Hey Sup Forums I wanna take Benadryl to get high

hey Sup Forums I wanna take Benadryl to get high
have any of you done this?
>also drug thread

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Dont. Its not worth it.

have you done it?

Take enough and you'll die
Take not enough and you'll fall asleep
Take 7

Army medic here. It will make you feel like shit tomorrow. Groggy, dehydrated, absolutely homosexual.

If you can resist from getting asleep, you would be irritable, and maybe feel vertigo

I took like around dten i think. I had hallucinations that looked almost like spiders or the shadow of branches. Some random stuff in my room looked like it was twitching. It wasn't to bad but after i tried to sleep and felt a lot of anxiety on my feet. The next day I felt a bit depressed. Overall I wouldn't do it again but it wasn't too bad

it's a really stupid buzz op, do not recommend

Ok so what would you guys recommend
also I'm OP

I've done it. Possibly my worst high ever.

yes, its kinda like being dehydrated no matter how much water you drink, wanting to fall asleep then drifting from being awake to semi lucid, and and the shadow people you can have half conversations that you dont remember, also the body high is similar to sleep paralysis except spiders are now crawling all over you.

tldr just do dxm like all the other middle schoolers

any combination of the above

sounds like a yes to me, gl

Go to bed sober. You're literally just going to get tired, fight it, get high for 10 minutes (not a top tier high either), then feel like shiiiiiit tomorrow.

3 or 4 Hydrocodones . Or some Promethazine syrup with a Soma.

Not even remotely worth it. 48 hours later, 12 of which were spent in the hospital, I woke up in a court ordered rehab chained to a bed.

Benadryl and other anti-choligenic drugs are strongly linked with dementia. Wouldn't recommend taking any.

I have two bottles of promethazine but I'm more scared of that than Benadryl


Do 700 mg of Benadryl.

Sweeten it up with a little Sprite or 7-Up and a jolly rancher. You may have some seizures, but Little Wayne has managed to survive all of his...

If you don't have another thing like Soma (100 mg with 50 mg promethazine, then use small amounts of alcohol or weed. Better yet, codeine in small doses.

Benadryl won't kill you in amounts to get a deliriant high on its own (700 mg), but close to 2 grams is fatal
It'll make you shit inside and out and all day at deliriant doses, which is the only rec value it has
More than that.
You realize Vicodin, the most common brand I assume, doesn't come in one fixed dose, right?
5/300(Vicodin) 7.5/300(Vicodin ES) and 10/300 (Vicodin HP).
So, 20 mg, which is a common-strong dose for beginners, 30 mg, a strong dose, and 40 mg, nearly lethal for beginners.

thanks for advice friend!

Also, just to clarify, a Benadryl high is bound to be unpleasant and probably dangerous.
Just read this (psychonautwiki.org/w/index.php?title=Diphenhydramine&_=) and go to Erowid to see what I mean.

I did it once, woke up in the hospital unable to talk, slipping in and out of consciousness, heart rate so high by all rights i should have died, and apparently they had catheterized me, and when it was taken out i looked at my dick then to the nuts and went "they broke it! They really broke it!" Not fucking worth it.

ive done it with booze and weed. Can get pretty dysphoric if you lose focus of the novelty imo

>tried sleeping at the end of my trip
>thought eyes fell out
>turned light on and proceeded to search for eyes

Take robo instead you'll have a better time. Or just take some real drugs instead.

name some real drugs

what's an appropriate amount of ativan and Adderall XR to take to feel anything, anything at all?

On saturday I took 4 mg ativan and felt nothing
Sunday morning I took 20 mg Adderall XR and felt nothing

sources are from a fellow's prescription. I weigh 220

I was hoping to feel something this weekend so this was disappointing

Just get kratom way easier and better high. And super easy to get

If you're looking to trip, acid will always be my first recommendation at low doses.

Personal preference for uppers will always be cocaine or dextroamphetamine. Oxys are the obvious choice for downers.

I had some good and bad benadryl and robo experiences as a high schooler who couldn't get better shit. But both of them aren't meant to be abused and can really cause some lasting damage, whereas LSD/shroomies/MDMA aren't likely to if they're what they say they are.

>4 mg Ativan and felt nothing
Lol what?
If it's your first benzodiazepine, you'd get the fuck kicked out of you, tired as shit. My starting dose of Ativan was 0.5 mg and I felt effects and sedation, similar weight to you, dude.
If you feel nothing from Adderall XR, it's because it's XR and/or you have ADHD.

You should be feeling some shit from 4mg of ativan. I'm prescribed both of these. However, ativan doesn't really lend itself to euphoria. If you felt sedated or sleepy that's it. you felt all there was to feel.

The Adderall XR you should feel some shit from as well, unless you have ADHD. For reference, I'm a 130lb girl and take 25mg twice daily. You can probably take 40mg of the XRs at one time without dying and you should probably speed from that.

Shit, I feel dopey from .25mg of lorazepam.

I have no prior experience or tolerance to benzos. I took four 1 mg tablets all shortly together.

I took 1 mg on Friday and felt nothing and so just took the rest I had (4) on Saturday. I felt nothing, so maybe I just shouldn't bother with ativan again? If I have some weird genetics that means I need a lot of it I'm not risking that with benzos.

I guess next time for Adderall I'll double the dose to see if I feel anything. XR is probably the factor but I'll see if 40 mg can do the trick.

If you're really that strong on benzos, snort the bitches at 4 mg then, you shit. Same with Adderall at 20. Cut capsule and take beads out.
Go here if you want; the article isn't fully refined, but here: psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Talk:Proper_Insuffulation

Try drinking a bunch of scotch beforehand. Why do I do these things to myself?

Only plus side it has involves music or shit like ASMR.
Aside from that, the hallucinations in of themselves can be pretty odd and would probably be uncomfortable for most people. Ambient sounds and white noise can become odd mouth sounds and whispers, and you'll find rooms that don't exist in your home, places that don't exist, and you'll talk to people that aren't there or whom are dead. Additionally, you'll probably be extremely uncomfortable touching certain things, and will likely take off your clothes.
You'll see yourself, or the walls, or surfaces covered in insects or faces.
Drink a lot of water, take a bit of aspirin to cut down the risk of heart failure, and if things get too intense, repeat to yourself that you're on drugs, and it's all temporary. I'd recommend 500-700mgs as a starting dose, depending on your weight and experience with deliriants.
Next time, don't act like a highschooler, and don't take shit like diphenhydramine, dramamine, dxm, nutmeg, mescal beans, or jimson weed. LSA in morning glory seeds are alright, and salvia isn't too useful, so stick to real people drugs like psilocybin, mescaline, or acid.

Very lame high you feel dizzy + drunk but it also feels like you have a fever it also feels hard to walk it also make you feel tired if you wanna get high take 20 and wait 3 hours you'll be fine you won't get sick or die but I did it and it was Lame

Thanks, I have 4 adderalls left, if 2 20 mg doesn't do the trick then I'll try popping the last 2 open.

This is why I went straight from 1 to 4 for ativan. If 1 didn't do anything at all, 2 might not or only be mild, and then I'd only have 2 left. A higher does might work for me but I'm not going to bother with ativan again. Maybe if I get other benzos in the future I'll try those.

Don't bother.
It's a shitty trip.
You'll be tired as fuck for the whole trip and next day.
You'll see spiders and scary shit.
You'll hear things (I fucking hate auditory hallucinations my dude).
Don't bother.

been there.
>friend gave me ativan for first time
>friend gave me beer
>blacked out
>came to in a strange house, playing zelda
>heard redneck who owned said house offering to lick my pussy just as I came back to reality
>friend came and saved me

benzos are basically awful. I use hydroxyzine most of the time anymore.

mescaline is a beautiful thing but fair warning it does taste like shit if you have it as tea

so, I'm gonna go and say I'm an expert on the subject. I'll take 200mg periodically for day trips and 550-650mg pretty much every night.

I love the stuff. It's a strong, THC-like high to me. The dysphoria manifests itself as ataxia and stiff joints, but I don't experience any other insufferable effects.

What a curious user should know is that there is a humongous list side effects that are vastly different from person to person. One person sees shadow people, another with get a perpetual boner, and someone else will end up in the hospital trying to explain how you ended up naked on a big wheel at the local drive thru.

First timers should go for a max dose of 200-300mg. There's a no fun zone between 300 and 500 where the effects never really get good enough and just leave you stranded.

It's universal effects are slurred speech, loss of equilibrium (vertigo), enlarged prostate, irritability, and sensitivity to sound and light.

Generally speaking, if your apprehensive about substance abuse, this drug is going to fuck your shit. If youre confident you can correctly judge the experience, it can be very enjoyable.

Ofc don't drive. Don't go to work. Dont mix with other drugs. Hope this helps someone. Enjoy!

Yes. It's a waste. Lasts way too long and you have no control whatsoever or ability to discern between real and your "trip" you're delicious

mixing bleach and ammonia makes some really fucking dope shit, and you pay your respects to uncle hitler