Tfw alt-right complains about thugs and violent protest

>tfw alt-right complains about thugs and violent protest
>shows up to protest with tikki torches and shields, runs over random people with cars

>tfw alt-right complains about the anti-white (basically just people on tumblr saying they have privilege)
>hates non-whites and think they shouldn't exist/are inferior. waves supremacy flags but still aren't racist.

>tfw alt-right complains about extremist liberals
>everyone that disagrees with them is a jewish shill that wants all whites dead

>tfw alt-right became what they bitched about for years

Too bad the guy that ran people over thought he was attacking the 'nazis' but was hitting antifa.

Be antifa
Bring clubs and shields
Get ass kicked and run over by white power nazi
Now go whine about how it
It was a fair fight quit whining
Didn't hear you complain about Berkeley

Do you even try anymore?

>tfw they're right and you're wrong

I wish you would just hurry up and kill each other. Normal people are getting tired of the bullshit from both sides.

It triggers me that it excludes the 'h'.
Feels like it should be Baithoven.

>can't prove how they're right

white people are becoming a minority in america and was founding by white nationalist

Wait, really?

Maybe they should go to their homeland then.

>Maybe they should go to their homeland then.
Their homeland wouldn't want them.

He wasn't trying to hit "Nazis" he was one of them.

no. he was a part of vanguard america, an alt right group. he was targeting BLM.

>>tfw alt-right became what they bitched about for years
So... the left has been assaulting, doxing, even killing people for years... then one fucktard rams his car into a crowd of leftists and kills one... and somehow the nazis are all just so violent and evil...

Nazis are evil. Sure.
Communists/socialists/modern leftists are far worse.

Fuck all of you.

This is what happens when you trust Sup Forums as a source kids, you wind up believing that some jackass saw a crowd holding blm flags and antifa and thought they were pro-Trump.

It puts a smile on my face that you waste your life posting anonymously in a forum over shit like this. Seriously this is your life...

He's a (fat) neo-nazi.

You're mislead here. People assaulting, doxing, killing aren't straight from one group.
Stupid people are everywhere.
Now check the progress since WW2 and tell me without lying what came from the right.

You must read bait oven.
It's a bait for jew.

i usually don't post threads at all, but thanks for sharing your opinion fellow Sup Forums user who must have a great life
So...the right as been assaulting, raping, shooting up/bombing churches and lynching people for years before now...then a few fucktards call them nazis on the internet and somehow right wingers and lefties are just all so violent and evil.

arent stereotypes fun?

I guess if you count Richard Spencer getting decked in the face, otherwise I don't know of any other examples
lol no

>>shows up to protest with tikki torches and shields, runs over random people with cars

so now you get to tone police someone else's rally? protip: no you don't.

The shields couldn't have anything to do with the face that they keep getting attacked by antifa...

That dude with the bike helmet. Fucking autism level >9000

Trump's statement puts blame on both sides for this incident. People are upset that he doesn't call the Right-wing groups (KKK, neo-nazis) terrorist.

>A group that killed over ten million civilians for no reason other than that they were born or have different views
>Not the worst

>the world is engulfed in islamic terror, with thousands dead, a medieval-esque caliphate, and levels of terror in Europe that make the IRA pale in comparison
>don't judge all of islam, islam is a religion of peace, those are not real muslims!

>long history of left wing terrorism, including political assassination, gangs of brownshirts intimidating people, and even a bunch of faggots who literally dug up someone's dead mother
>we don't like antifa either, but real socialism has never been tried, so now we're going to outlaw your opinion

>dumb, fat nazi kills three other extremists
>omg this is the end of the world, I feel so threatened by this one idiot making a rash decision that will affect the world in no way, and is not actually part of a larger framework!

At least with Breivik his killcount warranted some level of worry. But niggers in the hood rack up this kind of killcount during common fucking robberies, yet no-one on the left complains about that. But really, where is all the nuance and virtue signalling we normally see from lefties after politically motivated attacks?

It's like you can't help but point the finger at everyone else, what a child

No, they're not. Because communists killed far more for the exact same reason. And that's exactly why they love to push the next worst to the front of the line. If they didn't, people might start wondering why we still even allow Marxist politics, given its abysmal human rights track record.

My dude was thicc

How stupid are you, really?

Point is left wing people aren't sticking to their own dogma. When you condone terrorism, you can't cry crocodile tears about a dude killing three people with a car.

That's the funny part: This type of attack originates from Palestinian terrorists. The same dudes who get massive amounts of sympathy from AntiFa types. So why the fuck are they suddenly so pissed off about being the victims of a tactic they themselves espouse? Explain that to me.

weren't communist, they were soviet.

Communism works until US decide it's not close enough to their ideals and fuck them up (Cuba, Venezuela)

Personally, I think genocide on the basis of race is more reprehensible than purges on the basis of control. Not that either is acceptable, though. Autocrats and Oligarchs in general are bad news.

Are you so out of touch that you don't realize they only killed one person? Two cops died in a helicopter accident. If you're going to try to sound like you know what you're talking about you're going to have to learn how to fucking do research. Suck a dick you fucking faggot. You're a coward and no matter how eloquently you want to spin that that's what you are at your core.


>Hurr durr, we're here to save the white race.

OPEC fucked Venezuela not the US.

your a fucking idiot

Because the left never drove a car into a group of nazis, nor have they shot up a church to start a race war, nor do they have a history of lynching people or attacking those with different opinions. Save your self defense propaganda for another day, its getting old

Yea kind of hard to take my fellow whitey serious if he can't take care of himself physically. How u gonna fight Anitfa when your belts fighting your gut.

You need a serious lesson of History.
Palestinians are CRUSHED by Israel, which is an artificial country built just for a bunch of jews who needed to get their "home" after being persecuted in Europe and North Asia.
The problem is they're pushing frontiers, putting a bunch of colonies everywhere on what was Palestinian territory. Furnished like hell by US, Israel has crushed those people who, given their allies, can't afford a regular army and the setup of a real solid war between two countries.
Basically, Palestinians are collateral victims of the Nazis, using Israel as proxies. That's why they have the antifa sympathy. Besides, that mercy and kindness is toward the people, not the terrorists.

Here is what I find so damn amusing. Alt right will argue with and make fun of white people who don't agree with them. But when you try to tell them that not all (insert what they hate) are all the same they seriously can't comprehend it.

tl;dr even though they know all whites don't think and act the same they can't comprehend that about any other group

That's pure nonsense. Every communist nation that even slightly succeeded, such as China and Vietnam, did so by shifting back to capitalism. The Soviet Union was a textbook implementation of communism, as practiced by some of the most prominent minds in the ideology. It didn't work because communism doesn't work.

Personally, I don't give two shits why my executioner is killing me. If people are murderers, they are murderers. And I'm pretty sure there was loads of ethnic emnity in the Soviet Union. They also went after Jews, for instance. One village that was murdered by the nazis, was decimated by the NKVD a few years before that. After that gangbang, there were none left.

Nobody on the left is tell you that you can't be a white supremacist nazi faggot, go ahead and be one you fucking autist republitard.

But its our first amendment right to protest against the stupid hateful faggotry you spew out of your retarded mouth.

It's rather ironic that your complaining about libtards exercising their first amendment right to call you a nazi faggot while at the same time saying its your first amendment right to spew your nazi faggotry out of your mouth.

So spew your filth, go forth. We will be right there beside you calling you what you are and we will all be exercising our first amendment rights.

>what are gulags
>what was the holodomor
>how many were killed by Mao
>Pol Pot? Where can I get some?
>Che totally wasn't racist
Fuck you.

You need check your history dude if you honestly think libs didn't lynch people.. Ever heard of slaves, civil war, Kkk, segregation, the right for Blacks to vote?.. Hmm where did the libs vote on those issues?

>Personally, I don't give two shits why my executioner is killing me. If people are murderers, they are murderers. And I'm pretty sure there was loads of ethnic emnity in the Soviet Union. They also went after Jews, for instance. One village that was murdered by the nazis, was decimated by the NKVD a few years before that. After that gangbang, there were none left.
So I'll say it again: Autocrats are bad news, no matter what they claim, they are all lying. They always have lied, and they always will. Don't be so eager to get away from on kind of dictator that you run into the arms of another.

OK Mrs. Sin can we now get a smile while he...... No no smile ok then.

Yeah, when the articles say "three killed at attack", surely they mean that the dude ramped his car up into the sky to take out the chopper.

When the commies said you Nazis are retarded, I didn't think they were speaking literally.

Gta style.

>muh reddit spacing
>muh Sup Forumsposting on Sup Forums
>muh altright meme
>muh racism
you're really in the wrong place, cuckaroo


You have no ideas what communism really is, right ?
Also, soviets were socialist, current marxism-leninim, given the ultimate form of a communist society is stateless.

>Pol Pot? Where can I get some?
Pol Pot was literally the opposite of a communist. Going back to a previous empire: who's goal was that, Mussolini's, or Pol Pot's?
Dictators are bad news, no matter what they preach, anyways.

>conveniently leaves out the part about how the left owned slaves, instituted jim crow laws, founded the kkk, and lynched people

Typical left wing rethoric at work.

Left wing people have placed bombs, assassinated people, and committed genocide when they were in charge of countries. Read a book. Or the newspaper. Or anything at all, really.

>terrorist attacks are acts of resistance

Exactly like I said.

i remember an user saying "we don't have crazy muslims running over our people!"

yeah, you don't need muslims for that apparently


Blood, soil and LARP

Oh no, someone has attempted to attack me verbally over the internet. Whatever shall I do?

your answer is stupid and that answer smells bad faith.
Terrorism is the ultimate answer to issues that people can't find solutions to. It's understandable, not likable.

never said they've never placed bombs but in recent times especially, most attacks are by conservatives and right-wingers. Sorry it's a fact, even in europe.

stop being an idiot would be great

Not even American. But you're full of shit. Leftists are constantly trying to outlaw any opinion that isn't left wing. Shit, I'm not even a Nazi. I'm a liberal. And the left is trying to outlaw my liberal opinions, too.

But what the fuck is your point, even? I'm calling you marxist faggots hypocrites because you don't stick to your own rules. What does that have to do with rights?


actually america is 77% white

Why don't you stop relying on ad hominen attacks?

I don't think that's 100% accurate seeing as Mexicans put down white on the census.

If no one qoutes you, you've never said anything worth saying.

Be somebody basic bitch

If it is asperational I back it

I told you to stop being an idiot as a solution, I didn't call you "idiot".
I'm not 741998058

tfw you see neckbeards taking the bait

>this week on "Trying to justify my own existence", the show where complete nobodies try to prove they are slightly less of a nobody than you with illogical bullshit
If only idiots quote you, you were just the first idiot to say that quotable dumb shit

Nah just to hide from ICE

And my solution to you is to not take things personally. Once you get that someone having an opinion that you don't usually see outside of your safe space isn't attacking you personally, maybe people will be willing to listen to you.

how about 77% +/- 5%?

>criticize the results of implementing communism
>it wasn't REAL communism! REAL communism has never been tried, because the moment people try it, it goes wrong, and it isn't REAL communism anymore!

I'm so fucking tired of this argument. According to you guys there's never been an actual communist nation, except maybe for some temporary nations during the Spanish Civil War, that were still rife with death squads, but never lasted long enough to fall apart in the first place. And really, what's the fucking difference? They're all still the result of people trying to implement communism. So maybe when every attempt ends in an unlivable hellhole, maybe it's not that good of an idea?

You're aware that this is one of the founding principles of Marxist though, right? The idea that anyone who reads the doctrine and doesn't agree is either stupid or evil? how the fuck am I supposed to take an ideology seriously when it bakes a clause like that into itself, and it's used so damn often by its adherents?

Marxism sucks. As far as I care, you can fuck off to some compound and be Marxist to your heart's content. Just leave the rest of the world out of it.

>but it must be global!

Yeah, you must have total power before it works. Funny, that.

Yours too nigger

Alright that's more science like. But I feel like our demise as a race is on a spectrum just like gender. Only the upper clash educated whites are dieing out whoie us lower class "redneck" are expanding our ranks.

This world is fucked. Both the right and left have become so detached from reality that all they see is some faggot ass hatred for each. You're all retarded hypercritical fucks.

Emotional nonsense. Bad faith? Really?

But again, if that's what you think, you really shouldn't be complaining about this Nazi plowing into a crowd. That was my point right from the start.

So am I to understand that you empathize with his problems? That you think he has a point that should be adressed by national politics?

No, that's not a fact. I once asked someone who claimed this for a list of resources, and they triumphantly produced a list of "right wing terror attacks" that consisted mostly of fistfights, and even counted fights in which one perpetrator was *suspected* of having far right sympathies. Yeah, I can stack the deck like that, too. By that definition any crime committed by an islamic immigrant is islamic terrorism.

And islamic extremists are clearly the worst perpetrators of terrorism in Europe. Sure, you can point your finger to Breivik, but breivik acted alone, and there hasn't been a repeat of his attack. We've had multiple islamic attacks according to the same patterns, attributed to and claimed by the same organization.

And frankly, I think organization is an important distinction between proper terrorism and politically motivated lone wolf attacks. Terrorism simply doesn't work when there's no follow up attack to fear when the demands aren't heeded.

Damn i guess you are right, we better join tumblr now, whos with me?

>consisted mostly of fistfights
which would mostly be the left

so we can agree in terms of terror attacks/acts of violence

muslims > right wingers > left wingers