Trumpster acting exactly like sandniggers

>trumpster acting exactly like sandniggers
what a surprise, amirite?
I mean, it's not like they two face of the same autism medal.

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He need to be shot. Useless piece of shit.

should have used a truck desu

12 years old confirmed

Who is the slut on the right?

Girl he killed I'm guessing.

a girl that got killed after a muslim hitted the crowd she was on with her car.
Oh wait, it wasn't a muslim- it was a 20 years old neckbeard white supremacist. They're so, so easy to confuse, both speak hate to whoever is different, are stupid and can't have sex with girl unless they have some blood relation

>Unite the Right had permits
>antifa, BLM, Soros pawns didn't
>Gov calls St of emergency befor erally even started
>riot cops move in pushing the dispersing Unite the Right crowd towards the protesting Soros pawns
>antifa, BLM, Soros pawns attack his car, breaking windows & trying to get him
>he retaliates & reverses to GTFO of the situation
>charges will be reduced to manslaughter IF that

Nice try cunt.

people are growing tired of your fascism shit cunts.

Wonder where the Chimp-Out will occur today?

That is the funniest part of this whole thing.

How the alt-right is now doing EXACTLY what Isis has been doing for a public attack.

nice try ahmed
allah akbar to you too friend. you're literally defending terrorism.

>blood relation


well, can you really say you're surprised?

I dont think you know what fascism is.

I don't think you know what b8 is.

Not terrorism if it was self defense against a pack of niggers, nigger lovers, and facist cocksuckers.

figured they wouldnt use the same exact tactic but i guess im giving them too much credit.

nice try

>hitted the crowd
Oh boy


Dude you're making this shit up
There's a video he wasn't in ANY danger or surrounded. Nobody was banging his windows, or threatening him!

Fucked up his life forever.

Hit back window was busted out before he hit the crowd. So tell me, who attacked first?

Allah Snackbar drives into crowds unprovoked, he was provoked & possibly feared for his life.

She was out protesting like leftist scum does. It's not like humanity is worse off without her.

well they shouldn't have thrown a rock at his car then

actions have consequences

really? a group that used violence to shut up anyone who doesn't agree with them. These (you) cunts are all about YOUR side being the supreme, the only. Anyone who doesn't agree needs shut up or down. *cough*

Fascists are against democracy. They work for a totalitarian one-party state. ... Such a state is led by a strong leader—such as a dictator and a martial government.

even if this is true
>it is right to run over a crowd if your cars get smacked
do you really want to make this your main argument, my fellow goatfucker?

lumping people in to categories has worked so well you should keep doing it.

He was a meme'ing, KEKISTANI, Sup Forumslack faggoty pile of CANCER given what I have seen of his social media.

This type of fucking cancer is going to get Sup Forums fucked for good soon.

This is correct.

see this, mohammed

>"do not lump people into categories!!1!"

>trying this hard


>sandniggers get house bombed, family killed, react with terrorism- not cool
>fat neckbeard get his parent's car damaged, react with terrorism- WAY TO GO BOY! MAGA MAGA MAGA!

yeah, insert label, thats my argument

if you throw a rock at a car, there might be an insane asshole behind the wheel that will kill you. thats pretty easy to understand

A whole bunch of Nazi and Commie faggots all around looking for attention instead of having fucking real jobs. No one cares about which side is which. They are all stupid assholes.

Keep this shit up and regular average Americans are going to go all Uncle Sam on you faggots.

>the guy running people over wasn't malicious
shit niqqa

>if you throw a bomb at a house, there might be an insane asshole behind the wheel that will kill you. thats pretty easy to understand
Thanks for proving my point, you anti-american terrorist

>Not terrorism if it was self defense against a pack of niggers, nigger lovers, and facist cocksuckers.

It's not self defense if you are inside a fucking and indiscriminately run over people. Dude is at least getting homicide charges.

Except whites are intelligent and created the modern world, including the computer you are using.

From the video you saw, if you saw one at all.
It wouldn't surprise me at all if it was edited to not show the "friendly" "harmless" leftists attacking him in his vehicle as he was trying to lawfully disperse as indicted by law enforcement. It's not the first time video has been edited to fit an agenda.
Crowd of a few hundred to 1, yeah, he got scared. Crowds, especially illegal and known to be violent crowds like Antifa and BLM is, are extremely dangerous. Allow me to clarify about the illegal part - Antifa, BLM, and other groups did not have permission to congregate in protest. They had no license or permits. They gathered illegally.
Let's face it - proof is on my side that it is a known fact that leftists groups have been extremely violent of late. The only time you hear or see fighting from right sided protestors it is usually in cases of self defense, and most of the arrestees come from leftist groups - news articles support this.
Now, if I was this man's lawyer, this is what defense I would use, especially if there is any indication that the vehicle was damaged prior to hitting the crowd. With any luck, the young man was filming from inside the vehicle which will show proof of the crowd's attack upon him, thus setting up the justifiable homicide defense of his actions.

but you dont have a point, youre just tossing around labels like an idiot

There is a difference between reacting to an act of war and targeting innocents with terrorism, and using lethal force for self defense against a violent crowd of greater numbers.
Sorry about your strawman, it wasn't very good.

Look at all the faggots strawmanning itt.

I bet you'd say he deserved to be shot if he were black

>knowing history so bad
i can even accept that to africa, but arabian countries have developed absurb shit while we still in the middle age.
And also that doesn have nothing at all to do with the argument above.
You're not only ignorant but also incapable of actual communication. good work, buddy.

using ISIS tactics, the modern right wing everyone

MFW I'm half Arab and half Dutch.

>bombing cities
>definitely nothing to do with targeting innocent victims
>using lethal force against a threat to your stupid car is fine
go be a retard somewhere else

you just own me whatever sum you had bet.

I hope for more attacks like this, next time maybe some fucking niggers

>i support terrorism but i don't have the balls to do this shit myself

When your side starts resorting to tactics learned from ISIS... maybe its time to change sides.

- Booker T Washington

I never said other races never contributed anything, It's you who is incapable of communication.

Oh, you mean the Dark Ages? You know they don't exactly call them that because they are the norm.


You have a crowd of a few hundred individuals associated with known violent groups vs 1 man in a car.
Have you seen what kinda of damage a crowd of people with just fists and feet can do? The victims often don't survive being beat to death by so many people, the few that do usually are para- or quadraplegics and/or mentally disabled after the event.
What will occur is this - he will be charged with vehicular manslaughter since it wasn't premeditated. He will likely go to jail because the jury in Charlottesville pool is primarily liberal Democrats, and they'll be predisposed towards conviction of a perceived hate crime.
As I said before - if the young man was filming inside his vehicle and can prove he feared for his life, he could likely walk if he is able to find an unbiased jury and get off on self defense using a disperity of strength defense - he was one unarmed man against a crowd of hundreds of violent protestors. He had every right to fear for his life.

>Oh, you mean the Dark Ages? You know they don't exactly call them that because they are the norm.
Theyll never directly debate your point theyre paid to worm around arguments. You said whites invented the modern world then he "contradicts" it by saying whites were doing badly during the dark ages. Makes zero fucking sense. He wont argue your point because he knows its true.

>I never said other races never contributed anything
>Except whites are intelligent and created the modern world

You're embarassing yourself

>bombing cities that house known terror suspects or weaponry that needed destroying and using innocents as living shields and you defending this tactic
Why are you a terrorist sympathizer? Why do you want to kill innocents in the name of your Allah?

>theyre paid to worm around arguments

That damage control.
>I s-swear w-we're not t-the bad g-guys!

People saw him at the top of the hill sitting there for several minutes with no one around him. And there's video of him driving down the hill at full speed toward the people. That "I'm a scared white boy" argument isn't going to fly this time.

that's gayer than creampied man's ass

i ain't the one praising an alienated idiot who run people over with his car, i'm condemning both sides. it's pretty sad that you can't see how close you are to the people you fear the most, i suggest some serious self-awareness exercises.

If you think this website isn't used for data collection at the very least and controlling public discourse and used by governments at the worst you are delusional.

How did I contradict myself? The world during the dark ages is not the modern world?

I understand you are a aspiring neckbeard desperately trying to analytically deconstruct my argument but you might want to have an IQ in the triple digits before you try.

Yes other races have given us things, but when it comes to planes, trains, auto-mobiles, computers, modern medicine, THE MODERN WORLD, ect you can thank the white man.

why not do it yourself?

You can just use reverse too...
Those justification intends are retarded.

lol and how many white babies have you made to keep the race alive?

>the world during the dark ages is not the modern world?

Yes no its not study contemporary history, this is what were referring to. Glad it was just a misunderstanding now you can shut the fuck up.

People can also lie. Unless there is unedited video showing it, I don't believe it.
Before you start calling me an alt-right, I hold police and everyone else to the same standard - I don't believe a thing they claim without proof. This is why I advocate police body cams to help end police corruption.
Also this is far too early to believe firmly one side or another. It could very well come out that the young man was filming what happened to him in his car prior to hitting the crowd - and if he was, and it shows he was surrounded by an angry mob damaging his vehicle, then it would be a case of self defense and not homicide.

Oohweee. Arnt you gonna be surprised when you see the videos.

you'd believe it in a second without proof if it were a black suspect and you know it

every fucking website ever is used for collecting data.
thinking people whit a different opinion than yours (and in this case your opinion is that a murderer did good, just to be clear who's the moron here) it's thinfoil at his best.


>They look like the same person...

You made the claims, now prove I am an alt right member or Muslim.
I am not praising, I am offering a rationale of what could have happened for self defense against known violent organiztions.
Your attempts at strawmanning and ad hominem is funny though, do go on.

but niqqa i'm the one who posted about it tho- why the fuck are you impersonating me?

you wouldn't give the suspect the benefit of the doubt if he were black, admit it.

My god. Sup Forums is giving a better analysis than Sup Forums

Yes, because an angry mob always leaves the rear of a vehicle clear so it can reverse and leave peacefully.
Who's ideas are retarded again?

In that case I can't wait to dance on your grave, since no one's really gonna care about that.

Sup Forums is happy it happened. they're happy to see one of their own embrace ISIS methodology to kill their ideological opponents

Every person like you that dies is a good thing. I imagine the person that died was probably like you

have you watched the videos? There are 2 out there that shoot a gaping hole in your pathetic theory.

the Christian right everyone

why the fuck should i prove that? you already proven yourself a moron, and whoever think you are has definitely not useful for this conversation.
terrorism is terrorism jamal, don't cherrypick the reason behind it over an assumtion that is not even proved and it would still be irrelevant.

>but arabian countries have developed absurb

They didn't develop dickory spit. It was all lifted from the burning corpses of the Roman Empire, which their pre-Islam ancestors helped to destroy.

perfect demonstration of why you shouldn't vote for trump again

Lol. Anti racism protesters. Nice try Lil goy.

and as you can see, you're exactly as a mad muslim, you just hate different people. congratulations.

> soros pawn
soros has people in the white house, hes bbf with Trump, why are you still pushing this?

No, I don't think I will faggot.

Prepare for more retaliations commies and liberals, we are digging your graves

oy vey

lol i'm italian an roman where no less than sheepfuckers that stole everything from arab and greeks, and were almost niggers genetically speaking

bitch a new jew is running shit and he's running it for the right.

The only thing your digging is into another bag of Cheetos.