Why are black people so stupid??

why are black people so stupid??
Seriously i want to know...is it in their DNA or something?

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They have a less formed prefrontal lobe, and therefore lack forethought. To compromise, they tend to be better athletes.

The whites keep dems down

the jews?

Funny thing about that, is that the whites are just as if not more ignorant now. I mean, why dont you as a race reown your racial slurs like i dont hear you guys say whats up my cracker or this honky. Like seriously.. Is theiving and raping all they're goning to be known for besides stupidity, which we all already know.

They never evolved. They are just like apes. Violent, stupid, and just over all disgusting.


Because intelligence isn't really important in their native environment.

Found the nigger

There really is no point in trying to speak reason to people here. Tried in my first few days on this board when i was a normie but you'll just get responses like Just browse.

Average nigger IQ sits in the sweet spot, where they are too stupid to be able to build and sustain civilization on their own, but they are too smart just to be docile.

Combined, what you have is an uncivilized people who are prone to violence and crime. And it's mostly due to their IQ. If it was 15 points higher, they could civilize. It it was 15 points lower, they would be docile retards. But no.

Same reason all Americans and are so stupid. They have been dubbed down since they started Being controlled by a more powerful group of people.

>They have been dubbed down since they started Being controlled by a more powerful group of people

Actually, nigs have gotten smarter once the superior white man dominated them. This is because of race-mixing. That's why American blacks have a higher IQ than African blacks - because the European admixture passed down through American black lineage has raised their IQ.


Nah, Americans are just fucking retarded

We need to start a hunting program to thin out the mass of these pavement apes, something's got to be done about this scourge lol.

They evolved to run and hunt with Spears not to think. They never evolved to think up new things that would make their lives easier

I have a black friend who is really intelligent.

Dont be a ignorant fool.

The two aren't mutually exclusive. Americans can be retarded AND African blacks can be even more retarded.

and Europeans can be more retarded than both.

so, your intelligent black friend is the common denominator of blacks? Or is he more like, an exception to the rule?


taken from Africa to be worked as slaves. Only the strongest ones could survive that. Being smart wasn't a useful trait for a slave.


The culture

Yeah ok sweet point bro but that doesn't explain how western europeans figured out how to build ships and navigate seas by geometrically analyzing the stars, and they arrived in africa to see that the roody-poos had yet to discover the fucking wheel


Our training. Keep any kid away from the TV and the radio and around educated people of any color and they won't be as bad off. Also, we're perceived as ignorant automatically; even by our own.

Responses like the truth?
ITT: butthurt Niggers


. look at history of the country.

*sub-saharan africa

I've worked with several intelligent black people. They're still lazy as fuck though.

Fuck are you trying to say?

Who's fault is it that they are considered no good thugs?!?


White people are the UNSC
Towelheads are the covenant
But nignogs? Theyre the flood.

I have black friends. They're great people, smart and beautiful too.
But they are the 0.1%

99.9% of black people that I have come into direct contact with were absolute complete ignorant no good dirty niggers.

No matter what part of the country I go to, north, south, west, they all talk and act the same. Ignorant, unaware of their surroundings, loud, smelly, and rude.
Why do they all have the same inflection of tone and manner of speaking? Is there a nigger here who can Explain pls?

The thing is I never thought or felt like this about black people until about my 10th interaction with a tru nigger. Sorry but black people mad me racist! I fucking hate Niggers
I am so fucking thankful I am white I am so proud to be white

They take pride in being stupid. Intelligence is frowned upon. Unfortunately this is the direction white people are heading now.


I didn't get the stereotype until I worked with several who were lazy, stupid and stunk. What is it with niggers and their hatred of deodorant?

That's confirmed



white bois cant compete with black cock


The ancestors of the one's that didn't get shipped to the New World are still living in mud huts in the deserts of Africa, so that's the base mentality. So even with Western education they start at a deficit in regard to intelligence. Those regions in Africa that have advanced was because of Europeans and the slaves repatriated from America. But there's a lot of violence and civil wars in those areas as well, just like most urban areas in the US. For every Neil DeGrasse Tyson you have a million Dindu Nuffin's.

I feel like it's more what they grow up in. If you rais a black person in a white neighborhood with black parents, unless the parents are just a shining example of niggotry, the kid will grow up acting more white than black.

>Is theiving and raping all they're goning to be known for besides stupidity

Holy shit nigger you're obviously the most ignorant person here.

I got, I got, I got, I got
Loyalty, got royalty inside my DNA
Cocaine quarter piece, got war and peace inside my DNA
I got power, poison, pain and joy inside my DNA
I got hustle though, ambition, flow, inside my DNA

Simple. They didnt learn like whites and semites learned to operate through using human capital to their advantage. Why they didnt could be because a hierarchy was made already with the low iq subspecies doing all the physical labor. Thus nullifying incentives for high iq slaves


the accent thing is because black people were brought to the south, so they adopted the southern accent, and the generations to follow adopted it too



The same fucking thread
Every day

Some people really don't deserve the privilege of having electricity or internet service at all....



such a me thing to do kek

>Some people really don't deserve the privilege of having electricity or internet service at all....
Stop denigrating white privilege

What makes it or why is it a dumb question?


Think about it. The last ice age lasted over 100,000 years. European and asian races had to survive, in the ice, for over 5,000 generations. In the icy environment, you got smart, or you got dead.

European and asian races had over 5,000 generations of selective breeding that favored intelligence, while the African races stagnated in the equatorial region that entire time, with no environmental conditions forcing them into higher thinking, with selective breeding that only favored physical features and aggression.

If you think 5,000 generations of selective breeding won't create a difference between races, I've got some unfortunate news for you.





OP, I found a pic of the same cracka


dindu-rybo-nucleic acid


Unironically, I think there's just a general lack of hope in much of the black community. I think many of them have just given up on life. But I don't really know.


they are lazy born

Thats why black people invite most thing that make life a little easier? If it werent for black people and china where would you be?

>Seriously i want to know...is it in their DNA or something?

Yes, actually.



Annnnnnnnnd, penis size.

I wouldn't even take you seriously with that picture. This post just show that Sup Forums users are white neckbeards who complains about black people and making racebait threads, but then glorify their music posting how great Kendrick, Kanye West or Death Grips. Geez you people are so fucking hypocritical.

Jamal here thinks that Tyrone is the smarter one of them..

Black people aren't stupid. You have doctors, lawyers, businessman that are black and intelligent. Biologists have already agreed, our genomes are 99.99% similar. In fact there is absolutely no evidence of genetic superiority, peer reviewed published to date. This bullshit has to stop. Despite being minorities, people manage to overcome the superiority complex and become successful. Does that make a minority stupid? They are outnumbered and outresourced, and still manage to become successful. This thread is what's stupid.

>Geez you people are so fucking hypocritical.
Said the hypocrite who speaks ignorantly about an anonymous and diverse group (which currently includes themself) as if they were all a uniform hive of people

Kek I'm surprised to see a reply like this posted here unironically, but it's spot on tbh.

You hope for a reaction, huh? Okay, here's what I'll say to that. Um, I appreciate you picking me out of the crowd to give me your stance on not only your sexuality, but the fact that you can stand alone with this sexuality that you've hand selected, not based on your genitalia, I hope. Um, and uh, there are a lot of women out there that are struggling, that don't have the independence you got. I'm asking that you don't speak for them...As a whole. They probably wouldn't accept you with the open arms and gratitude that you assumed you deserve. So, um, um, that's for your safety because I don't think there's anyone that needs to impugn to discredit here. Um, the fact that you put on your shoes on your own in this little confabulation of clishmaclaver that you're having with me is with no doubt is clever. I'm charmed. Eh, so I'm also an independent woman, and I'm lesbian. So if you'd like we can go out sometime, just sex. I don't have money for food. Um, are you of age? You're seventeen? Are you eighteen? Really? That's a great age. That's, that's fantastic. So, we don't have to worry about talking to your parents. I'm going to ignore the rest of the subject matter pertaining to this specific conversation, and go back to ogling baseball literature I really don't care for, and I think maybe you should start speaking to that woman herself because she's also independent, but she's also of a different ethnicity, and she'll be proud to see that you'd make that stand in a library no less and with an appropriate inside voice.


I didn't think that they were allowed anywhere near china. Explain more.

We'd all be eating jelly sandwiches

Proportionally looked the chinese are even fewer and yet they have more successful people as a minority group. Beside that, why the fuck are you talking about minorities in already advanced coutries? I will never ever say it relays on biology but it surely has something to do with their social structure as a society. Every other race on the world had it's peak point in the history except the africans. No, not talking about Egypt or Sumer, i mean central Africa and southern of it. They surely make something very wrong. I have black friends some are really smart and okay, but some are broken beyond any belief.