Cont. fluffy thread

cont. fluffy thread
not the glorious motherfucker that posted this pic but i am the guy that wanted cyka fluffy



continued complaint: Why don't we have quality animated OC yet?



















Are you around here Jerry user?





And this was the last, I have to sleep. Thanks to the motherfucking user who hyped me.



Good to see you again.


Just finished this. Does everything look ok before I post it to the booru? -Fluffyfoals

Yeah, sorry, man. It's been a hell of a weekend

>today is going to be prep day for when Fudge gets to go into the saferoom
>since he's asleep right now, I decide to check on Jerry and the others

Hey I'm in the screen cap!

I don't hold it against you. /trash/fag's ban ended recently, so the previous fluffy threads before today were mostly shit.

Looks good to me.

That's a bitch to hear, man

Indeed it is. He'll give up eventually though. They always do.




>The fluffpile begins to stir
>Jerry is already awake, TV still on
>Your electric bill must be through the roof


Yes. I've been looking for fear boner for weeks


no no, thank YOU my dude



>"Okay Jerry, before this new fluffy comes to visit us, I have to lay down some rules. When he's here, you're not supposed to give special huggies, okay?"
>I think that's going to be the hardest part about all of this








>ywn sabe cawwot

>Jerry frowns
>"Wy nu enfies? Mawy nu soon mummah"
>Junior notices you're here from the top of her pile
>"Oddah daddeh!"
>She bounds down off the other fluffies, waking them up as well
>They surround you, chattering good mornings and requests for "nummies"


Ugh. They're cold, cheap pizza rolls. No reason to stab a goddamn fluffy over it. Not like you would've fucking finished them.


Poor little guy....his owner should have at least left him a stuffie to keep him safe.

>"Just don't do it when the nice fluffy is here. It's considered impolite."
>since Junior's here I'll lay down the law with her too
>"Now Junior, when the nice fluffy comes over, you can't call the enfie-pals dummies or give them sorry hoofsies. This nice fluffy cares very much about them, and it would hurt his feelings if you said or did either of those things."

>Jerry nods sullenly, looking back at Mary
>"Otay, daddeh....."
>Junior is much more compliant, especially with Jerry's agreement
>"Otay oddah daddeh. Junya stay way fwum dummeh. Junya wanna meet nyu fwuffy!"
>The others chant "Nyu fwuffy!" in unison


>good, things are going smoother than I thought
>"He'll be here very soon, I'm sure. Just wait here for him."
>I leave the saferoom and check to see if Fudge is awake yet



>Fudge is staring at the TV while Tilly and Rose try playing tag, moving much slower due to pregnancy
>Seems like he's learned to operate the remote
>Or where the ON button is, anyhow



I want to think the smarty foal devised this, and the other fluffies are dumb enough to follow it.

>now I wonder if Jerry and his ilk are smarter than average in addition to stronger than average
>because I don't think turning on TVs and naming your kids is normal fluffy behavior
>that may or may not be a test for another time, though
>"Okay Fudge, I think Bud and Mary are doing well enough that you can see the now. Before we go see them, I need to know how you'd feel about seeing a fluffy with wings and a horn."
>I never taught Fudge about alicorns because I assumed he'd never see one


honestly, while i'm not new to fluffies, why do they eat meat?




scavenger instinct kicks in when desperate for food, not uncommon in real life

Same reason any creature does: protein. Fluffies are omnivorous. Cannibals, however....only if they're bred to be, or smarties. It's not normal fluffy behavior to eat another, in spite of what some draw/writefags say.


I would disagree. A basic fluffy would more than likely starve to death before eating another. It's not likely an idea or concept they'd comprehend.

>Fudge's eyes widen
>"Does nu weal, daddeh. Fwuffies owny had hownies o wingies."

anyone have the rest ?

The red smarty is a fucking badass tbh.

The one smarty I like.

recent rodent mothers will eat their own children if they feel there isnt enough food/protein. so in some situations it wouldnt be unheard of for it to spontaneously happen when stressed

same, red baron was and still is the ONLY smarty i don't want to tear to shreds

>"I can assure you Fudge, they're very real. We can go see one right now, as a matter of fact. How does that sound?"
>I really hope he doesn't think Cloud's a monster

But not as common as writers and artists would lead you to believe.

i think hed be classified as a smarty friend as he doesnt constantly refer to himself as a smarty. its more a result of learned behavior as he still posses enough empathy to protect bestest baby


I can almost imagine him with a Duke Nukem style voice and he'd be all set in my mind.

>"Dat.....dat soun scawy"
>You've clearly blown Fudge's mind
>Good thing he's housebroken
>Rose and Tilly continue to hobble around the living room, beginning to huff for breath

Fair enough, I still think he's a badass.


Idk, have you seen those vids of the horse or the goat eating those baby chicks? Ate them like a Mc Nugget

Idea for story. Abuser puts forelegs spikes on a young foal so anytime it gives hugs it stabs its brothers and sisters. Gets wailed on by them for giving 'worst' huwrtie huggies. Weeks pass and the spike cuffs has cut off circulation to the forelegs causing them to rot off. Mother is punished for letting it happen. Any ideas to make it worse? Mother has to eat the ex spikeleg baby and then eat the fore legs of another one because the half pillowed one didn't count as a whole one?

Those are chicks, not their own children or children of their own species.