How do ya feel about this loss faggots?

How do ya feel about this loss faggots?

Other urls found in this thread:

>nig with his hands in pockets
yeah he's a real threat lmao

Both sides lost. Violence does nothing but create violence and since neither wanted to take the high road and act like civilized people, we have people dead and hurt for no reason.

MLK is spinning in his grave right now.

Like he needs more than a hand to make you bend like a bitch

*teleports behind nig*

There's no both in this it's all alt right fault

fuck white people


what the fuck happened?

fuck non-white people.


A world where Sup Forums and the likes are illegal is inching closer

lmao mad whitey

You should know that white people outside the US are not racist tho..
Im the OP and I think alt right are just frustrated kissless dudes

did they finally fuck net neutrality or what?

That's wrong and you know it. Two sides showed up with clashing views and violence broke out. People were ignorant and should be ashamed of themselves for letting it get to the point where people died.

To say that it's all one side's fault and claim the other is completely innocent even though they participated in the same actions is very, very childish.

>tfw you try to speak with reason on Sup Forums

old dude is fucking a flower.

I understand that in the US the left and the right is pretty fucked in the head lol
Still I think 4chin is gonna get a lot of heat now
Might be a funny backfire for racist cunts
Just read this.

Cool ass diy flamethrower I must say but nothing is better than this edgy fashy hipster's jaw


>U.S. left
Hardly a thing; the closest people we have to leftists are Bernie Sanders, the Green Party, and small Anarchist, Communist, and Socialist collectives that nobody else cares about.

Antifa show up like always to start violence and it ends like usual. They never get punished by the media cause they have privilege

Whats your point tho?
Still the one's loosing here are the white supremacists, which to me is 90% Sup Forums and reddit

Reddit is a leftist shithole.......what are you on about?

anybody mind filling me up on whats going on ?

They are pretty bad but you at least you can get behind they're ideas.
Besides the driver was of the vanguard..

My point is it's right-wing retards vs right-wing retards squabbling over nothing more but power.

Reddit has its own share of racists they're are just less open about it

>filling me up
I'll fill you up, bend over and you'll get all the info you need.

Read the wired post about the attack, Sup Forums is blamed pretty hard, its posted here.

Both sides are fucking idiots and the best that we can hope for is that you all end up killing each other.

Wired's post*

>you can get behind their ideas
Fascism hasn't been a thing since Mussolini died, they're upset and confused young people looking for something to scream at.

Its not about sides it's about public opinion.

>How do ya feel about this loss faggots?
bretty upset, eventually communist china will rule americucks as slaves

i for one bow down to our new commie overlords

I won't deny that but white supremacy is just a joke.
If anything the jews are up to something

Eh jew power is too strong in America.
All this mumble rap nonsense Lil Pump 21 Savage gangsta garbage is all funded by the jews, look up Tedd Moscowitz for example

I agree, it is a joke but none the less we can't tolerate ANTIFA's political violence whwn it's unjustified.

Public opinion is that you're all cunts who should grow up and get jobs.

I know man its pretty sad, but its a lost battle.

Im studying yo..


Yes, but the majority of people have always been mere animals, interested in breeding and feeding and little else.

This is why democracy holds the seeds of its own destruction. It tells the lie that all opinions are of equal value. Thus the ignorant outvote the wise.


I disagree to an extent. True democracy keeps tyranny in check by keeping political power in the hands of its people. This doesn't work when its people are truly idiots. Communism and fascism only work when the leaders of the movement are truly benevolent, but time and time again this has been proven to be impossible.

Drunk on power and high on hate. It's always been this way and always will be, and that's a tragic thing.

Enlightened communist here, there are no leaders among us.

There has to be leaders in the beginning stages. The transformation into a true communist society requires leadership to do so. Socialism comes first, then true communism, and this doesn't happen overnight. It requires leadership and guidance.


The "leader" is merely a representative of the enlightened people, he does not command us but rather exists as a tangible entity meant to dismantle the evils of Capitalism.

Yes, but the issue is that this representative, time and time again, has been corrupt. I see your points, but communism only works in theory. If it didn't, then communist societies would exist and be prosperous. I see Marx's points, and while this doesn't represent communism as a whole, but if this represenative becomes corrupt then Stalin and Mao would be in power again, metaphorically speaking.

Aka Putin

They don't exist because American Capitalist imperialism has squashed other efforts. Furthermore, Mao and Stalin were not believers.

Are you really this immature?
Violence solves everything. Literally.

Shut up kid

I think it's going to be pretty funny when the can explodes and kills the niggger

KEK he came in with a wooden shield?? What a fucking retard. Here's the Bed Bath & Beyond tiki sale special

Eh another nigger will replace him

Try me faggot. I rape gays and kill niggers with my chainsaw on a nightly basis. AND THEN I USE THE GAYS AND NIGGERS AS FUEL (FOR THE CHAINSAW)

Fuck yeah

Ax + by + c is invarialy solved by violence

Its practically a tautoligy to e honest


So much smart only to be ruined by a grammar mistake.

I suck myown dick to power up the shoulder mounted rail gun utilizin the salts and carbon chains bitch.

Then I hunt down babies hiding out in nurseries and rape the ponies their parents promised them but never bought

>Use niggers as fuel
>Solve two global crisises

ha, makes me smile inside because I can't on the outside

Yeah pretty much explains why I am hear

tiki torches? is there some porch missing them? fuckers can't even make real torches

Well played boi

Why is his violin green? Is it becoming a racist violent?

Pick one.

Thats a '95 black for ya son

Thats a '95 black for ya son

They're synonymous, stupid Capitalist.

>How dare these thugs not let me advocate genocide in peace!

Ignoring that you're an idiot, which side do you think showed up with the more explicit intent of doing violence: the side wearing t-shirts and using improvised tools to attack, or the side with custom made body armor, shields and clubs?

Steve Carrell is not HAVING this guy's shit.

Sauce? I need this garment in my life.

On the spot user.
In my opinion nobody under the age of 18 should have consent to say anything on the net.
That would solve so many things.

Some shitty facebook meme page so a hard so a hard find buddy

no thats just a really compressed oldfag meme

Post boobs




I have broken both of my wrists and im offended.