Why do Americans find this attractive?

why do Americans find this attractive?

Why is she white in this photo, but not other photos?

She's Armenian mate. She has never been white

>He thinks corporate kike propaganda represents actual American tastes.

Because the degenerate marxist culture and ningnongs

this is only appealing to nigger apes


>t. low test runt, probably balding at 19 and under 5'9", mongoloid spatial reasoning, etc.

They've brainwashed themself to like it because they run out of thin girls.

that's literally what I said

I like chubby girls and even I find her hideous and revolting.

>why does the american media find this attractive?

fixed for ya

The kardashian's are disgusting, the lot of them


Why do Brits find this attractive?

Large butts, boobs, hips, and lips are natural signs of female virility. Kim Kardashian is very close to the biological erotic ideal. Attraction to her is completely expected for heterosexual men.

These features are only considered unattractive in societies like Japan or medieval Europe which fetishize female youth and innocence, and imbue the physical qualities of pubescent children with erotic interest.

>Marxist culture

I wish. This is all about the money.

America is experiencing full negrification and hispanization, so it makes sense they become more like Brazil in every aspect.

Why do Brits find this attractive?

Besides that quasimodo face she is really hot and slutty
I would dick her in heartbeat

>all her followers on social media and all the "people" who watched her sex tape are corporate kikes or their shills

>that passes as white in los estados unidos

would to be honest.

You mean reddit