Except this film and a lot of liberal pro commie stuff that has been declassified has proven McCarthy was right.

At this point they've gone from "THEY WERE NOT COMMUNISTS STOP MAKING FALSE ACCUSATIONS" to "They were Communists, so what? There's nothing wrong with that."

Reminds me of "BILL CLINTON IS A DEVOTED HUSBAND AND A GOOD CHRISTIAN MAN AND THESE FALSE ACCUSATIONS ARE A RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY" to "lol it was just a blowjob who cares, stop being such a prude."

About a month after Obama leaves office I expect him to say he actually was born in Kenya but he felt the law was discriminatory so it was his duty to disobey it.

I still think it was a amazing experience back when I first checked Wikipedia page of Spartacus and found it was written in an American prison.

So I would tolerate this movie

Communism is good

Jingoism is bad

Love these threads OP

Reminder that McCarthy was right over 90% of the time.

Daily reminder that the commies won

totes, that's why the ussr dissolved and the world is a capitalist dystopia?

can't believe people care about this

but you can't say nigger in public anymore without people getting mad.

The world is more socialist right now than it has been at any other time in history.

K, so here's the thing about American Communism back in these days: yes, they existed (yes, a lot of them were Hollywood liberals and college professors, etc) but we are supposed to have legal freedom of speech in this country. McCarthy went way too far. True, a 'communist party' should be illegal because it expeditiously undermines the entire democratic process but the same is true for Theocratic institutions and clubs that Congressmen and Senators currently belong to. These 'let's get rid of government and make GOD king' idiots of which plenty of elected officials and groups looking to get their members elected are also seditious and undermine democracy. Yet no one gives a flying shit. Romney was running for president and no one seriously questioned him for his sinister, megalomaniacal religion and his necessary slavish devotion to the LDS prophet who could wake up one morning and decide to call the POTUS and command him to drop the bomb or make bigamy legal, or whatever.

When they said that shit about JFK and his 'loyalty' to the pope, everyone knew he could be an American first and a Catholic second. That's not possible with the mormon cult - which is also a theocratic movement that has attempted to take over the government, create their own theocratic state, build their own private armies and so on.

We wouldn't let a Scientologist run for president or a 1% biker gang president, or Grand Dragon of the KKK, but christian theocrats who want to replace democracy with a "Christian Nation" similar to present day Israel are A-OK. McCarthy was a hypocrite and the communist witch hunts were a circus. Communism should be illegal as a political party or movement but that doesn't mean people need to go to jail, just refuse to legitimize their attempts at electing leaders. But the same should be true for all these fucking pastors and reverends who get elected to congress or the senate, they should be kicked out and their elections thrown out.

it's a corporatist dystopia, capitalism requires capital: factories, labor forces, resources, but also governments to protect property rights. Globalism and corporatism privatizes governments, makes corporations 'people' with more rights and privlidges, with their lobbying power electing the leaders they want over what the people want - they BOUGHT the government and they protect property rights at the convenience of their monopolies, dividing up the assets like conquistadors killing all the Aztecs and hoping to find some city of gold instead of actually producing anything or buying or selling. They just print money now, give themselves interest free loans from the privately owned Federal Reserve.

This is in no way capitalism, much like in modern Russia is more a kleptocracy than a democracy. The western world is more or less a corporatist institutions that weasels it's will into other once-sovereign nations like a virus.

Ok but the deal is that even though Communism doesn't work and is like a 5th grade level economic/ political ideology, holding witchhunts against people just because they're not very bright and have political beliefs you don't support is wrong not to mention pretty clearly against the first amendment.

>About a month after Obama leaves office I expect him to say he actually was born in Kenya but he felt the law was discriminatory so it was his duty to disobey it.

I can totally see this happening.

You can't checkmate if your king is in check.

You are both extremely stupid. It's not worth engaging with either of you beyond this level because you lack the cognitive skills to hold a conversation.

>Literally Super Nazis who murdered and oppressed and tortured dozens and dozens of millions of innocent people, spreading at an incredible rate

OK Faggot.

If there was a "Schindler's List" about the commies, pushed in the mainstream media, you'd be 100x more hysterical than you probably already are about MUH NAZIS.

That is the point.
You let capitalism crumble on itself and the commies of all sorts will come baco to impose themselves.
It's already happening. American colleces are run by marxists, the UK is seeing a resurgence of trotskyists.

Not for much longer

>le populists and demagogues will save the world meme

Half of those people are socialists.

Despite what Americans seem to think, right-wing does not necessarily mean free market capitalist.

I never understood what exactly was wrong with what McCarthy was doing, communists were trying to subvert and change the US into a political system that was completely against everything the US stood for, there was literally nothing wrong with him wanting these people to be found out, they were a possible threat.

Basically MUH FREEDOM OF SPEECH and McCarthy made a lot of it up as he went.

I really want Sup Forums to leave