Do you think if someone took care of trump the North Korea mess would end?

Do you think if someone took care of trump the North Korea mess would end?

I think it's time for the child to be put down

Of course not. NK's been rattling the saber through at least 3 presidencies, Trump is just in the hot seat now.

KYS kid.

NK were a threat but never did anything. Trumps edginess caused this.

It's time to kill the man baby. If US politics are as ducked up as everyone thinks then he will be shit in the next few weeks

north korea yells and threatens with war for 40 years or whatever... trump just handles it kinda stupid.

north korea and south korea were getting closer to each other but when w. bush the 2nd idiot talked about the axis of evil and a plan to fuck over several nations in a few years (including north korea) north korea was eager to develope the a bomb and strengthen their military. That was leading to more sanctions and a further divation of south and north korea.

just like the financial crisis, the economy crisis and the north korean crisis it all started with 1 bad president a couple of years ago. And others have to fix that mess.

also do not forget the west told gadaffi that we wouldnt attack him whatsoever if he wont develope the a bomb, yet we fucked him. So our word that we wont war if they do X is not realy reliable..

I think it's time for you to stop whining like a little bitch just because Hillary lost.

and not to forget the refugee crisis...

And having a retard in control of the launch button doesn't help one bit.

I'm sure if someone offed Trump it would please the other retarded man baby. But he WP would be back, on the threats soon enough.

I'm not American you fucking twat. I'm a concerned human.

Yeah, Trump caused NK to develop nuclear weapons and begin threatening the US. Sure kid.

Nah, you're just a whiny faggot. That doesn't even count as human.

No. Trump brought the situation to the brink of Nuclear war. I genuinely don't understand how some people still think trump is doing a good job.

He's literally done nothing but reverse Obamas work and rage autistically on twitter.

Atleast I don't live in a brainswashed society who's lives are in the miniature hands of an self obsessed retard.

Its obvious your an idiot but please do some research on the north korean conditions and their leadership then come back and try again.

I've followed the NK situation since Bush almost fucked it up. Never has there been a threat so big until now.

The one thing the world was worried about when you retards elected the man baby was that he would try and blow up the world for some nonsense reason. Not even 6 months into his election he's trying to do that.

I really hope if there is a god that he spites the fuck out of you lot for being so fucking dumb.

It's simple. The world all invest in a massive dome and place it around 'Murica. That way they can only destroy themselves. In 2 1/2 years (that's how long it will take) we remove the dome and let the muslims take their land. Rinse and repeat and we have a better world.


Lol i voted. Not even american.

Are you retarded? It's physically impossible to build a dome that large around the US. Even if it was it would take more than two and half years to complete it. the US would have already destroyed itself by the time you finished it. Fucking autist.

How is that possible?


you libtard shills don't even realise people moved away from Sup Forums and the discourse is elsewhere


You are an american

Cause only leftist Americans are this fucking retarded

>north Korea begging to start shit for 50 years
>president tells them to fuck off
>"uhhh we should kill our president cause it'll appease some other asshole"

It's literally cutting off your nose to spite your face

When nothing happens in this month (or ever) will your ass make a thread apologizing for being a retard?




Do you lot have any other words in your vocabulary (Noun - The body of words used in a particular language.)

forget about it dude

these are the people who promised they will move out of the country if trump wins

and they still haven't

Nah man I'm not. And how happy I am to say that.

Also this is more a case of removing a tumour from your brain before it spreads

oh wow someone sure got upset

and look at who's the one using capslock and old memes

just wow

projecting much?

you are retarded he never said how long it takes to build he just said when its finished within 2 and a half years the muricans destroy themselfe

if NK does anything after 8 years of bush warning us, and 8 years of obama feeding them, it's really not trumps fault in his first term.

besides if you can't spot the cyclical nature of juice, get teh fuck out.

What's funny is yoy keep saying "I'm not american"
You keep talking about how bad trump is. It either means 1) you are american 2) your podunk little rock has absolutely nothing of interest and you must latch onto the glorious us of a

And your analogy makes zero sense. Killing your own leader to appease some faggot who wants to kill you is cutting off your nose to spite your face

Yeah, NK guy just became asshole yesterday.. Up until then commies were peaceful.
In my experience Assholes and commies aren't born, they are made by the success of others.

They then developed nuke's over night and start testing them out.

And the Korean conflict that never ended had nothing to do with this cuz Hollywood made the movie and TV show MASH, NK liked it cuz it made the US LOOK like the devils we are.

ye should hang!

Convince Trump not to build a wall but a dome!

Yes, historically peace breaks out after someone is murdered.
By the way, I will stop hating you, and become peaceful if you kill yourself.
See it does works!

Nice job, numb nuts.

Maybe learn Sup Forums basics before you try to lead the world.

>give in to terrorists
>that will make them stop

See the problem?


Yes, they've had a war and 50 years of giving the world shit because of trump

NK exists to keep Israel out of the #1 hated cuntry spot. Nobody gives a fuck about #2...

Prove me wrong. OP is a genius. That's why he still lives in his parents basement. The last safe space on earth

>be me donny trump
>feeling fine and enjoying my 21st birthday
>drinking some bourbon when this fat gook sits next to me
>the fuck is with this niggers hair
>elbow my friend and hold my eyes slant
>look over at fat gook as he grits his teeth and leave

And that is how the world happened

If you can't tell the difference between talking shit and nuking a country maybe you should throw yourself in front of a train, best contribution you'll ever make to humanity

Like 8 months ago he should have been put out.


You're forgetting that Bill Clinton was the first president to fail at stopping N Korea's nuclear program. He made an agreement which would shut down their nuclear program, and in return the US would provide them oil and build 2 nuclear reactors for them; but he tried to do it without congress's support, and it fell apart almost immediately when congress refused to pay for N Korea's nuclear reactors. GWB tried to negotiate a new deal with them but he was tied up in Iraq and Afghanistan, and they were already making a lot of progress with their missile program and would not agree to anything.

I agree. We'd have Sharia law buy now, and this wouldn't be like they are now.

no one cars abou n korea

they cant do shit but nuke japs or s korea

like thats bad thing

let em be

all media hype to waste money on war big goverment democrat style

problem is 99% republicans are democrats

trump and rand paul and few in freedom caucus only real maericans left

rest tax parasite commei dooshes

what do I get outa attacking n korea?
wasted tax money

pull troops outa aghanistan and all middle east

let em eat each other

end foriegn aid

>I think it's time for the child to be put down

The Secret Service finds threads like these interesting. What were you doing with the rest of your weekend? Do you have an attorney?

Bush didn't fuck it up. Clinton's plan was flawed from the beginning; he promised funding for 2 nuclear reactors without first consulting with congress. When congress refused to fund his plan it imploded, and North Korea said fuck off

They didn't shit down gitmo yet, right?

I bet the boys will have his ass in a naked pyramid in no time

Were you born in november? North Korea has pulled this bullshit with every president since the fall of the soviet union. They are all talk. They will NEVER nuke the United States unless we give them no other option.

If we'd just ignore them and stop giving them free propaganda to continue using to brainwash their people, this wouldn't even be a story. Just another minor "north korea makes some bullshit threats again" headline that nobody reads.

You should begin you presidential campaign immediately, before someone else steals your ideas.

actually they did. Whenever they feel ignored they launch a missile, it's just what they do. This is not new.

>Do you think if someone took care of Kim the North Korea mess would end?
>I think it's time for the child to be put down

are you Turkish? lmao

say hello to the secret service for me OP.

>tfw why has nobody thought of this

take nukes from china israel pakistan india france england germany so n korea fel better

This far into shit why do people keep giving a fuck. Dude is fucking president shit isn't changing. All fucks keep doing is blogging about the fuck. Only fucking thing trump has in common with any fuck acting like they give a fuck is the fact they take social media and message boards too fucking serious. Dude is a fucking idiot, why even give a fucking fuck about North Korea. Shits fucking stupid. Either side who decides to rub out a nuclear missile first is clearly the more stupid spoiled daddy's boy fuck. Ejaculating a nuke is not benefiting anyone. The fact humanity has been around for damn near a billion fucking years and we still haven't gotten our shit together. 8 billion fucks alive at the same fucking time, fuck it were past due ass blasting ourselves. Fuck it all at this point killing ourselves is better than living into my 30's.

>projecting much

Did your mommy love you user?

I like to imagine ants actually are super intelligent and they have this same rant

Itt: stupid Americans getting wrecked by foreigners(and the casual non stupid American)

USA av Hollywood defense.

Nice try, op

We've historically have given in to terrorist. C.A.I.R., and the Muslim Brotherhood, just to name a few.

Now we begin to stand up to these bastards, and we're suddenly the source of all the problems. Yep according to the left this is how it works

Lol at the dumbass calling people stupid and then saying humanity has been around for a billion years.

Btw dinosaurs were extinct 65 million years ago.


i think you mean a few thousand years, considering the earth has only been here for 6000.

I personally think we made a huge mistake by not weaponizing the IRA to be deployable terrorists.

Lord baby Jesus died 2000 years ago so the earth is only 2030 years old

Yeah, cuz we killed'em

NO the nk situation was happening for a long time even before trump why do you think that policy will change if the trump is gone nope

if you really want to do something about it you will need to find out who the key players are and go after them face it the president is nothing but a figure head and has little power.

i was thinking why not make nk like china slowly bringing them to the us side but then again the jew would probably hate it cos nk sells weapon tech to iran and support palestine lol

Not American. I don't think you and your other trumpites realise but the entire planet hates Trump. Not just half of your pathetic country.

My anolagy makes perfect sense. But I think it should be applied to America in relation to Earth.

Please destroy yourselves,
sincerely, everyone else.

China is honestly a dick for cockblocking us about this. They need to let us get our rocks off and actually use our bombs and cool technology and boost our economy. We need to get it out of our system.

Let them rule the wasteland that's left after we're done, who cares. Just let us fuck their shit up. Imagine how exciting the news will be for months (unless you live in south korea, then you'll be too busy dying to read the news but who gives a shit, shouldn't have lived in korea if you didn't want to die)


>thinking Hillary is still an excuse


>thinks he speaks for the entire world
As an Japanese man who travels all over Asia for business.

You are very wrong.

All of Asia loves trump. Japan's news only has praise for him. The Philippines and vietnam all like him. I can list the other countries, but unlike you, my time is actually worth.

You don't speak for the world and you are highly inaccurate to say these things. It's shameful

I don't think you realize Americans don't give a shit what commie foreigners think.

There is no god, user. You got to rip that band-aid off now. You'll thank me later.

Hahahahahaha ha this is the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard.

I think foreigners should mind there own Fucking business. Show me your Utopia and then we can talk.

They realized creationism its fake

>I don't like the truth so it must be false

Are you sure you're not an american?

Apparently you do. Your president is threatening to blow up an entire country for just that.

Fucking spanner

so put down Kim?

He's threatening to attack Korea cause they wanna nuke Guam

Guam ain't done shit to anyone. Guam is a good boy who dindu nuthin

If you listen to shit long enough, it will build up in your ears. Then you will have shitty hearing.

Show me squinty eyes or you're a lying piece of shit.

I'm on Sup Forums. My ears may as well be made out of shit with that logic.

You act like eliminating a boil on the ass of the world is a bad thing. But hey children never seem to know what's best for them.

he's threatening to destroy them because we can. Nobody will stop us. China likes to think they can but they would lose too if they tested us. If we had someone strategic and not a retard with the same attitude trump has, we could create the largest and best empire the world has ever seen.

People like to say that nuclear armageddon will happen if we even use them once, but they forget - we already did and we're all fine (except the japs). The ones we have now are more powerful but there will never be a global exchange where we fire all of our bombs and another country fires all of theirs.

We could nuke pyongyang tonight and we'd get strongly worded condemnations from the whole world, but they won't do shit because they know if they try they will be next. We need a leader that will take advantage of this weakness, not prop up failed countries like we have been doing.

Trump has done nothing wrong here. It's all Obama's fault anyway. He let N Korea grow to a large power in the first place by not declaring world war 3 and nuking them when he had the chance. If he hadn't messed up by not being the first black (and only) president to start world war 3 then Trump wouldn't have to. Trump is only doing his best to destroy the entire planet so leave him the fuck alone and enjoy your antichrist. You voted for him, you deal with it. Pussies.

NK is the nation equivalent of Cartman. They demand you respek their authoritah but they're just a fat little shit that would get wrecked as soon as something got started. They just need to get put back in their place.

Yeah, I know, my eyes turned brown

I think it's all a big ruse to distract from the circling Mueller investigation. That raid on Manafort's home has him spooked.

The only reason Nagasaki and Hiroshima didn't start a nuclear war is because no one else had the capability.

If you or anyone else 'dropped' a nuke there would be major retaliation and everyone who doesn't have access to a fallout shelter is fucked.

But attacking Venezuela is easier

You could replace NK with trump and this statement would still be true.

bullshit. Why would they unless they were significantly effected by the fallout? Why launch a handful of nukes at the US when you know it is dooming your own country when we send 10 times as many back at you?

I'd argue against that point. I don't think that if you nuked North Korea, say Germany would nuke the USA. Its silly that people seem to think this.

China fucking might, that's why this isn't a goddamn game.