I am angry /b

I am angry /b.
This is a site of many people of many nations.
One of few popular places that one can speak their mind with impunity.

I want you to follow me, /b.
Into the future. The world is divided into two groups of thought. One of cowardice, ignorance and lies and one of folly, uncouth rage and isolation.

Let us make a new tribe. A tribe of hogvaerd.
Middle ground. A tribe of honor, truth and wisdom.

To do this we must renounce our gods. What ever they may be:
- The christian god is weak. Turning the other cheek made us weaklings and the god of this religion is wrathful, jealous and evil.
The same goes for the other stupid jehovan religions.

-Atheism is just, but unattractive. We need not believe in gods to have faith. And we need faith to stay united.

-Communism/sjw/anarchy/cuckoldry/feminism is for the weak asked for by the weak. We should take care of our own, truly. But not this way. Merit should be rewarded, and weakness punished.

Foolish, unrealistic, isolated and bigoted.
And a stagnant future.

Let us make a new pact and renounce our old gods. Let us take in the gods of old. Not because they're strong or because they're real. But because they are like us. Not perfect. But a avatars of nature and humans.
Thor is strength and courage, but foolishness.
Odin is wisdom and knowledge, but greedy.
Loki is cunning but evil.

Let us become a tribe. Let us not take part in the folly of the two sides. Let us renounce fate and make our own. Join me /b. And together we will start with Europe.

Ask me anything.

We will dominate together. We will have every virtue on our side. We will shun no one out of how they're born but rid ourselves of those who are weak.

Join me /b. I will be your Ulfric Stormcloak.

Let us rebuild the path to Valhalla and rebuild the hall itself in death.

Deyr fé,
deyja frændur,
deyr sjálfur hið sama
ég veinn einn að aldrei deyr
dómur um dauðann hvern.

I am part socialist. I don't believe the current system can exist for much longer. Machines will do more and more. There will come a time in the near future where 90% of the people will not have job, because machines and AI are cheaper. Humans will become obsolete. Only a socialist system can prevail, the jobs of the future will be in research and programming.
For that a culling needs to happen, all retards need to go. The human race is creating its own destruction with overpopulation and letting the weak minded have many children and saving those children even though half of them would have died because the parents are complete idiots.

Your vision is but a step in the right direction.

stopped reading there. saged and reported.

I agree that retards need to go.
And I agree that machinery will make us obsolete at a point. We need to unite. Not in a cause, but to find one as thinkers. We need to find out if machinery doing our labour will make us greater, or ruin us. And then act on it. I want us to make a tribe of thinkers to solve this. Are you with me?

Vigthor the cringy, son of Thor.

My drunken, melancholic tirades can end here /b. Or it can ascend to greatness. We will make a secret political society rivaling those that never existed. We will try and influence the world to betterment. We will start small. But when our numbers swell we will influence the mighty. We will instigate workers strikes and more. We must be willfull and we must change the fate of Midgard. We must avert the Ragnarok that is awaiting.

We will be Einherjar.

Ég veit einn*

And how will we do that?
We are everywhere and nowhere. It's hard to organize anything like this.

I think we will merge with the machines.


We will find a way. A chat, and an oath to disclose to no one. We must first hold þings. And we must be agreed on the way to honor. We will meet weekly or monthly. Either by vote or by a leader chosen by the first of us.

Out of cool Norscan pics so checkem.

Oh yes, stopping the kebab invasion will be a priority, Einherjar, but not out of genetic hate but of the hatred of their thoughts and ideas.

We will start by uniting the north against the EU. And officially naming our rivalry against globalism. We will announce our fight for the working class which is being ruined by globalism.

We will win /b, join me and the re-invented gods of war and honor. We will triumph.

The old gods of the world will serve as a divider and uniter in equal proportions. Different nations should unite under their own culture. And countries should be so small that the people can easily overthrow tyrants and schemers. I will show you /b. When I will be king of Iceland. You'll see.

Last ale /b, I'm not as insane as I sound.
Join me.

how to join?

Stay itt. Let me get to know you. Answer me this, gestr:

How are you politically affiliated and why?

Where do you live?

What is your job/education?

What is your religion?

Do you have a wife and kids?

And everyone tell me this ITT if you are interested. The worthy will be chosen.

Ooops, see this my friend.

this gods dammit..

The old gods have no bible, no doctrine to follow. This is why they are perfect for worship. All can interpret them in the way that best fits them.

They will represent pride. All nations have had old gods and all can be re-worshipped.

Join me /b.

>How are you politically affiliated and why?
The reason is because the left wants a bunch of parasites in my country for no reason other than to feel good for themselves. I believe refugees should get taken care of in neighboring countries, not countries that can only be reached by traveling weeks. We all know why they come to Europe, and it isn't to flee, but to leach
>Where do you live?
Belgium, Flanders
>What is your job/education?
Programmer at a shipping firm,
degree collage
>What is your religion?
Don't care religion
>Do you have a wife and kids?
No wife and no kids

It is sad that I find none who wish to forge our own destiny. To be written into history forever.

I will try again next weekend, little doubt. But remember. A wage slave has little time. So take this opportunity to at least feel you're doing something. Perhaps it will be legendary.

Your basics are almost perfect for what would succeed. But I need more. Tell me something you know and can tell. Tell me something that shows off your wisdom and your strength, honor and your resolve.

Show me what your gods will be and let them symbolize your personality,

Sadly i have none, i am but a sad person.
Sorry for giving you hope

I will not give up on you yet.

Give me a reason to trust you.

Remember, you are anonymous and anything cringy is safe.

I am a boring person that has followed the rules his entire life. I used to question everything, but people didn't like it, so i stopped. I live a monotonous live, with no fulfillment or reason.
To be honest, i wouldn't trust myself.

Here is a poem by Odin, it tells us that all men have purpose.

Haltur ríður hrossi,
hjörð rekur handarvanur,
daufur vegur og dugir.
Blindur er betri
en brenndur sé:
Nýtur manngi nás.

You will have purpose with us.

Is there anything that means the world to you?

My 3 brothers and my parents.
But other than that...
I find the well being of neighbors important and i will help them if i see that they have problems with something if i can.

Swear on your brothers and parents life that you will not talk of the Einherjar to anyone and give me a way to contact you next weekend. A throwaway google email or what ever.

I'm off now, work tomorrow.

I swear on my brothers and parents life that i will not talk of the Einherjar to anyone.
My email adres is [email protected]

Well done. Purpose is on it's way for both of us.