What terrible things did the Nazis do besides the holocaust?

what terrible things did the Nazis do besides the holocaust?

they didn't finish the job

Don't cry because it's over
Smile because it happened

The Holocaust is not supported by historical facts. There was no campaign to exterminate the Jews. The "Nazi Death Camps(tm)" had swimming pools, brothels and cabarets for the inmates. Nazi Germany did not have magic crematoria which could consume 50K bodies a day.

Any subject which you are not allowed to question is automatically highly suspect. "Holocaust deniers"... "climate change deniers"...it obviates any argument to the contrary.

Campaign to exterminate all the Jews? Fuck, yes, where do I sign up? Sounds like the best idea I've heard in years.

becoming this

what explains the piles of bodies then

You mean the holohoax?

The pile of bodies due to typhus outbreak and British RAF starting at or near safe campsite, slot of the pictures used to prove the holohoax turn out to be from the Cambodian or malays massacre or communist revolt.... The Jews caused the holodomor they were the Bolsheviks the Jews caused the Armenian genocide they were the young Turks or donmeh Jews as they are considered, the Jews did 9/11 the Jews were responsible for the black slave trade to the americas, besides that Einstein the Jew was a fraud, there are numerous child saints across Europe martyrs victims of jeiwsh blood letting for their Passover motza this is called blood libel...did you know the Jew Trotsky invented the word racist, they invented words like anti Semite etc... To get away with their numerous crimes and schemes... please I implore you to research everything stated....Jesuits are marrano Jew organization Freemasonry is Judaism and the royal Saudi family are donmeh Jews...buddy I know it sounds mental but check it out for yourself



They ruined Germany.

No, Merkel ruined Germany.

Not a ton else, for history's most evil groupthey were kind of one trick ponys.

We're doing A-OK.


burned the whole kings metric and the whole old documents archive Poland had. killed 2 in 3 polish engineers, professors and people with a higher degree. Droped the population of Poland of pre and post war by 1/3. Stole almost everything that had cultural worth, paintings, books, documents, maps, sculptures Because of them we ended up living in the communist block for 50 years.

Did you ever go to one of these camps? Because I did. It was worse than the trailer park you live in.

No, you're not. And deep down you know it...

Wow it's like aerial bombings, disruption of supply routes and maybe a skirmish or two happen there.

dude durning one day of purge of Wola in Warsaw SS Galizian killed 60k civilians. And that was one day. There was death sentence for everything, and it was not just for you. If your neighbour had a radio, he and his family were shot and you and your family were shot too for not snitching.

attack on poland

user presents a logical fallacy
>magic crematoria which could consume 50K bodies a day

And the best you come up with is:
>uuh you live in trailor park!



Imma need a source on that. It sounds like an interesting read