursing.

idk but is anything hotter ?

It is necessary, babies need to be fed every few hours or else they scream relentlessly. You think a baby can just wait until they go home? Or that a mother can't go out for longer than an hour or two?

how is this not coddling pedos? wimmin should not be able to get succ from a baby.

Because it is fine.
The intentions are clear and recognizable right away (so no one would misunderstand breastfeeding for nudity).

To disallow it, would be like banning public kissing - sure there's always someone whose jimmies it rustles, and there's ways to make it erotic - but seriously now?
You wouldn't ban kissing would you?

Fuck the baby and fuck the dumb bitch who decided to have one.
Stay at home or don't have a fucking baby
Not difficult unless you're a single mother, in which case why did you fucking procreate anyway?

Because it is.

Well to be honest.... why are women even allowed out in public anyway?


>To disallow it, would be like banning public kissing
Or more appropriately, banning everyone from eating in public.

like i said if you actually read my post, whipping your tit out isn't the only way to feed a hungry baby

because ppl are disgusting monkeys

Why are you so against seeing women naked? Are you gay?

It's not just about feeding the babby. When you breastfeed, you get regular milk letdowns. Sometimes you gotta just feed the kid or milk starts leaking out of your tits.

ITT: Kissless virgins are angry because they have mommy issues.

This thread is almost as funny as listening to men talk about abortion.

I couldnt care less tbh.

Its practical for them and the child, doesnt make a sound, doesnt smell, doesnt leave a trace, doesnt take any space. I wish more people were doing this in public instead of 99% of the other shit that people do.
>driving ridiculous vehicles
>being livetreateningly drunk
>bro culture
>littering everywhere

I'm against women forcing their stupid fucking homemaking bullshit into the public space.
You don't take a baby that needs fed that often out for more than an hour or two anyway. Dumbass.
It's a matter of, no you don't need to whip out a titty to feed that screaming thing that has no place in public anyway. There's other ways to feed it. There's other options. But no, you wanna be a cunt and make others bend to your whims.
Fucking go home and let your husband do the shopping or, if that isn't an option, don't have babies with some dude you met once. I swear women are retarded and you white knighting their feminist bullshit is encouraging it. Nothing else.

The best argument against that steaming load is one word: freedom.

So who are you to define what public space is and what it' used for?

this, also

Freedom to be a dumb assholes nobody wants near them.
Yeah, you have that freedom.
Doesn't make you morally OR logically right.
Doesn't make this not white knighting on your part.
And it certainly doesn't mean that chick with a kid you know will ever see you as anything more than that weird "friend" they can use for favors and free shit because she knows you have a crush on her.
Now fuck off.


There is nothing wrong with free nips why can't we just accept the free tittie view?



U.S.A! U.S.A!

Holy fuck, will you STOP baiting and get a life?

lmao this made me kek to kingdom cum

I disagree.
Personally I think kissing is a more appropriate comparison, perhaps I'm wrong.

Eating just doesn't invoke same emotions in a passerby.
Seeing a couple kiss does.

It's just one of the things society thinks we should ~keep to ourselves~ and limit expressing in public because it makes other people feel ~awkward~.

Eating on the other hand, is just eating.
The fact that what the mother is doing is actually feeding is of little relevance. It's the *human physical contact* that makes witnesses uneasy.

That's what they want to ban.

"It's just eating" sounds like a justification rather than a direct address of the root cause.

Now I'm not saying that comparing it to eating is wrong - you do have a point.
Just that in my opinion kissing comes closer to breastfeeding in social stigma similarity.

And now we revert to shitposting in the place of an actual argument.
Really showed me.


I see no justification for infringing upon their rights to breastfeed in public.
Where is your argument, fascist pig?

You're probably just some used-to-be fedora wearing neckbearded troll lookin ass faggot who got rejected to many times and is considered a creep amongst his peers/people who live around him. Fuck off man you're nothing but a whiny faggot who fails to be able to talk to women.

because their babies get hungry and it's their job to keep them alive.

Did you only read the first sentence, faggot?

So many fucking white knights in this thread. Very disappointed.

Breast feeding is fucking disgusting in every situation, anywhere, everywhere. End of thread.

For chrissakes, who fucking cares?

It's a woman feeding a baby. Get the hell over it.

How are you gayer than OP?

Because it is fine cuck


Fuck you you gay homo

Being a white knight would mean being a traditionalist idiot like you... there's nothing to be disgusted about wih breastfeeding, if anything its mundain.

Because breast-feeding in public is perfectly fine?

nothing sexual about it it just boobs


If you're afraid of seeing a tit in public, or that it makes you look away, kill yourself

I'm detecting a distinct lack of patriotism in this thread! It's their right to do it!

If you want a moral argument for why they should be allowed to do it, the answer is bodily autonomy!

>Be this user'
>Try to act tough and post as if you can decide what is or isn't acceptable
>Actually just try to hide your infinite salti-mine
>Babies get more boob than you ever will

Sad, the life of a total cuck.

there is no real issue with breastfeeding in public. i personally would gently drape my baby with a blanket while it fed, for the baby's privacy.

The problem with women breast feeding in public is that it's a "trap scenario" -- where if a guy happens to look at he's some sick pervert when in reality he's just acknowledging its presence so it's not a distraction.

Because it is.

>this far into thread
>no posts of milkbag titties since OP's post

Sup Forums i am disappoint.

But then you couldn't see what you're doing and the chances of the baby unlatching increases.
If the baby's comfort is a concern, it's better to leave it uncovered.

Go to a big tits thread, the topic here isn't to check out milky tits, it's to make OP and guys like him understand that breast-feeding is perfectly okay and natural, and that trying to blame a woman for doing it in public is stupid. You don't control when your baby is hungry and if you let it cry in hunger because "you don't breast-feed in public", you're a bad parent.

You could easily pump it beforehand and bottle it, its a lot simpler really. Having it ready in your baby bag and you don't have to go through all the trouble of whipping out your tit and adjusting. Formula is good to.

fair enough.

I bet you just happen to be an expert on this matter?

skin to skin contact is really important to the baby's development. if possible it's always best to breastfeed.
pumping is uncomfortable and takes time and energy plus unnecessary cleanup.

Well there is nothing wrong with it.

My kid refused the bottle and especially formula..
So my wife had no choice other than breastfeed.
Luckily enough it's ok in my country.

There are other ways to form the same bonding, but that's besides the point.

Hitler dubs = truth

Sure, it's not necessary for them to breastfeed in public, but it's not necessary for them to hide it either, and it's certainly not necessary to restrict nor ban it.

of course, but it's there and fun and free.

Have a baby yourself. You'll understand. Right now you're a fucking idiot.

The root problem with women breastfeeding in public has NOTHING to do with mother or the baby.

It has everything to do with men who aren't getting laid enough because they fail at life and spend their off time looking at porn getting overly-stimulated by virtual women.

So they absolutely lose it when they see an actual naked woman doing what millions of years of constant evolution has designed her to do. Breastfeeding IS a very beautiful and intimate thing...but it's not porn. It's nothing even remotely like that.

The more repressed the guy is, the more of a loser they are. See strict religious societies if you need any more proof of that. Can you imagine breastfeeding in the middle east? LOL They'd probably fucking stone you and the kid. Because that what a sexually repressed society does. Pins there hangups on the women.

i daily see a lot of more disgusting shit then breastfeeding when it comes to public,

obese people on those carts also don't HAVE to be that fucking fat, meanwhile it looks hideous, but you don't hear anyone complaining about that against them.
and that's not even with a purpose like feeding a kid, that's just being the rock bottom of mankind.

or how about smokers (i do it myself, but hear me out) that smoke on places everyone is bothered by, let's say a groceries store entrance.
fuck them.
i may be retarded enough to do it myself, but at least i do it without irritating others with it.

besides, the few times i've seen breastfeeding in public, they wear like 50 wraps of clothes on their torso where they slide the baby in. you don't see jack shit.

and honestly, what faggot is disgusted by this?
as a 14 y/o, i wish i saw some tits when they breastfed in public, sometimes with hot women i still hope for a peek. no luck though.

The idea of bodily autonomy is that a person has the right to do what they want with their own body and, in order for anyone else to do anything with their body, they'd need their constant consent.

Commonly accepted examples of violation of bodily autonomy include: assault, battery, murder, rape, kidnapping, etc.

A person breastfeeding in public does nothing to violate bodily autonomy, but forcing them to stop does violate bodily autonomy, understand?

I agree with you absolutely but I'm gonna be the other idiot and say

Then can I start jerking off in public?

Coz they want us to rape the kid.

Why so many americans are sort of scandaliced for that? In my country it's the normalests of the things. Nobody gives a fuck if a mother is breastfeeding his child.

Oh but of course, we are talkinb about people that mulitates its childs genitals at birth....

Breast-feeding has no sexual meaning to it whatsoever.

Jerking off does.

Remember kids: Breasts are not genitals.

Lol, well done european bro

Going by bodily autonomy, yes, just don't wank onto anyone nor use the wanking in a threatening manner to scare someone into going somewhere they don't want to go.

But I'd advise against attempting to use this as a legal argument for it, due to the highly taboo nature of masturbating in public.

Yess, exactly.

Elaborating on this point.
Developed breasts are secondary sexual characteristics, much like facial hair is.
Genitals are the primary sexual characteristics.
The best male equivalent to developed breasts for comparison would be developed pecs.

>mother is breastfeeding his child

Mate, you've got a good point going but... Kinda undermining it with that.


never understood why we sexualize breasts so much. i can walk around without a shirt on without any repercussion cause i dont have fatty deposits on my chest but if i try wearing demin cut offs that go up to my ass its weird. people are weird.

I don't mind seeing some titties so it's fine by me.

Um entire swaths of thousands apon thousands of people are poor enough to need both to work. If my babysitter who is any friend or famly member working on their day off babysitting for nothing or favors ( i cant afford better)meets me in the park by my work during my break so i can breastfeed so my boobs dont leak all the rest of the day eh. Dont have a place to store a pump or milk at work, dont have more than a 30 minute break, im shoving food in my face while kid sucks a tit and hope some kind of bond is happening as i nod in affection at its ditection.

Are you muslim and therefore stupid or just really stupid?

Fuck your shit. Seeing breastfeeding doesn't hurt you. Stop whining.

What do you mean?

You're in a wrong place faggot. Get the fuck outta here and go to fagbook or whatver

Os that extreme pedophilic?

>Why do Women think it's fine to breastfeed in public?
Why do some people think it's not fine to breastfeed in public?
fixed it for you

What? How so? Explain your shit, muslim.

because it's a natural thing required to keep the species going?
You "muh feelings" faggots are what's holding us back.
If it wasn't for american faggotry we'd have beat 99% of all diseases by now.

You fucking idiot I hope this shit is bait. Why do I always have to give in to retards on the internet? It's not like my logic or reasoning would even reach you anyway

I'm ok with breastfeeding in public cause a titty is out

the natural thing is for the mother to stay at home raising the child, feeding it there, not hang around the town sipping lattes and making selfies while the child needs TLC and titties. at home. the titties.

Because there's there's nothing sexual about providing nutrition to a newborn. Also, asking for less public boob makes you gay.

Going out with your kid is perfectly fine, feeding them with your tits as well. If you're offended you should reconsider your priorities in life and also underage b&.