If Superman derives his power from the sun, which is basically a collection of nuclear explosions on a mammoth scale...

If Superman derives his power from the sun, which is basically a collection of nuclear explosions on a mammoth scale, then shouldn't the nuke have strengthened him vs. turning him into a ghoul?

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It unfortunate that such a great moment was wasted in seconds on this shit turd.

There are multiple types of radiation buddy

One thing I don't understand is why did they use a nuke so early? It didn't seem like things had escalated enough yet for them to think "o shit we should nuke the fucker"

Read All-Star Superman.

We're talking about the avengers right?


In the Dark Knight Returns, I'm pretty sure they use a napalm bomb.

Frank Miller is a retard and TDK Part 2 is overrated as hell.

it was beautiful.
pretty sure a nuke, cuz all their electronics get fried after.

>read a comic book

Nobody likes TDKR part 2.

It was a nuke.

the sun is powered by fusion energy. nuclear blasts are the result of nuclear fission. they're not the same thing.

Only if the nuke produced yellow sunlight. Red sunlight turns superman into normalman.

Also there's the whole explosion part of the nuke that fucked him up.

The more interesting question to me is how effective would a nuke be in space given the lack of matter with which to propagate the chain reaction of atom splitting?

Not quite. The bombs that dropped on Japan were fission bombs, but modern nukes are fusion bombs. Technically a fission/fusion hybrid.

In a fusion bomb, radiation from a primary fission bomb compresses a secondary section containing both fission and fusion fuel. The compression causes fusion to occur.

No, don't. That book has Superman dying of solar radiation, while most versions of Superman get stronger by extra sunlight.

r u retarded?

Extra sunlight is not the same as direct exposure, as in "saving a spaceship while flying through solar flares".


Dude, read OWAW. Superman spent just 10 minutes in the core of the Sun and his powers multipled. Didn't die later either.

That art is so fucking terrible

If Superman gets his powers from the sun, how was he able to recover so quickly from inhaling kryptonight at night?

I assume he has a enough energy stored in his body as well as the moon reflecting sunlight to help out

I like how your completely wrong and still on the right track. The only part of a bomb that undergoes fission (at least as part of a self sustaining reaction), is the fissile material itself. The bomb would be no less powerful.

That being said, the reason nukes work at all is because the atmosphere contains the energy in the form of the shock/heat wave. In space, if it not a shaped charge it delivers energy proportional to the inverse square of the distance from the warhead. In other words, unless you're basically touching it the damned thing is less harmful than a firecracker in a clenched fist.

As a side note, we have detonated a nuke in space to see what would happen. It exploded.

Souce: I worked in nuclear power.

Wow you just made that shit up good job.

What, exactly, do you think he made up.

So, technically we could kill superman with enough nukes? Humanity, fuck yeah. Even strongest comic book hero can't stand against our genius.

Because it wasn't pure kryptonite. It was either a gaseous compound that formed when Bruce was machining down the spearhead, or it was something he synthesized. Bruce himself states that the grenades are less effective. I imagine that since the gas acts more like a dampener than an outright killer like true kryptonite, he's fine once his system managed to expel it.


I've always wondering why old art is such a shit? It's like people only learned how to draw 20 years ago, everything that was drawed earlier looks like baby painting.

Old Spidey is still best Spidey!

This shit about fussion. A bomb is a bomb, period. I was in the navy.

Wow, Osborn looks exactly like in TAS.

They saw Doomsday kicking the hell out of Superman and they realized if this thing can beat Superman no one else stands a chance.

Then they saw their chance when they were both in space, so they can try and nuke it with relative safety. They saw their chance and took it.

I liked the idea of Flashpoint, as government had him locked up his whole life and he was never even touched by sunlight and was pretty fucked up

Sun is fusion

Nuke is fission

He's right. That's how deuterium-tritium warheads work. What rating were you? I was a nuke ET.

I had my own ship. Captain.

what happened?

Then you should fucking know how H bombs work. Especially since you would have gone to the same school as me. Unless you captained a surface boat, in which case get on my fucking level, scrublord.

I'm more confused how he can come back to life after being buried where the sun don't shine

I guess you could argue that the stored-up solar energy in his body is helping to heal up his wounds.

But then you might well ask why Zod didn't heal/recover from having his neck snapped...

And I guess the only in-universe explanation for that is that Zod wasn't alive on Earth long enough to store up those kind of reserves.

Some chick accused me of sexual harassment. All bs but didnt end well for me

I know how all bombs work. I was known as the go to guy when you want bombs

He might be getting "help."

This doesn't apply to Frank Miller, but most old comic art got bulldozed over by the color/inking techniques of the time.


>ITT: people looking for logic in fucking BvS

It's because there was a nuke in the Avengers movie.

Do elaborate on what you "fixed"


It's a nuke
and its purpose isn't to kill superman

Well, the actual exlpanation is that Zach Snyder is a hack who tries to craft interesting moments, like Batman fighting Superman or Superman coming back to life but he isn't smart enough to come up with plausible reasons for them to happen, so he just puts in a bunch of shit that makes no senes and hopes for the best.

I'll take that over dime-a-dozen boring overly and needlessly detailed contemporary styles with digital gradiants everywhere.

>a seemingly unstoppable horde of aliens =/= a single monster being successfully forced away from the planet by Superman.

If the sun heals him how come he revives inside a coffin?

Anybody got that like 8-12 panel image of the best shots in BVS

Why did they use the ultimate bad guy Doomsday so early? Because it was shit

Bruce says in his inner monologue that it's some kind of weird nuke/EMP weapon called Coldbringer that was built to minimize physical damage and maximize environmental damage.

The Soviets beat the U.S. to it and launched one after Superman fucked up the Reds on Corto Maltese

Pretty much.
It wasn't made to stop Superman, the US just had to use him to stop a nuclear winter on their territory.

what about in "justice" where cap't marval throws him into the sun so he can recarge

>marvelcucks unable to use brain

it was shit guys


He's dying because he's getting so strong his body can't handle it.

Just like how if you want to make your plants grow quickly you nuke them.

Sun energy comes from fusion and it has a different wavelenght than nuclear explosion from fission.

That's like saying if plants need sun light why can't my room's light sustain them.


what? The lead up to batman and superman fighting was cool and very easy to follow, are you guys retards? Did the story stopped making sense because you didn't physically see batman stealing the kryptonite? idiot

why does batman brand criminals

Same reason anything is branded. He owns them. It's stripping them of humanity and reducing them to a property. They will always have the brand to remind them.

Plus I'm sure it stings really bad.

Superman gets fucking nuked in TDKR comic back from the 80's you ignorant nigger

His body is a battery for solar energy.

You were, like, THE guy, in the whole Navy? THE go to guy for bombs?

>has shit opinion
>can't even use proper grammar

shut the fuck up retard

ZORRO did it145

That's actually something that happened.

We got some of our fastest growing crops out of this process.

also, plants that are germinated or whatever in zero g grow larger too