Why a true red pilled aryan should always chose a turkish girl

>much prettier then anglo cows
>as pretty as white women
>always nationalistic
>knows how to fight and therefore protect your future family
>hates feminists
>accept the true role of a women and stays in the kitchen

I'm right now dating an aisha and i can just advise you to do the same

her brothers and cousins are a hassle though

>dating a mudslime

you just cant make this shit up. folks

good point my swedish brother u might have to buy her out for some camels

actually have some experience with that with a turkish girl I dated.

They were intimidating one time and then nothing. but maybe they were moderate kek

>mfw i realize how much cuter turkish ladies are compared to your niglets

really? what happend?

>gets beaten by her husband without complaining

They just confronted me and asked if I knew they were responsible for her. I said yes

When is this turk living in germany gonna get out of Sup Forums and back to his sandcastle?


Just like the first world war, this was inevitable.


Y... Y-you have seven pictures named beady eyes..?

I have 93 pictures in my Anglo Internet Defence Force series

I have around 20 pictures just of the Eternal Anglo and his beady eyes

>Hates Brits
>Loves Turks

You're pathetic.

Whiteness Scale:

Aryans > Turks > Anglos

Some might argue that Turks are Aryan so that would be:

Aryans > shit > Anglos

Who doesn't?



this is now an offical anglo hate thread
here i have one for your collection

>also daily reminder that turks > anglos

He's not OP.

dont go there matey



>he fell for the bad teeth meme

If anything, your first president had fucking wooden teeth.

Damn i'm thinking of 'Merica disregard that post.