Why are human faces so unique and identifiable when other animals have the same face...

why are human faces so unique and identifiable when other animals have the same face. even apes all look the same (not talking about niggers, actual apes). bears, seahorses, birbs, cats, dogs, they all look the same, expect for people?!?!


Animals don't all look the same. Humans are programmed to see subtle differences in human faces.

They are different, we just aren't wired to recognize it

citation? evidence?

Does that mean blacks are not human, since they all look the same?

Why do all asian people look the same?

>other animals have the same face

Nah brah that just you.

because you are a human who interacts with other humans, and therefore have become adept at spotting details.

never heard the expression "all gooks look the same"? being said by the sort of racist shits who've never met chinese people?

it is sort of true. if you dont recognise a group or race of people, they do look very much the same. The chinese tend to think all white people look the same.

I have no doubt aliens (or cats) would say all humans look the same.

Evolution dictates a series of events that motivated change in the species by genetic mutations that caused easier and/or more effective offspring than other early or even recent humans or animals cout create.

We're not wired for facial recognition of other animals. If you've ever had a pet, you'd know that they have different faces.

Are you retarded or something?

Are you twelve?
The entire field of scientific research into inter and intraspecies facial recognition exists. Look into shit you're interested in, instead of asking /btards and then going citation? citation? durrrr...

Ffs, who educates you people?

So part of that is your ownership and conception of these "livability" genes.

One of those is certain to be that the face of a human allows you a greater chance of survivability in your day to day life and as well in a life or death situation.

Google "cat faces" and look from one to the next... how much citation do we need for the idea that animals are different from other animals?

post link?

turmp's america, fuck yeh

You are dumb. I did a research paper on mating selection amongst North American black bears.

With in 2 days I could tell the difference in bears. Via face demarcation and size.

You may just have autism OP and can't differentiate anything non human.


have you ever looked at an animal?

So what you are seeing is not a face in a crowd, but a subconscious part of your mind acting on instincts written in by situations that in turn wrote the makeup, event by event, in your DNA like a script in a play.

>It's not the face that you, it is yourself.

>O¶ this is answer.
>Read Charles Darwin for more.

Why is this like 5 different posts? Did you think you were on Twitter?

animals are in fact MORE UNIQUE AND IDENTIFIABLE because of the variations in fur pattern and color.

So basically this is the first philosophical thought OP has ever had. Good try little guy you can do it.

I'm throwing a lot of information at someone. It allows someone who doesn't know dick about evolution to soak it in.
Also I'm on phone and writing longform sucks ass.


what an idiot. You didn't even look at 2 animals longer than 5 seconds

ironic bc autists can actually differenciate between animal faces bc their brains process every piece of information instead of blocking the unimportant ones like neurotypical brains do