Post only the most bizarre album covers you've ever seen

Post only the most bizarre album covers you've ever seen.

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The backstory is that this was given to Maiden as an unfinished rough, kind of a "this is the sort of thing I'm going for", but the eejits said it's cool this way. I can actually see this being a pretty damn cool album cover had it actually been finished.

no, because everyone links to the same "thrift store" records christian shit & crap that was actually created in photoshop 15 years ago


I do the same thing, honestly. My sister is an artist and a lot of the times when we lived together I'd tell her - no, no, stop now. Leave it unfinished, it's a good look.

if memory serves the person they commissioned to make it said fuck you, don't even credit me with making this shit

This one has always confused me. A surgeon is hitting pictures of people with a hammer and they're bleeding? What?

oh the fader sucks

heres the actual link




It's sine Argentinian rock album about animal assassins or something.

This one takes the cake. You just fucking know they wanted to be as pretentious as possible with this tripe.

That's cool af desu

It always baffles me how one can fuck up a portrait of Ringo with some flowers this bad!

Better or worse?



what the fuck

definitely worse. is weird but interesting and surreal and original because of it. just looks like your standard metal album cover.

Always the favorite

>drains social security
>takes your healthcare
>imports minorities
>crashes economy
>dumps waste into fresh water


I want to fuck the one on the left beside the devil

Kek, I've actually seen this one before. Gave me a chuckle fuck.



wow they couldn't even get dadaism right for the cover

Seems pretty standard for a noise release.

What if they're his past victims and the blood is from that hand in the trash. Doesn't explain why he's hitting the pictures tho

but is that in itself the dadaism?



Is this Kill Em All...?


Bowie literally just said "draw me like one of them animes" and that was the result