Why are the right always so angry and autistic?

Why are the right always so angry and autistic?


Because we are being oppressed by the establishment of corporate media , corporate gaming and movie industry , they claim the opposite but in reality the cucks control all things that were fun at one time . its basically liberal prohibition erra on sexy fun stuff and we have to hate white people or else were all nazis.

To balance the special snowflake left autism. It's the swing of a pendulum.
Correct Conservative Right VS. insane hope-n-change libtard.

I mean why blame to the left the same things the blame to u? The left has been founded by opressed people so you're just telling them the same the tell to you, sounds okay.

You're asking this on here? Despite their belief that they're on the forefront they're just another brick in the wall. They have no idea why they're doing the things they're doing.

Because easiest way to act rtarded on the internet is to be retarded. Explains everything right wing does or says.

The left was founded by the rich elite.

I didn't know Antifa was right wing.

because nobody likes them except themselves and they pride themselves in inbreeding.

Because when you lose your privilege, it seems like you are being treated unfairly when actually you are being treated the way you should have been all along.


They use lies to excuse their tyranny , the right today is becoming libertine while the left wants to force every one to be some form of faggot and have media censored , and want to ban shit they dont like .

>meanwhile the Republicans have been fighting for the tax cuts for the rich since the 80 ies

we know that , that cuck doesnt

>Why are the right always so angry and autistic?

Keep your message simple and keep your target audience incensed.

Does this not work the same way on the left?

>the left wants to ban things they don't like
Fake news
Very badly

And yet most of the pro-Left memes on Sup Forums pick on poorly educated rednecks, one of the least privileged groups in society. We really need to recognize that the extreme right and the mainstream left are hate groups.

The issue is that "RICH" means just making more than enough to not live on the streets , and the taxes actually keep the middle class down on top of everyday bullshit like tickets and forced health insurance payments or fines now.

Changing the subject doesn't make it any less true.

I'm guessing you are English As A Second Language because of your lack of sentence structure or punctuation.
"The Left" is a collection of misfits with counter opposing goals. The idea of "The Left" actually having a cohesive platform is part of the problem. Libtards embrace any new thing for the sake of Change. That's the entirety of their political platform - Change. They have set themselves as the opposition to Conservative. Think Hitlary really is a feminist? Theny why does she take money from Saudis who would have her in a jihab, or toss her from a rooftop for licking Janet Reno's snatch?

Because for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

I love listening to Pelosi screech about the "free riders". She's complaining that those who are too poor to afford insurance have to be fined, in order to pay for everyone else's insurance, while pretending to be on the side of the little guy.

I'm pointing out you're fighting for the wrong side. But sure keep getting scared of the degeneracy while letting the rich do what they want

If science had taught me anything is that humans are too irrational and unpredictable to be reduced to simple math and physical concepts

I'm not fighting for either side. It's a mistake to assume someone critical of your position belongs to another specific position you've designated as your enemy.

Here's one of those angry and autistic bastards now.

Oh, wait... that's antifa.

Im glad someone else gets it , you described me and my parents there . we are the ones getting fucked and we were homeless a couple years ago.

Actually the right wingers are actually friendly between each other, much more than on the left side.

They are just aggressive towards the outside.

>It's a mistake to assume someone critical of your position belongs to another specific position you've designated as your enemy.
Right back at ya

What's wrong with antifa? They are anti right.

But obviously because they don't agree with your ideas they are nazis

Well, first of all yeah, it's not my first lenguage. The thing is, I don't thing that Hillary represents the left-wing I think it represents the worst part of the left, the one that people like me whould try to stay away. I think that the thinks that today's left are know of doesn't represent us. Just look at tumbrl or facebook, it's full of extremists that hide behind a "left" cloak. If there's one truly represant of the left and the logical and well argumented opinions is Frank Cuesta, you probably don't know him because hes spanish and he is not even a politician, is just a man who lives in Tailand and gives all his life to defend animal traffic. His wife has been jailed by mafias but he keeps fighting and eventually makes videos on youtube talkimg about common political topics. He also runs an animal shelter.

Hope you can understand me.

Ahh, so we need to take employment from a poor guy? Check your logic. And look into the Lefts leaders. Maxine Waters is not downtrodden.

A plague on both your houses.
I hate the extreme left and the extreme right, you guys only smash things up.

Fuck you.

I haven't made any assumptions about your belief system, I've just addressed what you actually said.

because the right has to deal with the left being so angry and autistic 24/7

kinda like how parents have to deal with young, immature, unruly children

it kinda takes it toll on oneself after a while

I really feel like some one needs to beat the mother loving shit out of you . are you actually aids skrillex?

Don't take this the wrong way but I have no idea what you're trying to convey.

No, but she is suffering from dementia.

So when Oblama nationalized 1/7 of the US economy there were no fascist plans?Are you just using the buzz word talking points, or do you understand how badly the Dems lost last election?

I still think appalling that Congress weren't forced to use the exchanges, themselves.

>just using the buzzwords

No, I'm not a trump fan.

Let's see. Someone politely pointed out a flaw in your logic, and you immediately start throwing shit like a stupid monkey. Go back to the zoo, you stupid monkey.

In pretty sure you've made an assumption based on what I said but I'm pretty sure it's the wrong one. I wasn't accusing you is being a Republican. I was pointing out that the idea left was founded by the elites whether true or not had no relevance to the situation we're in. All the problems we're suffering from can be traced back to Republican administrations. If you're prepared to listen I willing to explain why I believe this to be true.

They're all bullies who think might makes right. They don't believe in real Christianity or practice it's principles, but they still think they're better than you. They don't know how stupid most of their beliefs are or the long term repercussions of their policies.

I would like to point out that you're responding to the wrong guy this is my commentSee that you've made another wrong assumption.

Exactly , so manything are wrong with the way the system works right now , how much politicians get paid . it was suppose to be a humble job that you dont do for the money . Id be in favor of flushing this govt and starting a new one in the spirit of the ideals of liberty we started out with you know actually respect peoples rights , dont fuck with our money , dont shoot us for reaching for our I.D. dont fine us for not buying your health insurance. If the antifa fags ever got a grip and came to the right maybe we could have a real america again and we could help eachother.

They're right wing because they're angry and autistic.


>real Christianity or practice it's principles
Raping little boys is not a principle I'd like to practice. Though I'm sure us being on Sup Forums I guess you're in good company .

>I'm pointing out you're fighting for the wrong side. But sure keep getting scared of the degeneracy while letting the rich do what they want
Calling Republicans "Party of the Rich" is false because both sides are populated by politicians with pockets full of money. The idea of hating conservatives because they own businesses is self induced brainwashing. Calling The Right Fascist is a common Left tactic - accuse the others of your own faults.

It's an anonymous board, there's no way to tell who's posting, but we have to make discussion in order to carry on a continuing discussion. That's different than making a huge assumption about what someone else believes, which tends to kill a discussion. And you said "your side", which implies that's exactly what you were doing.

> ook ook
Stoopid monkey

> have to make assumptions (not discussion)

>Not knowing the difference between the rich and the (((rich)))

End yourself.

>Calling Republicans "Party of the Rich" is false because both sides are populated by politicians with pockets full of money.
False equivalency. You must be one of dem millenials I've heard about. Sure believe that both sides are equally bad. Don't vote it's useless. Let those who know what's best for you vote.


Please elucidate more user. I'm sure we would all like to hear the vast amount of wisdom you've accumulated watching Mongolian cartoons and fapping to traps

Neither, me. Libertarian here. I lived through two terms of Barry without starting a riot or looting downtown liquor stores. Why must the Leftys act out like spoiled children? Because it's the basis of the liberal philosophy - give me what I want despite the cost or consequences, and next week I'll outlaw anyone telling me I'm wrong.

Not true. The mentally ill almost unanimously support liberal democrats.

>Only one party is rich and that makes them bad
>Actually both parties are rich

I swear you "people" are fucking brain dead. Why do you "people" insist on using words and terms you don't understand?

You're arguably the worst of them all. It's not something you should be proud of given that most of the mess we're in is your fault.

Well I've learned enough to know the underdog isn't the one backed by the media, has a 99% chance of winning the election and when blatant proof of crimes are out in public view they're not reported on.

Because they have to deal with angry autistic children on the left day all day.
Out of the 2 sides, the right is more adult about the world really is and they don't act like Mommy's special little precious.

>I swear you "people" are fucking brain dead. Why do you "people" insist on using words and terms you don't understand?

You know I could swear the left was on trial here for reasons that they belittle other people with their elitist attitude. I'm sure you'd fit right in.

Most of the mess we're in is Bill Clinton's fault.

I'm sure Trump is the most bigly adult in the room. I swear

Nope. I'm a 'Tweener. After BabyBoom, before GenX.
I do vote, but I tend to vote against rather than for candidates.Original intent of our system was for citizens to step up, do a term, and get out. Now we have generations of lawyers so deeply entrenched on both sides that it takes a businessman saying "drain the swamp" to beat out a liar like Hilary.
And I'm guessing you voted for the communist in your Dem Primary.

The middle class don't pay for health insurance tickets as their jobs provide health insurance for them.
The $70 a year fine is if you opt out of all health insurance like a retard, or can't afford it.

If you cut the annual military budget by 10%, you could have free healthcare and education, then figure out what to do with the other 5 billion dollars

If by Clinton you mean Reagan then you'd be right. Though Clinton didn't do much to help the mess Reagan and Bush Sr. left us with

Because when all you read is the Huffington post you don't exactly get a representation of conservatives that is truthful.

>conservatives that is truthful.
Nice oxymoron

I think I voted for a 6th party candidate in the last election, because the first 5 sucked.

But yes, term limits for the win. Congress and the Supreme Court.

>Most adult
>Makes up kiddie titles like lefties and normies just like how mommy calls them tendies
>Brags about having the best words
>Constantly tantrums in every public setting
Literally 3 year olds.

Someone still butthurt that the free world won the Cold War?

I was referring specifically to the housing bubble that caused the crash in 2008. 100% of that can be pinned on Clinton.

Reaganomics is trickier. It caused a great boom in the economy, but wages were flat. And Bush and Clinton (after the second term correction) just perpetuated it.

The least you could do is actually read instead of do a Breithbart quality piss poor job of cropping out a line of text to respond to.

Not sure what you're trying to accomplish though. Trump lies more that anyone else and he filled up his cabinet with more alligators that no one swamp can hold them. Also, nothing bad with a little socialism now and then

He's just a louder Obama. Same thin skin, same perpetual lies, same terrible appointments.

Red blooded humans
Not green blooded.diamonds

The media doesn't worship him, though.

Just like how when all you read is Sup Forums you don't get an accurate representation of liberals.

You think any of us wanted Hillary? Most all liberals declined to vote, or did so in a cynical matter (writing in harambe) because of how she cheated the primaries.

Honestly a hell of a lot of liberals bowed out of the Democratic process, because it's fundamentally broken. At least we won't feel guilt for when your idiot leader tweets himself into a nuclear world war 3, because there's literally no choice in who is president.

How to save everything while also making more at the same.time?


Pretty wrong to pin the housing bubble crash on Clinton alone. Both Reagan and Bush were also great proponents of it. I would still argue Reagan had the most impact with the deregulation obsession.

Fiscally conservative & Socially liberal. How does that create deficit spending? I'm for a Constitutional based government, not the gross bloated Imperial monster we have right now. I want the gvmt to quit looking over my shoulder and pay attention to the Bill of Rights that limits gvmt power, not citizens freedoms.
You haven't divulged your political leanings. Would you can to share ?

Just different media. Certain personalities on Fox trip over themselves to try and suck his cock as hard as the Breitbart site does.

They talk about him all the fucking time. If that's not a form of worship then I don't know what is.

One mainstream media source, and lots of fringe media compared to all the rest of the mainstream media.

Anyone can claim that from both sides really. Ever heard of the horseshoe effect?

They couldn't stop screaming in outrage at his antics. Which ultimately helped Trump get elected.

That doesn't mean they like him. They clearly hate him. They just played themselves.

You see to be showing your ignorance again in assuming that my defending Conservatives means I am somehow defending that con artist that people who only identify as conservatives worship while bashing those who question his credentials.

As for those on the left, plenty wanted Hilary while others wanted Bernie or the like. Some of you opposing the corruption in the Democrat party doesn't mean all of you did.

Cheating means going against the rules, not benefiting from how the rules work.

>Fiscally conservative & Socially liberal.
That doesn't sound like a libertarian to me. Libertarian argues for both fiscal and social liberalism. I am in favor of the latter and partially against the former

>But yes, term limits for the win. Congress and the Supreme Court.
Keep going. Term limits for all government jobs. No career in the government. It's part of the problem. People who seek power get entrenched and stay until they die or end up president where there is a term limit.. Can you say Ted Kennedy? Or The Bushes.

Doesn't matter if they like him or hate him. They talk about him all the time. It's like that girl you know that's always badmouthing that one guy, but secretly she likes him. She just can't admit it to herself nor tell him because he might get scared and not like her back.

I think the person might be talking modern U.S politics liberalism, not classical liberalism.

Libertarians very much are not aligned with liberals in the U.S on fiscal policy.

No, it was under Clinton that they started pushing houses for everyone, with the government backing all the risk of the mortgages.

Why does the left produce such inelegant bait?

>You see to be showing your ignorance again in assuming that my defending Conservatives
Lol you're still not replying to me. But keep accusing other people of assuming too much and insulting them for it.