Other urls found in this thread:

>leddit on suicide watch

jewddit BTFO

Literally Gold.

Well no shit. Just like Kikebook.

Hey guy,Reddit refugee here :) Hope you don't mind If I stay while my website reconstructs.

Good day and reddit gold to you all :DDD

P.s: Can anyone tell me how avatars work?

Oh wow, what a surprise. It is not like they have been caught in the act of censorship hundreds of times.

What really irks be about the sight, and the reason I can never use it, is the hypocrisy. They banned the coontown sub even though it was a private only for those who subscribed, while allowing blackpeopletwitter and whitepeoplegifs to flood the site with anti-white racism.

The sight is just social engineering now. It is tumblr 2.0

More like reddit gold XDDDDDDDDDD

We are Trump supporters here. Run, before we redpill you.

almost kinda how mods on Sup Forums censor you if you don't say what they want you to say

how do you upvote? I would upvote this if I could xD

+1 upvote

So what if they have censorship? They are allowed to do whatever the fuck they want on their website. If you don't like it don't visit.

Skeleton meme:p
+1 updoot to you xD

This Sup Forums how do I upvote my fellow channers!!? Can I give gold ????

Just because they're allowed to do something doesn't mean they should be immune from criticism.

I don't know why anyone would be this supportive of corporations controlling the means of public discourse with an iron grip.

The problem comes when these kind of websites effectively function as journalistic outlets (and in FB's case, marketed its NEWSfeed as such) but have none of the constraints of "journalistic ethics".

noticed alot of censorship there lately

>How avatars work

God damn it

>Upvote if you'd arm wrestle Chuck Norris for a date with Jennifer Lawrence and unlimited BACONZZZZ XDDDDDD

*meme note: Arm-wrestling Chuck Norris is fundamentally impossible because he is depicted as being very strong

This will destroy reddit in one of their key demographics, Fox news readers

>reddit getting called out by msm for censorship

Woops, sorry friend, that comment reply was meant for you. I think you have to log in for avatars XP

'sup fellow reddit rapefugee. where da white memes at??? :DDDDDDDDDDD

Why does Sup Forums hate Reddit anyway? We're basically the same site. xD

Edit: Wow, thanks for the gold! Upvoting the h̶e̶l̶l̶ heck out of you! :)

Follow instructions in pic related.

Here take my upvote. Karma points amiriteee



this isn't news, they deleted a bunch of subs for body shaming and right wing rhetoric i mean hatespeech, even the donald sub which was made by a cuck bans any post mentioning muslims because islamophobia is bad

censorship has been a staple of reddit for years

use you newfag

I miss that guy. Things could have turned out differently if he didn't wuss out.

>Reddit -> Censorship
>Water -> Wet


Why is this news? It's been that way for years

>r/fat_people_hate -> gone, hurts feewings