Why are there so many people defending actual nazis ?

Why are there so many people defending actual nazis ?

Also, general antinazi thread.

Oh and, this is not Sup Forums, insult each other without acting like edgy kids.

Other urls found in this thread:


Are there?

In my bubble there aren't.

Are people on here defending them lots?

This is now a nazi thread

Defending them lots would be an understatement.

Fuck off with your strawman bullshit, you cocksucking faggot. The only nazis are the antifada cucks.


Well, there is an abundance of racists on Sup Forums. It's anonymous. It's one of the few well populated places that racists can talk to each other without suffering social damage.

I skip the big racism threads, they're boring to me. So maybe i missed them.

This is soon going to be a political war thread where everyone posts propaganda.




I'm talking about people doing nazi salutes and waving nazi flag, go read books kid.


not just here, I take it you don't use the internet very much.

They're just edgy little abandoned faggots that need a community but have been ostracized by their family and everyone around them. Half of them are only Nazis "4 teh lulz" (they just want friends to laugh with them)

Not defending Nazis, but pointing out flaws in the general 'Final Solution' and 'Gas Chambers' so-called "facts".

Always ends in name calling as usual when your parroting memory fails, and you're left with facts in your face.

I am not. I have nazi and blm niggers, same shit.

>she's doing her part


This does not make someone a Nazi anymore than beating your chest without a shirt on makes you Tarzan.

To be a Nazi you'd need to be a part of the nationalist socialist movement in the early 1900s.

Literally stealing left side imagery because dumdums can't come up with anything on their own.

>neo-nazi shill

KKK took over the NRA and half the Sheriff Stations in the Southeast. Trust me, I grew up next to the largest KKK cell in the US.

I don't hang out with a lot of racist people. It's why i said i don't see any of that in my bubble.

R-r-r-acism??? In MY /4/Chan?!
I... I can naey believe it.
I mean. We all knew that Sup Forums was a dark place...
But this. I mean come on guys this is a step TOO FAR.

Wew you actually mistake political parties with political ideologies and fail to understand that political parties usually take the names of an ideology.

You clearly know nothing about them.

They've ALWAYS had a safe space to trade racist tirades, it's called Stormfront. They invaded Sup Forums and reddit because it's not enough to express opinions anonymously, they literally want to make the whole world into a fascist state.

Fianlly, a thread where I belong.

What would nazis do without their safe spaces, really.

You don't need to hang out with anyone to see the news and read online articles.

The only people that aren't aware of this are willfully ignorant or completely casual internet users.

Stormfront isn't as popular as Sup Forums, and it is more vulnerable to doxxing.

You say them, so you are not one of them. So you might not know, no, they didn't invade shit, ya silly. Racists have been on Sup Forums since time immemorial.

Get murdered

>on /b
>tell people not to be edgy

Oh, i've been reading the news yeah. But i haven't seen anybody "defending them" on the news. Trump got some shit for not condemning them.

Although i'm sure the neonazi public figures said nice things about the shit today, but i didn't see those statements covered.

Actually, notably many republicans condemned it, and they usually stay as strategically silent as trump is right now when right wing extremists do extremist shit.

Get gassed

so they care about spreading their message to popular sites, not talking to each other.

>racists have always been on Sup Forums

Common mistake of anyone who came here after 2006. The truth is that it was mostly anime nerds who openly MOCKED racists at the beginning. Eventually FOX NEWS showed the EXPLODING HACKER VAN and then told all their ultraconservative viewers that there was child pornography on Sup Forums.

Since then, racist shitheads have been synonymous with Sup Forums, but not before FOX.

follow your leader


implying this wasn't stolen to begin with from a nazi thing of someone getting curbstomped.

Exactly, get gassed

What would you do if you met an actual nazi? shit yourself, or piss all over yourself?

There's very few actual nazis in the USA. They don't call themselves Nazis, they don't say they have a racist agenda. If you call me a Nazi, i'd just punch your fucking teeth out. It's tantamount to calling a black person a nigger. You get what you deserve.

real fake news

Nobody is doing that you shill. We won't be brainwashed. Fuck George Soros.

>holocaust never happened, it's just a Jewish conspiracy to make my girlfriend cheat on me with a black dude

KEK, get your story straight, cuck

Yes. Racists have always been here. It's definitely gotten more popular among racists in the last few years, but lots now doesn't mean none then.

Here's some more fake news.

what the fuck happened to Sup Forums....

George Soros is nothing compared to Rupert Murdoch and the Koch brothers. Seriously, get some fucking perspective, Kochs have already spent enough on politicians to BUY OUT Soros.

Yes, racists have recently taken over Sup Forums, I'm glad you agree that they were powerless faggots that were the butt of every joke for the first 3 years of Sup Forums.

Some snowflakes had their feelings hurt by racists.

I defend nothing. This whole debachle is kinda funny. Now idiots on both sides are drawing lines in the sand.

>feelings hurt

racists on Sup Forums and reddit have committed TERRORISM against the US, and not just today.

its the nazis that are butthurt lmao

because its gotten to the point where being white is looked at as being a crime. the people claiming to fight for justice, equality, and the destruction of institutionalized racism are the new nazis but people have become convinced its wrong to call them out on it

That's what I don't fucking get. Why don't the Alt-right fags find some other billionaires to demonize like they do with Soros? Hell, the Alt-right is literally idolizing a billionaire right now who gave shit to Obama for not saying Radical Islamic Terrorism but who he himself put the Antifa in the same bucket as the Neonazis.

Apparently not wanting violence against political opponents is equal to defending nazis now. even though op is clearly retarded i wouldnt want people brutalizing him as well

Because the nazis are the good guys.

I don't really care about their existence. I can easily ignore them.

we're killing your people.

No, I think it was their car.

I like how they used abdul's tactics.

>no u

You use that word like it means something.

I'm just annoyed at everyone calling them Nazis. The party is disbanded. They are Neo-Nazis.

Sup Forums has always been racist you idiot nigger. The majority of people in this country are racist. You are the minority that last 2 years should have shown you that.

fuk nazis, I hate em

BUT I respect and support free speech

Never have and never will go to a nazi rally to support them OR to protest them

Fukin ignore what you dont wanna hear or see . . . it really is That Easy

You should go on a sodiumfree diet.

being this retarded

we don't need a safe space. America is out safe space.

Like the left cuck did today?

You all know the British Empire did worse things for longer then the Nazi's right? Who do you think invented concentration camps and all those fun things the Nazi's did for a few years. Ya the Brits have done for near a thousand.

Apparently Stormfront is "Alt right" now. I fucking hate that phrase.

You killed one.

In a state with the Death Penalty.

>people who don't agree with me are nazis
Wanting dangerous sandniggers out of my country doesn't make me a nazi. Go back to /leftypol/.

Nazis are all dead, move on

im not wrong lol. read any of the pro nazi threads on here

>I represent all White Nationalists, trust me

Even you faggot skinheads get in fights with each other because this is not remotely true. Half of you are racist fucks, and the other half are retarded fucks that don't want to be called racist. Nazis are all DEAD, there aren't any more, and I would still call you a Nazi to your stupid fucking face, cause you're too stupid to realize you have no control over your culture.

Its a war and we're winning it.

>using an ISIS Tactic


Nothing happened you fuck.
Sup Forums was lulzy before president cheeto won. Sup Forums was happy because it was funny as fuck.
Now there's no laughs to be had, just general political fuckery and bullshit. That's still good for Sup Forums but I don't know why you think we'd give a shit over here now that it's just infighting and garbage. Make it funny and we'll get on board again. You're making the same mistake that the normies make about Sup Forums by thinking that Sup Forums as a whole cares about anything. Sure some of us care and that's why we go to other boards too, but together we are an unfeeling faceless monster.

Sup Forums is full of passions and more adult things Sup Forums is a gentler place. Sup Forums is for the children.

Found the liberal.

Lack of empathy for your fellow man. Essentially serial killers

because they have the right idea about subhumans

We're here, we're in charge and we're beating your asses.

when they stop flying that flag i will


You actually consider yourself a nazi ? Speak up I'm interested.

Wow this is heating up.

take this shit to Sup Forums where it belongs

There are ZERO Nazis anywhere. They're all dead now. move on.

>this is what racists tell themselves so they don't have to admit THEY are the minority

maybe you should stop talking online and express your views in public, you stupid little coward. I would hope you'd lose your job at the very least, and maybe somebody would take a bat to your head.

>we're in charge

Cheeto in Cheif getting ghosted by the military and Senate lol

The other side has a collection of marxists from cultural marxists to actual fucking stalinists. Hitler was a fucking monster but there are people on the left who idolize a guy who let his son die in a concentration camp because he wouldn't trade him for a german field marshal and who straight up murdered 20 million of his own people. If you want to engage in politics these days you need a tribe to belong to because either side will viciously attack you for disagreeing with them and not just online but the left in particular will go after your job, report you to your university they will straight up try to destroy your life for disagreeing with them like we have seen with the google memo guy. The neo conservative and neo liberal groups in our generation are dying and the right is moving further right in response to the explosion of post modernism in our generation and basically its time to either back out or pick a side. And as a white male I pick the side that doesn't demonize me for existing even if I disagree with 95% of what they say.

>We're here
>we're in charge
of what exactly?
>we're beating your asses.
dont pretend like you know who i am

Ostrich defences never work.

do you read? Fucking retarded ass nazi.

Indeed, imperialism sucks. As for invented concentration camps, move your yank arse out your couch and into europe, go ask people from germany, poland, france, austria what they heard about it.

You realise people that were alive back then are still alive today eh ? They are still loads of survivors.

>Murders American citizens by copying Jihadist tactics
>proud of it

I can't wait for the FBI to round up you terrorists. I always crack a beer when they break up another domestic terrorist cell.

He meant they came up with the concept, not made them up. Which is true, but they weren't nearly as deadly as the Germans' so it's a moot point.

Sandniggers are not my fellow man.
They're trying to kill us. Wanting them out does not make me a nazi, you fucking shill.



There aren't any nazis anymore. Comparing the Alt-right to neonazis doesn't work, considering the aims of those such as richard spencer are to turn the US into a white ethno-state, having very little to do with national socialism, the national socialist workers' party of germany, or fascism.
It's defending against a broadbrushing of everyone who isn't far-left with a label that is widely misunderstood. Read up on the history of the actual nazi party, their aims, and their methods, and compare and contrast with those of richard spencer's gay little crew. Very different ideologies.

Are you a football player because you wear a shirt? are you a Chinaman because you like Chinese food? Are you a 1920-45 Nazi because you have a flag?

The answer (for the intellectually challenged) is NO

Move on

You can call this thread Poland and consider it annexed. Sieg heil

I dont know, I remember when Sup Forums would have doxxed at least some of the assholes with the goofy tiki torches at UVA for some lulz. of course Sup Forums used to troll Hal and other people indiscriminately.

Actually, you have a LOT more in common with them than you do with most Americans.

Fundamentalist extremists are all similarly fucked in the head, which is why you have no real friends I'm guessing.

>Are you a football player because you wear a shirt?
i could be
> are you a Chinaman because you like Chinese food?
i could be
>Are you a 1920-45 Nazi because you have a flag?
have you ever heard the term "neo-nazi"?
clearly not, you fucking retard